
1//! Definitions for [`Bundle`] reflection.
2//! This allows inserting, updating and/or removing bundles whose type is only known at runtime.
4//! This module exports two types: [`ReflectBundleFns`] and [`ReflectBundle`].
6//! Same as [`super::component`], but for bundles.
7use core::any::{Any, TypeId};
9use crate::{
10    prelude::Bundle,
11    world::{EntityMut, EntityWorldMut},
13use bevy_reflect::{
14    FromReflect, FromType, PartialReflect, Reflect, ReflectRef, TypePath, TypeRegistry,
17use super::{from_reflect_with_fallback, ReflectComponent};
19/// A struct used to operate on reflected [`Bundle`] trait of a type.
21/// A [`ReflectBundle`] for type `T` can be obtained via
22/// [`bevy_reflect::TypeRegistration::data`].
24pub struct ReflectBundle(ReflectBundleFns);
26/// The raw function pointers needed to make up a [`ReflectBundle`].
28/// The also [`super::component::ReflectComponentFns`].
30pub struct ReflectBundleFns {
31    /// Function pointer implementing [`ReflectBundle::insert`].
32    pub insert: fn(&mut EntityWorldMut, &dyn PartialReflect, &TypeRegistry),
33    /// Function pointer implementing [`ReflectBundle::apply`].
34    pub apply: fn(EntityMut, &dyn PartialReflect, &TypeRegistry),
35    /// Function pointer implementing [`ReflectBundle::apply_or_insert`].
36    pub apply_or_insert: fn(&mut EntityWorldMut, &dyn PartialReflect, &TypeRegistry),
37    /// Function pointer implementing [`ReflectBundle::remove`].
38    pub remove: fn(&mut EntityWorldMut),
39    /// Function pointer implementing [`ReflectBundle::take`].
40    pub take: fn(&mut EntityWorldMut) -> Option<Box<dyn Reflect>>,
43impl ReflectBundleFns {
44    /// Get the default set of [`ReflectBundleFns`] for a specific bundle type using its
45    /// [`FromType`] implementation.
46    ///
47    /// This is useful if you want to start with the default implementation before overriding some
48    /// of the functions to create a custom implementation.
49    pub fn new<T: Bundle + FromReflect + TypePath>() -> Self {
50        <ReflectBundle as FromType<T>>::from_type().0
51    }
54impl ReflectBundle {
55    /// Insert a reflected [`Bundle`] into the entity like [`insert()`](EntityWorldMut::insert).
56    pub fn insert(
57        &self,
58        entity: &mut EntityWorldMut,
59        bundle: &dyn PartialReflect,
60        registry: &TypeRegistry,
61    ) {
62        (self.0.insert)(entity, bundle, registry);
63    }
65    /// Uses reflection to set the value of this [`Bundle`] type in the entity to the given value.
66    ///
67    /// # Panics
68    ///
69    /// Panics if there is no [`Bundle`] of the given type.
70    pub fn apply<'a>(
71        &self,
72        entity: impl Into<EntityMut<'a>>,
73        bundle: &dyn PartialReflect,
74        registry: &TypeRegistry,
75    ) {
76        (self.0.apply)(entity.into(), bundle, registry);
77    }
79    /// Uses reflection to set the value of this [`Bundle`] type in the entity to the given value or insert a new one if it does not exist.
80    pub fn apply_or_insert(
81        &self,
82        entity: &mut EntityWorldMut,
83        bundle: &dyn PartialReflect,
84        registry: &TypeRegistry,
85    ) {
86        (self.0.apply_or_insert)(entity, bundle, registry);
87    }
89    /// Removes this [`Bundle`] type from the entity. Does nothing if it doesn't exist.
90    pub fn remove(&self, entity: &mut EntityWorldMut) -> &ReflectBundle {
91        (self.0.remove)(entity);
92        self
93    }
95    /// Removes all components in the [`Bundle`] from the entity and returns their previous values.
96    ///
97    /// **Note:** If the entity does not have every component in the bundle, this method will not remove any of them.
98    #[must_use]
99    pub fn take(&self, entity: &mut EntityWorldMut) -> Option<Box<dyn Reflect>> {
100        (self.0.take)(entity)
101    }
103    /// Create a custom implementation of [`ReflectBundle`].
104    ///
105    /// This is an advanced feature,
106    /// useful for scripting implementations,
107    /// that should not be used by most users
108    /// unless you know what you are doing.
109    ///
110    /// Usually you should derive [`Reflect`] and add the `#[reflect(Bundle)]` bundle
111    /// to generate a [`ReflectBundle`] implementation automatically.
112    ///
113    /// See [`ReflectBundleFns`] for more information.
114    pub fn new(fns: ReflectBundleFns) -> Self {
115        Self(fns)
116    }
118    /// The underlying function pointers implementing methods on `ReflectBundle`.
119    ///
120    /// This is useful when you want to keep track locally of an individual
121    /// function pointer.
