
1use core::any::{Any, TypeId};
3use bevy_ecs::world::{unsafe_world_cell::UnsafeWorldCell, World};
4use bevy_reflect::{FromReflect, FromType, PartialReflect, Reflect};
6use crate::{Asset, AssetId, Assets, Handle, UntypedAssetId, UntypedHandle};
8/// Type data for the [`TypeRegistry`](bevy_reflect::TypeRegistry) used to operate on reflected [`Asset`]s.
10/// This type provides similar methods to [`Assets<T>`] like [`get`](ReflectAsset::get),
11/// [`add`](ReflectAsset::add) and [`remove`](ReflectAsset::remove), but can be used in situations where you don't know which asset type `T` you want
12/// until runtime.
14/// [`ReflectAsset`] can be obtained via [`TypeRegistration::data`](bevy_reflect::TypeRegistration::data) if the asset was registered using [`register_asset_reflect`](crate::AssetApp::register_asset_reflect).
16pub struct ReflectAsset {
17    handle_type_id: TypeId,
18    assets_resource_type_id: TypeId,
20    get: fn(&World, UntypedHandle) -> Option<&dyn Reflect>,
21    // SAFETY:
22    // - may only be called with an [`UnsafeWorldCell`] which can be used to access the corresponding `Assets<T>` resource mutably
23    // - may only be used to access **at most one** access at once
24    get_unchecked_mut: unsafe fn(UnsafeWorldCell<'_>, UntypedHandle) -> Option<&mut dyn Reflect>,
25    add: fn(&mut World, &dyn PartialReflect) -> UntypedHandle,
26    insert: fn(&mut World, UntypedHandle, &dyn PartialReflect),
27    len: fn(&World) -> usize,
28    ids: for<'w> fn(&'w World) -> Box<dyn Iterator<Item = UntypedAssetId> + 'w>,
29    remove: fn(&mut World, UntypedHandle) -> Option<Box<dyn Reflect>>,
32impl ReflectAsset {
33    /// The [`TypeId`] of the [`Handle<T>`] for this asset
34    pub fn handle_type_id(&self) -> TypeId {
35        self.handle_type_id
36    }
38    /// The [`TypeId`] of the [`Assets<T>`] resource
39    pub fn assets_resource_type_id(&self) -> TypeId {
40        self.assets_resource_type_id
41    }
43    /// Equivalent of [`Assets::get`]
44    pub fn get<'w>(&self, world: &'w World, handle: UntypedHandle) -> Option<&'w dyn Reflect> {
45        (self.get)(world, handle)
46    }
48    /// Equivalent of [`Assets::get_mut`]
49    pub fn get_mut<'w>(
50        &self,
51        world: &'w mut World,
52        handle: UntypedHandle,
53    ) -> Option<&'w mut dyn Reflect> {
54        // SAFETY: unique world access
55        #[expect(
56            unsafe_code,
57            reason = "Use of unsafe `Self::get_unchecked_mut()` function."
58        )]
59        unsafe {
60            (self.get_unchecked_mut)(world.as_unsafe_world_cell(), handle)
61        }
62    }
64    /// Equivalent of [`Assets::get_mut`], but works with an [`UnsafeWorldCell`].
65    ///
66    /// Only use this method when you have ensured that you are the *only* one with access to the [`Assets`] resource of the asset type.
67    /// Furthermore, this does *not* allow you to have look up two distinct handles,
68    /// you can only have at most one alive at the same time.
69    /// This means that this is *not allowed*:
70    /// ```no_run
71    /// # use bevy_asset::{ReflectAsset, UntypedHandle};
72    /// # use bevy_ecs::prelude::World;
73    /// # let reflect_asset: ReflectAsset = unimplemented!();
74    /// # let mut world: World = unimplemented!();
75    /// # let handle_1: UntypedHandle = unimplemented!();
76    /// # let handle_2: UntypedHandle = unimplemented!();
77    /// let unsafe_world_cell = world.as_unsafe_world_cell();
78    /// let a = unsafe { reflect_asset.get_unchecked_mut(unsafe_world_cell, handle_1).unwrap() };
79    /// let b = unsafe { reflect_asset.get_unchecked_mut(unsafe_world_cell, handle_2).unwrap() };
80    /// // ^ not allowed, two mutable references through the same asset resource, even though the
81    /// // handles are distinct
82    ///
83    /// println!("a = {a:?}, b = {b:?}");
84    /// ```
85    ///
86    /// # Safety
87    /// This method does not prevent you from having two mutable pointers to the same data,
88    /// violating Rust's aliasing rules. To avoid this:
89    /// * Only call this method if you know that the [`UnsafeWorldCell`] may be used to access the corresponding `Assets<T>`
90    /// * Don't call this method more than once in the same scope.
