
1use bevy_math::{Vec3, Vec4};
3/// Methods for changing the luminance of a color. Note that these methods are not
4/// guaranteed to produce consistent results across color spaces,
5/// but will be within a given space.
6pub trait Luminance: Sized {
7    /// Return the luminance of this color (0.0 - 1.0).
8    fn luminance(&self) -> f32;
10    /// Return a new version of this color with the given luminance. The resulting color will
11    /// be clamped to the valid range for the color space; for some color spaces, clamping
12    /// may cause the hue or chroma to change.
13    fn with_luminance(&self, value: f32) -> Self;
15    /// Return a darker version of this color. The `amount` should be between 0.0 and 1.0.
16    /// The amount represents an absolute decrease in luminance, and is distributive:
17    /// `color.darker(a).darker(b) == color.darker(a + b)`. Colors are clamped to black
18    /// if the amount would cause them to go below black.
19    ///
20    /// For a relative decrease in luminance, you can simply `mix()` with black.
21    fn darker(&self, amount: f32) -> Self;
23    /// Return a lighter version of this color. The `amount` should be between 0.0 and 1.0.
24    /// The amount represents an absolute increase in luminance, and is distributive:
25    /// `color.lighter(a).lighter(b) == color.lighter(a + b)`. Colors are clamped to white
26    /// if the amount would cause them to go above white.
27    ///
28    /// For a relative increase in luminance, you can simply `mix()` with white.
29    fn lighter(&self, amount: f32) -> Self;
32/// Linear interpolation of two colors within a given color space.
33pub trait Mix: Sized {
34    /// Linearly interpolate between this and another color, by factor.
35    /// Factor should be between 0.0 and 1.0.
36    fn mix(&self, other: &Self, factor: f32) -> Self;
38    /// Linearly interpolate between this and another color, by factor, storing the result
39    /// in this color. Factor should be between 0.0 and 1.0.
40    fn mix_assign(&mut self, other: Self, factor: f32) {
41        *self = self.mix(&other, factor);
42    }
45/// Trait for returning a grayscale color of a provided lightness.
46pub trait Gray: Mix + Sized {
47    /// A pure black color.
48    const BLACK: Self;
49    /// A pure white color.
50    const WHITE: Self;
52    /// Returns a grey color with the provided lightness from (0.0 - 1.0). 0 is black, 1 is white.
53    fn gray(lightness: f32) -> Self {
54        Self::BLACK.mix(&Self::WHITE, lightness)
55    }
58/// Methods for manipulating alpha values.
59pub trait Alpha: Sized {
60    /// Return a new version of this color with the given alpha value.
61    fn with_alpha(&self, alpha: f32) -> Self;
63    /// Return a the alpha component of this color.
64    fn alpha(&self) -> f32;
66    /// Sets the alpha component of this color.
67    fn set_alpha(&mut self, alpha: f32);
69    /// Is the alpha component of this color less than or equal to 0.0?
70    fn is_fully_transparent(&self) -> bool {
71        self.alpha() <= 0.0
72    }
74    /// Is the alpha component of this color greater than or equal to 1.0?
75    fn is_fully_opaque(&self) -> bool {
76        self.alpha() >= 1.0
77    }
80/// Trait for manipulating the hue of a color.
81pub trait Hue: Sized {
82    /// Return a new version of this color with the hue channel set to the given value.
83    fn with_hue(&self, hue: f32) -> Self;
85    /// Return the hue of this color [0.0, 360.0].
86    fn hue(&self) -> f32;
88    /// Sets the hue of this color.
89    fn set_hue(&mut self, hue: f32);
91    /// Return a new version of this color with the hue channel rotated by the given degrees.
