1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250
use crate::{
component::{ComponentId, Components, Tick},
storage::{Table, TableRow},
world::{unsafe_world_cell::UnsafeWorldCell, World},
use bevy_utils::all_tuples;
/// Types that can be used as parameters in a [`Query`].
/// Types that implement this should also implement either [`QueryData`] or [`QueryFilter`]
/// # Safety
/// Implementor must ensure that
/// [`update_component_access`], [`matches_component_set`], and [`fetch`]
/// obey the following:
/// - For each component mutably accessed by [`fetch`], [`update_component_access`] should add write access unless read or write access has already been added, in which case it should panic.
/// - For each component readonly accessed by [`fetch`], [`update_component_access`] should add read access unless write access has already been added, in which case it should panic.
/// - If `fetch` mutably accesses the same component twice, [`update_component_access`] should panic.
/// - [`update_component_access`] may not add a `Without` filter for a component unless [`matches_component_set`] always returns `false` when the component set contains that component.
/// - [`update_component_access`] may not add a `With` filter for a component unless [`matches_component_set`] always returns `false` when the component set doesn't contain that component.
/// - In cases where the query represents a disjunction (such as an `Or` filter) where each element is a valid [`WorldQuery`], the following rules must be obeyed:
/// - [`matches_component_set`] must be a disjunction of the element's implementations
/// - [`update_component_access`] must replace the filters with a disjunction of filters
/// - Each filter in that disjunction must be a conjunction of the corresponding element's filter with the previous `access`
/// When implementing [`update_component_access`], note that `add_read` and `add_write` both also add a `With` filter, whereas `extend_access` does not change the filters.
/// [`fetch`]: Self::fetch
/// [`matches_component_set`]: Self::matches_component_set
/// [`Query`]: crate::system::Query
/// [`update_component_access`]: Self::update_component_access
/// [`QueryData`]: crate::query::QueryData
/// [`QueryFilter`]: crate::query::QueryFilter
pub unsafe trait WorldQuery {
/// The item returned by this [`WorldQuery`]
/// For `QueryData` this will be the item returned by the query.
/// For `QueryFilter` this will be either `()`, or a `bool` indicating whether the entity should be included
/// or a tuple of such things.
type Item<'a>;
/// Per archetype/table state used by this [`WorldQuery`] to fetch [`Self::Item`](WorldQuery::Item)
type Fetch<'a>: Clone;
/// State used to construct a [`Self::Fetch`](WorldQuery::Fetch). This will be cached inside [`QueryState`](crate::query::QueryState),
/// so it is best to move as much data / computation here as possible to reduce the cost of
/// constructing [`Self::Fetch`](WorldQuery::Fetch).
type State: Send + Sync + Sized;
/// This function manually implements subtyping for the query items.
fn shrink<'wlong: 'wshort, 'wshort>(item: Self::Item<'wlong>) -> Self::Item<'wshort>;
/// This function manually implements subtyping for the query fetches.
fn shrink_fetch<'wlong: 'wshort, 'wshort>(fetch: Self::Fetch<'wlong>) -> Self::Fetch<'wshort>;
/// Creates a new instance of this fetch.
/// # Safety
/// - `state` must have been initialized (via [`WorldQuery::init_state`]) using the same `world` passed
/// in to this function.
unsafe fn init_fetch<'w>(
world: UnsafeWorldCell<'w>,
state: &Self::State,
last_run: Tick,
this_run: Tick,
) -> Self::Fetch<'w>;
/// Returns true if (and only if) every table of every archetype matched by this fetch contains
/// all of the matched components. This is used to select a more efficient "table iterator"
/// for "dense" queries. If this returns true, [`WorldQuery::set_table`] must be used before
/// [`WorldQuery::fetch`] can be called for iterators. If this returns false,
/// [`WorldQuery::set_archetype`] must be used before [`WorldQuery::fetch`] can be called for
/// iterators.
const IS_DENSE: bool;
/// Adjusts internal state to account for the next [`Archetype`]. This will always be called on
/// archetypes that match this [`WorldQuery`].
/// # Safety
/// - `archetype` and `tables` must be from the same [`World`] that [`WorldQuery::init_state`] was called on.
/// - `table` must correspond to `archetype`.
/// - `state` must be the [`State`](Self::State) that `fetch` was initialized with.
unsafe fn set_archetype<'w>(
fetch: &mut Self::Fetch<'w>,
state: &Self::State,
archetype: &'w Archetype,
table: &'w Table,
/// Adjusts internal state to account for the next [`Table`]. This will always be called on tables
/// that match this [`WorldQuery`].
/// # Safety
/// - `table` must be from the same [`World`] that [`WorldQuery::init_state`] was called on.
/// - `state` must be the [`State`](Self::State) that `fetch` was initialized with.
unsafe fn set_table<'w>(fetch: &mut Self::Fetch<'w>, state: &Self::State, table: &'w Table);
/// Sets available accesses for implementors with dynamic access such as [`FilteredEntityRef`](crate::world::FilteredEntityRef)
/// or [`FilteredEntityMut`](crate::world::FilteredEntityMut).