91    #[expect(
92        unsafe_code,
93        reason = "This function calls unsafe code and has safety requirements."
94    )]
95    pub unsafe fn get_unchecked_mut<'w>(
96        &self,
97        world: UnsafeWorldCell<'w>,
98        handle: UntypedHandle,
99    ) -> Option<&'w mut dyn Reflect> {
100        // SAFETY: requirements are deferred to the caller
101        unsafe { (self.get_unchecked_mut)(world, handle) }
102    }
104    /// Equivalent of [`Assets::add`]
105    pub fn add(&self, world: &mut World, value: &dyn PartialReflect) -> UntypedHandle {
106        (self.add)(world, value)
107    }
108    /// Equivalent of [`Assets::insert`]
109    pub fn insert(&self, world: &mut World, handle: UntypedHandle, value: &dyn PartialReflect) {
110        (self.insert)(world, handle, value);
111    }
113    /// Equivalent of [`Assets::remove`]
114    pub fn remove(&self, world: &mut World, handle: UntypedHandle) -> Option<Box<dyn Reflect>> {
115        (self.remove)(world, handle)
116    }
118    /// Equivalent of [`Assets::len`]
119    pub fn len(&self, world: &World) -> usize {
120        (self.len)(world)
121    }
123    /// Equivalent of [`Assets::is_empty`]
124    pub fn is_empty(&self, world: &World) -> bool {
125        self.len(world) == 0
126    }
128    /// Equivalent of [`Assets::ids`]
129    pub fn ids<'w>(&self, world: &'w World) -> impl Iterator<Item = UntypedAssetId> + 'w {
130        (self.ids)(world)
131    }
134impl<A: Asset + FromReflect> FromType<A> for ReflectAsset {
135    fn from_type() -> Self {
136        ReflectAsset {
137            handle_type_id: TypeId::of::<Handle<A>>(),
138            assets_resource_type_id: TypeId::of::<Assets<A>>(),
139            get: |world, handle| {
140                let assets = world.resource::<Assets<A>>();
141                let asset = assets.get(&handle.typed_debug_checked());
142      |asset| asset as &dyn Reflect)
143            },
144            get_unchecked_mut: |world, handle| {
145                // SAFETY: `get_unchecked_mut` must be called with `UnsafeWorldCell` having access to `Assets<A>`,
146                // and must ensure to only have at most one reference to it live at all times.
147                #[expect(unsafe_code, reason = "Uses `UnsafeWorldCell::get_resource_mut()`.")]
148                let assets = unsafe { world.get_resource_mut::<Assets<A>>().unwrap().into_inner() };
149                let asset = assets.get_mut(&handle.typed_debug_checked());
150      |asset| asset as &mut dyn Reflect)
151            },
152            add: |world, value| {
153                let mut assets = world.resource_mut::<Assets<A>>();
154                let value: A = FromReflect::from_reflect(value)
155                    .expect("could not call `FromReflect::from_reflect` in `ReflectAsset::add`");
156                assets.add(value).untyped()
157            },
158            insert: |world, handle, value| {
159                let mut assets = world.resource_mut::<Assets<A>>();
160                let value: A = FromReflect::from_reflect(value)
161                    .expect("could not call `FromReflect::from_reflect` in `ReflectAsset::set`");
162                assets.insert(&handle.typed_debug_checked(), value);
163            },
164            len: |world| {
165                let assets = world.resource::<Assets<A>>();
166                assets.len()
167            },
168            ids: |world| {
169                let assets = world.resource::<Assets<A>>();
170                Box::new(assets.ids().map(AssetId::untyped))
171            },
172            remove: |world, handle| {
173                let mut assets = world.resource_mut::<Assets<A>>();
174                let value = assets.remove(&handle.typed_debug_checked());
175      |value| Box::new(value) as Box<dyn Reflect>)
176            },
177        }
178    }
181/// Reflect type data struct relating a [`Handle<T>`] back to the `T` asset type.
183/// Say you want to look up the asset values of a list of handles when you have access to their `&dyn Reflect` form.