92    fn rotate_hue(&self, degrees: f32) -> Self {
93        let rotated_hue = (self.hue() + degrees).rem_euclid(360.);
94        self.with_hue(rotated_hue)
95    }
98/// Trait with methods for converting colors to non-color types
99pub trait ColorToComponents {
100    /// Convert to an f32 array
101    fn to_f32_array(self) -> [f32; 4];
102    /// Convert to an f32 array without the alpha value
103    fn to_f32_array_no_alpha(self) -> [f32; 3];
104    /// Convert to a Vec4
105    fn to_vec4(self) -> Vec4;
106    /// Convert to a Vec3
107    fn to_vec3(self) -> Vec3;
108    /// Convert from an f32 array
109    fn from_f32_array(color: [f32; 4]) -> Self;
110    /// Convert from an f32 array without the alpha value
111    fn from_f32_array_no_alpha(color: [f32; 3]) -> Self;
112    /// Convert from a Vec4
113    fn from_vec4(color: Vec4) -> Self;
114    /// Convert from a Vec3
115    fn from_vec3(color: Vec3) -> Self;
118/// Trait with methods for converting colors to packed non-color types
119pub trait ColorToPacked {
120    /// Convert to [u8; 4] where that makes sense (Srgba is most relevant)
121    fn to_u8_array(self) -> [u8; 4];
122    /// Convert to [u8; 3] where that makes sense (Srgba is most relevant)
123    fn to_u8_array_no_alpha(self) -> [u8; 3];
124    /// Convert from [u8; 4] where that makes sense (Srgba is most relevant)
125    fn from_u8_array(color: [u8; 4]) -> Self;
126    /// Convert to [u8; 3] where that makes sense (Srgba is most relevant)
127    fn from_u8_array_no_alpha(color: [u8; 3]) -> Self;
130/// Utility function for interpolating hue values. This ensures that the interpolation
131/// takes the shortest path around the color wheel, and that the result is always between
132/// 0 and 360.
133pub(crate) fn lerp_hue(a: f32, b: f32, t: f32) -> f32 {
134    let diff = (b - a + 180.0).rem_euclid(360.) - 180.;
135    (a + diff * t).rem_euclid(360.0)
139mod tests {
140    use core::fmt::Debug;
142    use super::*;
143    use crate::{testing::assert_approx_eq, Hsla};
145    #[test]
146    fn test_rotate_hue() {
147        let hsla = Hsla::hsl(180.0, 1.0, 0.5);
148        assert_eq!(hsla.rotate_hue(90.0), Hsla::hsl(270.0, 1.0, 0.5));
149        assert_eq!(hsla.rotate_hue(-90.0), Hsla::hsl(90.0, 1.0, 0.5));
150        assert_eq!(hsla.rotate_hue(180.0), Hsla::hsl(0.0, 1.0, 0.5));
151        assert_eq!(hsla.rotate_hue(-180.0), Hsla::hsl(0.0, 1.0, 0.5));
152        assert_eq!(hsla.rotate_hue(0.0), hsla);
153        assert_eq!(hsla.rotate_hue(360.0), hsla);
154        assert_eq!(hsla.rotate_hue(-360.0), hsla);
155    }
157    #[test]
158    fn test_hue_wrap() {
159        assert_approx_eq!(lerp_hue(10., 20., 0.25), 12.5, 0.001);
160        assert_approx_eq!(lerp_hue(10., 20., 0.5), 15., 0.001);
161        assert_approx_eq!(lerp_hue(10., 20., 0.75), 17.5, 0.001);
163        assert_approx_eq!(lerp_hue(20., 10., 0.25), 17.5, 0.001);
164        assert_approx_eq!(lerp_hue(20., 10., 0.5), 15., 0.001);
165        assert_approx_eq!(lerp_hue(20., 10., 0.75), 12.5, 0.001);
167        assert_approx_eq!(lerp_hue(10., 350., 0.25), 5., 0.001);
168        assert_approx_eq!(lerp_hue(10., 350., 0.5), 0., 0.001);
169        assert_approx_eq!(lerp_hue(10., 350., 0.75), 355., 0.001);
171        assert_approx_eq!(lerp_hue(350., 10., 0.25), 355., 0.001);
172        assert_approx_eq!(lerp_hue(350., 10., 0.5), 0., 0.001);
173        assert_approx_eq!(lerp_hue(350., 10., 0.75), 5., 0.001);
174    }
176    fn verify_gray<Col>()
177    where
178        Col: Gray + Debug + PartialEq,
179    {
180        assert_eq!(Col::gray(0.), Col::BLACK);
181        assert_eq!(Col::gray(1.), Col::WHITE);
182    }
184    #[test]
185    fn test_gray() {
186        verify_gray::<Hsla>();
187        verify_gray::<crate::Hsva>();
188        verify_gray::<crate::Hwba>();
189        verify_gray::<crate::Laba>();
190        verify_gray::<crate::Lcha>();
191        verify_gray::<crate::LinearRgba>();
192        verify_gray::<crate::Oklaba>();
193        verify_gray::<crate::Oklcha>();
194        verify_gray::<crate::Xyza>();
195    }