122    ///
123    /// Calling [`TypeRegistry::get`] followed by
124    /// [`TypeRegistration::data::<ReflectBundle>`] can be costly if done several
125    /// times per frame. Consider cloning [`ReflectBundle`] and keeping it
126    /// between frames, cloning a `ReflectBundle` is very cheap.
127    ///
128    /// If you only need a subset of the methods on `ReflectBundle`,
129    /// use `fn_pointers` to get the underlying [`ReflectBundleFns`]
130    /// and copy the subset of function pointers you care about.
131    ///
132    /// [`TypeRegistration::data::<ReflectBundle>`]: bevy_reflect::TypeRegistration::data
133    pub fn fn_pointers(&self) -> &ReflectBundleFns {
134        &self.0
135    }
138impl<B: Bundle + Reflect + TypePath> FromType<B> for ReflectBundle {
139    fn from_type() -> Self {
140        ReflectBundle(ReflectBundleFns {
141            insert: |entity, reflected_bundle, registry| {
142                let bundle = entity.world_scope(|world| {
143                    from_reflect_with_fallback::<B>(reflected_bundle, world, registry)
144                });
145                entity.insert(bundle);
146            },
147            apply: |mut entity, reflected_bundle, registry| {
148                if let Some(reflect_component) =
149                    registry.get_type_data::<ReflectComponent>(TypeId::of::<B>())
150                {
151                    reflect_component.apply(entity, reflected_bundle);
152                } else {
153                    match reflected_bundle.reflect_ref() {
154                        ReflectRef::Struct(bundle) => bundle
155                            .iter_fields()
156                            .for_each(|field| apply_field(&mut entity, field, registry)),
157                        ReflectRef::Tuple(bundle) => bundle
158                            .iter_fields()
159                            .for_each(|field| apply_field(&mut entity, field, registry)),
160                        _ => panic!(
161                            "expected bundle `{}` to be named struct or tuple",
162                            // FIXME: once we have unique reflect, use `TypePath`.
163                            core::any::type_name::<B>(),
164                        ),
165                    }
166                }
167            },
168            apply_or_insert: |entity, reflected_bundle, registry| {
169                if let Some(reflect_component) =
170                    registry.get_type_data::<ReflectComponent>(TypeId::of::<B>())
171                {
172                    reflect_component.apply_or_insert(entity, reflected_bundle, registry);
173                } else {
174                    match reflected_bundle.reflect_ref() {
175                        ReflectRef::Struct(bundle) => bundle
176                            .iter_fields()
177                            .for_each(|field| apply_or_insert_field(entity, field, registry)),
178                        ReflectRef::Tuple(bundle) => bundle
179                            .iter_fields()
180                            .for_each(|field| apply_or_insert_field(entity, field, registry)),
181                        _ => panic!(
182                            "expected bundle `{}` to be a named struct or tuple",
183                            // FIXME: once we have unique reflect, use `TypePath`.
184                            core::any::type_name::<B>(),
185                        ),
186                    }
187                }
188            },
189            remove: |entity| {
190                entity.remove::<B>();
191            },
192            take: |entity| {
193                entity
194                    .take::<B>()
195                    .map(|bundle| Box::new(bundle).into_reflect())
196            },
197        })
198    }
201fn apply_field(entity: &mut EntityMut, field: &dyn PartialReflect, registry: &TypeRegistry) {
202    let Some(type_id) = field.try_as_reflect().map(Any::type_id) else {
203        panic!(
204            "`{}` did not implement `Reflect`",
205            field.reflect_type_path()
206        );
207    };
208    if let Some(reflect_component) = registry.get_type_data::<ReflectComponent>(type_id) {
209        reflect_component.apply(entity.reborrow(), field);
210    } else if let Some(reflect_bundle) = registry.get_type_data::<ReflectBundle>(type_id) {
211        reflect_bundle.apply(entity.reborrow(), field, registry);
212    } else {
213        panic!(
214            "no `ReflectComponent` nor `ReflectBundle` registration found for `{}`",
215            field.reflect_type_path()
216        );
217    }
220fn apply_or_insert_field(
221    entity: &mut EntityWorldMut,
222    field: &dyn PartialReflect,
223    registry: &TypeRegistry,
224) {
225    let Some(type_id) = field.try_as_reflect().map(Any::type_id) else {
226        panic!(
227            "`{}` did not implement `Reflect`",
228            field.reflect_type_path()
229        );
230    };
232    if let Some(reflect_component) = registry.get_type_data::<ReflectComponent>(type_id) {
233        reflect_component.apply_or_insert(entity, field, registry);
234    } else if let Some(reflect_bundle) = registry.get_type_data::<ReflectBundle>(type_id) {
235        reflect_bundle.apply_or_insert(entity, field, registry);
236    } else {
237        let is_component =;
239        if is_component {
240            panic!(
241                "no `ReflectComponent` registration found for `{}`",
242                field.reflect_type_path(),
243            );
244        } else {
245            panic!(
246                "no `ReflectBundle` registration found for `{}`",
247                field.reflect_type_path(),
248            )
249        }
250    }