184/// Assets can be looked up in the world using [`ReflectAsset`], but how do you determine which [`ReflectAsset`] to use when
185/// only looking at the handle? [`ReflectHandle`] is stored in the type registry on each `Handle<T>` type, so you can use [`ReflectHandle::asset_type_id`] to look up
186/// the [`ReflectAsset`] type data on the corresponding `T` asset type:
189/// ```no_run
190/// # use bevy_reflect::{TypeRegistry, prelude::*};
191/// # use bevy_ecs::prelude::*;
192/// use bevy_asset::{ReflectHandle, ReflectAsset};
194/// # let world: &World = unimplemented!();
195/// # let type_registry: TypeRegistry = unimplemented!();
196/// let handles: Vec<&dyn Reflect> = unimplemented!();
197/// for handle in handles {
198///     let reflect_handle = type_registry.get_type_data::<ReflectHandle>(handle.type_id()).unwrap();
199///     let reflect_asset = type_registry.get_type_data::<ReflectAsset>(reflect_handle.asset_type_id()).unwrap();
201///     let handle = reflect_handle.downcast_handle_untyped(handle.as_any()).unwrap();
202///     let value = reflect_asset.get(world, handle).unwrap();
203///     println!("{value:?}");
204/// }
205/// ```
207pub struct ReflectHandle {
208    asset_type_id: TypeId,
209    downcast_handle_untyped: fn(&dyn Any) -> Option<UntypedHandle>,
210    typed: fn(UntypedHandle) -> Box<dyn Reflect>,
212impl ReflectHandle {
213    /// The [`TypeId`] of the asset
214    pub fn asset_type_id(&self) -> TypeId {
215        self.asset_type_id
216    }
218    /// A way to go from a [`Handle<T>`] in a `dyn Any` to a [`UntypedHandle`]
219    pub fn downcast_handle_untyped(&self, handle: &dyn Any) -> Option<UntypedHandle> {
220        (self.downcast_handle_untyped)(handle)
221    }
223    /// A way to go from a [`UntypedHandle`] to a [`Handle<T>`] in a `Box<dyn Reflect>`.
224    /// Equivalent of [`UntypedHandle::typed`].
225    pub fn typed(&self, handle: UntypedHandle) -> Box<dyn Reflect> {
226        (self.typed)(handle)
227    }
230impl<A: Asset> FromType<Handle<A>> for ReflectHandle {
231    fn from_type() -> Self {
232        ReflectHandle {
233            asset_type_id: TypeId::of::<A>(),
234            downcast_handle_untyped: |handle: &dyn Any| {
235                handle
236                    .downcast_ref::<Handle<A>>()
237                    .map(|h| h.clone().untyped())
238            },
239            typed: |handle: UntypedHandle| Box::new(handle.typed_debug_checked::<A>()),
240        }
241    }
245mod tests {
246    use core::any::TypeId;
248    use crate as bevy_asset;
249    use crate::{Asset, AssetApp, AssetPlugin, ReflectAsset, UntypedHandle};
250    use bevy_app::App;
251    use bevy_ecs::reflect::AppTypeRegistry;
252    use bevy_reflect::Reflect;
254    #[derive(Asset, Reflect)]
255    struct AssetType {
256        field: String,
257    }
259    #[test]
260    fn test_reflect_asset_operations() {
261        let mut app = App::new();
262        app.add_plugins(AssetPlugin::default())
263            .init_asset::<AssetType>()
264            .register_asset_reflect::<AssetType>();
266        let reflect_asset = {
267            let type_registry =<AppTypeRegistry>();
268            let type_registry =;
270            type_registry
271                .get_type_data::<ReflectAsset>(TypeId::of::<AssetType>())
272                .unwrap()
273                .clone()
274        };
276        let value = AssetType {
277            field: "test".into(),
278        };
280        let handle = reflect_asset.add(app.world_mut(), &value);
281        // struct is a reserved keyword, so we can't use it here
282        let strukt = reflect_asset
283            .get_mut(app.world_mut(), handle)
284            .unwrap()
285            .reflect_mut()
286            .as_struct()
287            .unwrap();
288        strukt
289            .field_mut("field")
290            .unwrap()
291            .apply(&String::from("edited"));
293        assert_eq!(reflect_asset.len(, 1);
294        let ids: Vec<_> = reflect_asset.ids(;
295        assert_eq!(ids.len(), 1);
297        let fetched_handle = UntypedHandle::Weak(ids[0]);
298        let asset = reflect_asset
299            .get(, fetched_handle.clone_weak())
300            .unwrap();
301        assert_eq!(asset.downcast_ref::<AssetType>().unwrap().field, "edited");
303        reflect_asset
304            .remove(app.world_mut(), fetched_handle)
305            .unwrap();
306        assert_eq!(reflect_asset.len(, 0);
307    }