/// Called when constructing a [`QueryLens`](crate::system::QueryLens) or calling [`QueryState::from_builder`](super::QueryState::from_builder)
fn set_access(_state: &mut Self::State, _access: &FilteredAccess<ComponentId>) {}
/// Fetch [`Self::Item`](`WorldQuery::Item`) for either the given `entity` in the current [`Table`],
/// or for the given `entity` in the current [`Archetype`]. This must always be called after
/// [`WorldQuery::set_table`] with a `table_row` in the range of the current [`Table`] or after
/// [`WorldQuery::set_archetype`] with a `entity` in the current archetype.
/// # Safety
/// Must always be called _after_ [`WorldQuery::set_table`] or [`WorldQuery::set_archetype`]. `entity` and
/// `table_row` must be in the range of the current table and archetype.
unsafe fn fetch<'w>(
fetch: &mut Self::Fetch<'w>,
entity: Entity,
table_row: TableRow,
) -> Self::Item<'w>;
/// Adds any component accesses used by this [`WorldQuery`] to `access`.
/// Used to check which queries are disjoint and can run in parallel
// This does not have a default body of `{}` because 99% of cases need to add accesses
// and forgetting to do so would be unsound.
fn update_component_access(state: &Self::State, access: &mut FilteredAccess<ComponentId>);
/// Creates and initializes a [`State`](WorldQuery::State) for this [`WorldQuery`] type.
fn init_state(world: &mut World) -> Self::State;
/// Attempts to initialize a [`State`](WorldQuery::State) for this [`WorldQuery`] type using read-only
/// access to [`Components`].
fn get_state(components: &Components) -> Option<Self::State>;
/// Returns `true` if this query matches a set of components. Otherwise, returns `false`.
/// Used to check which [`Archetype`]s can be skipped by the query
/// (if none of the [`Component`](crate::component::Component)s match)
fn matches_component_set(
state: &Self::State,
set_contains_id: &impl Fn(ComponentId) -> bool,
) -> bool;
macro_rules! impl_tuple_world_query {
($(#[$meta:meta])* $(($name: ident, $state: ident)),*) => {
/// `fetch` accesses are the conjunction of the subqueries' accesses
/// This is sound because `update_component_access` adds accesses according to the implementations of all the subqueries.
/// `update_component_access` adds all `With` and `Without` filters from the subqueries.
/// This is sound because `matches_component_set` always returns `false` if any the subqueries' implementations return `false`.
unsafe impl<$($name: WorldQuery),*> WorldQuery for ($($name,)*) {
type Fetch<'w> = ($($name::Fetch<'w>,)*);
type Item<'w> = ($($name::Item<'w>,)*);
type State = ($($name::State,)*);
fn shrink<'wlong: 'wshort, 'wshort>(item: Self::Item<'wlong>) -> Self::Item<'wshort> {
let ($($name,)*) = item;
fn shrink_fetch<'wlong: 'wshort, 'wshort>(fetch: Self::Fetch<'wlong>) -> Self::Fetch<'wshort> {
let ($($name,)*) = fetch;
unsafe fn init_fetch<'w>(_world: UnsafeWorldCell<'w>, state: &Self::State, _last_run: Tick, _this_run: Tick) -> Self::Fetch<'w> {
let ($($name,)*) = state;
// SAFETY: The invariants are uphold by the caller.
($(unsafe { $name::init_fetch(_world, $name, _last_run, _this_run) },)*)
const IS_DENSE: bool = true $(&& $name::IS_DENSE)*;
unsafe fn set_archetype<'w>(
_fetch: &mut Self::Fetch<'w>,
_state: &Self::State,
_archetype: &'w Archetype,
_table: &'w Table
) {
let ($($name,)*) = _fetch;
let ($($state,)*) = _state;
// SAFETY: The invariants are uphold by the caller.
$(unsafe { $name::set_archetype($name, $state, _archetype, _table); })*
unsafe fn set_table<'w>(_fetch: &mut Self::Fetch<'w>, _state: &Self::State, _table: &'w Table) {
let ($($name,)*) = _fetch;
let ($($state,)*) = _state;
// SAFETY: The invariants are uphold by the caller.
$(unsafe { $name::set_table($name, $state, _table); })*
unsafe fn fetch<'w>(
_fetch: &mut Self::Fetch<'w>,
_entity: Entity,
_table_row: TableRow
) -> Self::Item<'w> {
let ($($name,)*) = _fetch;
// SAFETY: The invariants are uphold by the caller.
($(unsafe { $name::fetch($name, _entity, _table_row) },)*)
fn update_component_access(state: &Self::State, _access: &mut FilteredAccess<ComponentId>) {
let ($($name,)*) = state;
$($name::update_component_access($name, _access);)*
fn init_state(world: &mut World) -> Self::State {
fn get_state(components: &Components) -> Option<Self::State> {
fn matches_component_set(state: &Self::State, _set_contains_id: &impl Fn(ComponentId) -> bool) -> bool {
let ($($name,)*) = state;
true $(&& $name::matches_component_set($name, _set_contains_id))*