Module bevy_color::prelude

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Commonly used color types and traits.


  • Color in Hue-Saturation-Lightness (HSL) color space with alpha. Further information on this color model can be found on Wikipedia.
  • Color in Hue-Saturation-Value (HSV) color space with alpha. Further information on this color model can be found on Wikipedia.
  • Color in Hue-Whiteness-Blackness (HWB) color space with alpha. Further information on this color model can be found on Wikipedia.
  • Color in LAB color space, with alpha
  • Color in LCH color space, with alpha
  • Linear RGB color with alpha.
  • Color in Oklab color space, with alpha
  • Color in Oklch color space, with alpha
  • Non-linear standard RGB with alpha.
  • CIE 1931 color space, also known as XYZ, with an alpha channel.


  • An enumerated type that can represent any of the color types in this crate.
  • Error returned if a hex string could not be parsed as a color.


  • Methods for manipulating alpha values.
  • Trait with methods for converting colors to non-color types
  • Trait with methods for converting colors to packed non-color types
  • Trait for returning a grayscale color of a provided lightness.
  • Trait for manipulating the hue of a color.
  • Methods for changing the luminance of a color. Note that these methods are not guaranteed to produce consistent results across color spaces, but will be within a given space.
  • Linear interpolation of two colors within a given color space.