1use crate as bevy_ecs;
2#[cfg(feature = "multi_threaded")]
3use bevy_ecs::event::EventMutParIter;
4use bevy_ecs::{
5 event::{Event, EventCursor, EventMutIterator, EventMutIteratorWithId, Events},
6 system::{Local, ResMut, SystemParam},
9/// Mutably reads events of type `T` keeping track of which events have already been read
10/// by each system allowing multiple systems to read the same events. Ideal for chains of systems
11/// that all want to modify the same events.
13/// # Usage
15/// `EventMutators`s are usually declared as a [`SystemParam`].
16/// ```
17/// # use bevy_ecs::prelude::*;
19/// #[derive(Event, Debug)]
20/// pub struct MyEvent(pub u32); // Custom event type.
21/// fn my_system(mut reader: EventMutator<MyEvent>) {
22/// for event in {
23/// event.0 += 1;
24/// println!("received event: {:?}", event);
25/// }
26/// }
27/// ```
29/// # Concurrency
31/// Multiple systems with `EventMutator<T>` of the same event type can not run concurrently.
32/// They also can not be executed in parallel with [`EventReader`] or [`EventWriter`].
34/// # Clearing, Reading, and Peeking
36/// Events are stored in a double buffered queue that switches each frame. This switch also clears the previous
37/// frame's events. Events should be read each frame otherwise they may be lost. For manual control over this
38/// behavior, see [`Events`].
40/// Most of the time systems will want to use [`EventMutator::read()`]. This function creates an iterator over
41/// all events that haven't been read yet by this system, marking the event as read in the process.
43/// [`EventReader`]: super::EventReader
44/// [`EventWriter`]: super::EventWriter
45#[derive(SystemParam, Debug)]
46pub struct EventMutator<'w, 's, E: Event> {
47 pub(super) reader: Local<'s, EventCursor<E>>,
48 events: ResMut<'w, Events<E>>,
51impl<'w, 's, E: Event> EventMutator<'w, 's, E> {
52 /// Iterates over the events this [`EventMutator`] has not seen yet. This updates the
53 /// [`EventMutator`]'s event counter, which means subsequent event reads will not include events
54 /// that happened before now.
55 pub fn read(&mut self) -> EventMutIterator<'_, E> {
56 self.reader.read_mut(&mut
57 }
59 /// Like [`read`](Self::read), except also returning the [`EventId`](super::EventId) of the events.
60 pub fn read_with_id(&mut self) -> EventMutIteratorWithId<'_, E> {
61 self.reader.read_mut_with_id(&mut
62 }
64 /// Returns a parallel iterator over the events this [`EventMutator`] has not seen yet.
65 /// See also [`for_each`](super::EventParIter::for_each).
66 ///
67 /// # Example
68 /// ```
69 /// # use bevy_ecs::prelude::*;
70 /// # use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicUsize, Ordering};
71 ///
72 /// #[derive(Event)]
73 /// struct MyEvent {
74 /// value: usize,
75 /// }
76 ///
77 /// #[derive(Resource, Default)]
78 /// struct Counter(AtomicUsize);
79 ///
80 /// // setup
81 /// let mut world = World::new();
82 /// world.init_resource::<Events<MyEvent>>();
83 /// world.insert_resource(Counter::default());
84 ///
85 /// let mut schedule = Schedule::default();
86 /// schedule.add_systems(|mut events: EventMutator<MyEvent>, counter: Res<Counter>| {
87 /// events.par_read().for_each(|MyEvent { value }| {
88 /// counter.0.fetch_add(*value, Ordering::Relaxed);
89 /// });
90 /// });
91 /// for value in 0..100 {
92 /// world.send_event(MyEvent { value });
93 /// }
94 /// world);
95 /// let Counter(counter) = world.remove_resource::<Counter>().unwrap();
96 /// // all events were processed
97 /// assert_eq!(counter.into_inner(), 4950);
98 /// ```
99 #[cfg(feature = "multi_threaded")]
100 pub fn par_read(&mut self) -> EventMutParIter<'_, E> {
101 self.reader.par_read_mut(&mut
102 }
104 /// Determines the number of events available to be read from this [`EventMutator`] without consuming any.
105 pub fn len(&self) -> usize {
106 self.reader.len(&
107 }
109 /// Returns `true` if there are no events available to read.
110 ///
111 /// # Example
112 ///
113 /// The following example shows a useful pattern where some behavior is triggered if new events are available.
114 /// [`EventMutator::clear()`] is used so the same events don't re-trigger the behavior the next time the system runs.
115 ///
116 /// ```
117 /// # use bevy_ecs::prelude::*;
118 /// #
119 /// #[derive(Event)]
120 /// struct CollisionEvent;
121 ///
122 /// fn play_collision_sound(mut events: EventMutator<CollisionEvent>) {
123 /// if !events.is_empty() {
124 /// events.clear();
125 /// // Play a sound
126 /// }
127 /// }
128 /// # bevy_ecs::system::assert_is_system(play_collision_sound);
129 /// ```
130 pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
131 self.reader.is_empty(&
132 }
134 /// Consumes all available events.
135 ///
136 /// This means these events will not appear in calls to [`EventMutator::read()`] or
137 /// [`EventMutator::read_with_id()`] and [`EventMutator::is_empty()`] will return `true`.
138 ///
139 /// For usage, see [`EventMutator::is_empty()`].
140 pub fn clear(&mut self) {
141 self.reader.clear(&;
142 }