1use crate::{
2 batching::BatchingStrategy, component::Tick, world::unsafe_world_cell::UnsafeWorldCell,
5use super::{QueryData, QueryFilter, QueryItem, QueryState};
7/// A parallel iterator over query results of a [`Query`](crate::system::Query).
9/// This struct is created by the [`Query::par_iter`](crate::system::Query::par_iter) and
10/// [`Query::par_iter_mut`](crate::system::Query::par_iter_mut) methods.
11pub struct QueryParIter<'w, 's, D: QueryData, F: QueryFilter> {
12 pub(crate) world: UnsafeWorldCell<'w>,
13 pub(crate) state: &'s QueryState<D, F>,
14 pub(crate) last_run: Tick,
15 pub(crate) this_run: Tick,
16 pub(crate) batching_strategy: BatchingStrategy,
19impl<'w, 's, D: QueryData, F: QueryFilter> QueryParIter<'w, 's, D, F> {
20 /// Changes the batching strategy used when iterating.
21 ///
22 /// For more information on how this affects the resultant iteration, see
23 /// [`BatchingStrategy`].
24 pub fn batching_strategy(mut self, strategy: BatchingStrategy) -> Self {
25 self.batching_strategy = strategy;
26 self
27 }
29 /// Runs `func` on each query result in parallel.
30 ///
31 /// # Panics
32 /// If the [`ComputeTaskPool`] is not initialized. If using this from a query that is being
33 /// initialized and run from the ECS scheduler, this should never panic.
34 ///
35 /// [`ComputeTaskPool`]: bevy_tasks::ComputeTaskPool
36 #[inline]
37 pub fn for_each<FN: Fn(QueryItem<'w, D>) + Send + Sync + Clone>(self, func: FN) {
38 self.for_each_init(|| {}, |_, item| func(item));
39 }
41 /// Runs `func` on each query result in parallel on a value returned by `init`.
42 ///
43 /// `init` may be called multiple times per thread, and the values returned may be discarded between tasks on any given thread.
44 /// Callers should avoid using this function as if it were a parallel version
45 /// of [`Iterator::fold`].
46 ///
47 /// # Example
48 ///
49 /// ```
50 /// use bevy_utils::Parallel;
51 /// use crate::{bevy_ecs::prelude::Component, bevy_ecs::system::Query};
52 /// #[derive(Component)]
53 /// struct T;
54 /// fn system(query: Query<&T>){
55 /// let mut queue: Parallel<usize> = Parallel::default();
56 /// // queue.borrow_local_mut() will get or create a thread_local queue for each task/thread;
57 /// query.par_iter().for_each_init(|| queue.borrow_local_mut(),|local_queue,item| {
58 /// **local_queue += 1;
59 /// });
60 ///
61 /// // collect value from every thread
62 /// let entity_count: usize = queue.iter_mut().map(|v| *v).sum();
63 /// }
64 /// ```
65 ///
66 /// # Panics
67 /// If the [`ComputeTaskPool`] is not initialized. If using this from a query that is being
68 /// initialized and run from the ECS scheduler, this should never panic.
69 ///
70 /// [`ComputeTaskPool`]: bevy_tasks::ComputeTaskPool
71 #[inline]
72 pub fn for_each_init<FN, INIT, T>(self, init: INIT, func: FN)
73 where
74 FN: Fn(&mut T, QueryItem<'w, D>) + Send + Sync + Clone,
75 INIT: Fn() -> T + Sync + Send + Clone,
76 {
77 let func = |mut init, item| {
78 func(&mut init, item);
79 init
80 };
81 #[cfg(any(target_arch = "wasm32", not(feature = "multi_threaded")))]
82 {
83 let init = init();
84 // SAFETY:
85 // This method can only be called once per instance of QueryParIter,
86 // which ensures that mutable queries cannot be executed multiple times at once.
87 // Mutable instances of QueryParIter can only be created via an exclusive borrow of a
88 // Query or a World, which ensures that multiple aliasing QueryParIters cannot exist
89 // at the same time.
90 unsafe {
91 self.state
92 .iter_unchecked_manual(, self.last_run, self.this_run)
93 .fold(init, func);
94 }
95 }
96 #[cfg(all(not(target_arch = "wasm32"), feature = "multi_threaded"))]
97 {
98 let thread_count = bevy_tasks::ComputeTaskPool::get().thread_num();
99 if thread_count <= 1 {
100 let init = init();
101 // SAFETY: See the safety comment above.
102 unsafe {
103 self.state
104 .iter_unchecked_manual(, self.last_run, self.this_run)
105 .fold(init, func);
106 }
107 } else {
108 // Need a batch size of at least 1.
109 let batch_size = self.get_batch_size(thread_count).max(1);
110 // SAFETY: See the safety comment above.
111 unsafe {
112 self.state.par_fold_init_unchecked_manual(
113 init,
115 batch_size,
116 func,
117 self.last_run,
118 self.this_run,
119 );
120 }
121 }
122 }
123 }
125 #[cfg(all(not(target_arch = "wasm32"), feature = "multi_threaded"))]
126 fn get_batch_size(&self, thread_count: usize) -> usize {
127 let max_items = || {
128 let id_iter = self.state.matched_storage_ids.iter();
129 if self.state.is_dense {
130 // SAFETY: We only access table metadata.
131 let tables = unsafe { & };
132 id_iter
133 // SAFETY: The if check ensures that matched_storage_ids stores TableIds
134 .map(|id| unsafe { tables[id.table_id].entity_count() })
135 .max()
136 } else {
137 let archetypes = &;
138 id_iter
139 // SAFETY: The if check ensures that matched_storage_ids stores ArchetypeIds
140 .map(|id| unsafe { archetypes[id.archetype_id].len() })
141 .max()
142 }
143 .unwrap_or(0)
144 };
145 self.batching_strategy
146 .calc_batch_size(max_items, thread_count)
147 }