1use bevy_utils::tracing::warn;
2use core::fmt::Debug;
3use derive_more::derive::{Display, Error};
5use crate::{
6 archetype::ArchetypeComponentId,
7 component::{ComponentId, Tick},
8 query::Access,
9 schedule::InternedSystemSet,
10 system::{input::SystemInput, SystemIn},
11 world::{unsafe_world_cell::UnsafeWorldCell, DeferredWorld, World},
14use alloc::borrow::Cow;
15use core::any::TypeId;
17use super::IntoSystem;
19/// An ECS system that can be added to a [`Schedule`](crate::schedule::Schedule)
21/// Systems are functions with all arguments implementing
22/// [`SystemParam`](crate::system::SystemParam).
24/// Systems are added to an application using `App::add_systems(Update, my_system)`
25/// or similar methods, and will generally run once per pass of the main loop.
27/// Systems are executed in parallel, in opportunistic order; data access is managed automatically.
28/// It's possible to specify explicit execution order between specific systems,
29/// see [`IntoSystemConfigs`](crate::schedule::IntoSystemConfigs).
30#[diagnostic::on_unimplemented(message = "`{Self}` is not a system", label = "invalid system")]
31pub trait System: Send + Sync + 'static {
32 /// The system's input.
33 type In: SystemInput;
34 /// The system's output.
35 type Out;
36 /// Returns the system's name.
37 fn name(&self) -> Cow<'static, str>;
38 /// Returns the [`TypeId`] of the underlying system type.
39 #[inline]
40 fn type_id(&self) -> TypeId {
41 TypeId::of::<Self>()
42 }
43 /// Returns the system's component [`Access`].
44 fn component_access(&self) -> &Access<ComponentId>;
45 /// Returns the system's archetype component [`Access`].
46 fn archetype_component_access(&self) -> &Access<ArchetypeComponentId>;
47 /// Returns true if the system is [`Send`].
48 fn is_send(&self) -> bool;
50 /// Returns true if the system must be run exclusively.
51 fn is_exclusive(&self) -> bool;
53 /// Returns true if system has deferred buffers.
54 fn has_deferred(&self) -> bool;
56 /// Runs the system with the given input in the world. Unlike [`System::run`], this function
57 /// can be called in parallel with other systems and may break Rust's aliasing rules
58 /// if used incorrectly, making it unsafe to call.
59 ///
60 /// Unlike [`System::run`], this will not apply deferred parameters, which must be independently
61 /// applied by calling [`System::apply_deferred`] at later point in time.
62 ///
63 /// # Safety
64 ///
65 /// - The caller must ensure that [`world`](UnsafeWorldCell) has permission to access any world data
66 /// registered in `archetype_component_access`. There must be no conflicting
67 /// simultaneous accesses while the system is running.
68 /// - The method [`System::update_archetype_component_access`] must be called at some
69 /// point before this one, with the same exact [`World`]. If [`System::update_archetype_component_access`]
70 /// panics (or otherwise does not return for any reason), this method must not be called.
71 unsafe fn run_unsafe(&mut self, input: SystemIn<'_, Self>, world: UnsafeWorldCell)
72 -> Self::Out;
74 /// Runs the system with the given input in the world.
75 ///
76 /// For [read-only](ReadOnlySystem) systems, see [`run_readonly`], which can be called using `&World`.
77 ///
78 /// Unlike [`System::run_unsafe`], this will apply deferred parameters *immediately*.
79 ///
80 /// [`run_readonly`]: ReadOnlySystem::run_readonly
81 fn run(&mut self, input: SystemIn<'_, Self>, world: &mut World) -> Self::Out {
82 let world_cell = world.as_unsafe_world_cell();
83 self.update_archetype_component_access(world_cell);
84 // SAFETY:
85 // - We have exclusive access to the entire world.
86 // - `update_archetype_component_access` has been called.
87 let ret = unsafe { self.run_unsafe(input, world_cell) };
88 self.apply_deferred(world);
89 ret
90 }
92 /// Applies any [`Deferred`](crate::system::Deferred) system parameters (or other system buffers) of this system to the world.
93 ///
94 /// This is where [`Commands`](crate::system::Commands) get applied.
95 fn apply_deferred(&mut self, world: &mut World);
97 /// Enqueues any [`Deferred`](crate::system::Deferred) system parameters (or other system buffers)
98 /// of this system into the world's command buffer.
99 fn queue_deferred(&mut self, world: DeferredWorld);
101 /// Validates that all parameters can be acquired and that system can run without panic.
102 /// Built-in executors use this to prevent invalid systems from running.
103 ///
104 /// However calling and respecting [`System::validate_param_unsafe`] or it's safe variant
105 /// is not a strict requirement, both [`System::run`] and [`System::run_unsafe`]
106 /// should provide their own safety mechanism to prevent undefined behavior.
107 ///
108 /// This method has to be called directly before [`System::run_unsafe`] with no other (relevant)
109 /// world mutations in between. Otherwise, while it won't lead to any undefined behavior,
110 /// the validity of the param may change.
111 ///
112 /// # Safety
113 ///
114 /// - The caller must ensure that [`world`](UnsafeWorldCell) has permission to access any world data
115 /// registered in `archetype_component_access`. There must be no conflicting
116 /// simultaneous accesses while the system is running.
117 /// - The method [`System::update_archetype_component_access`] must be called at some
118 /// point before this one, with the same exact [`World`]. If [`System::update_archetype_component_access`]
119 /// panics (or otherwise does not return for any reason), this method must not be called.
120 unsafe fn validate_param_unsafe(&mut self, world: UnsafeWorldCell) -> bool;
122 /// Safe version of [`System::validate_param_unsafe`].
123 /// that runs on exclusive, single-threaded `world` pointer.
124 fn validate_param(&mut self, world: &World) -> bool {
125 let world_cell = world.as_unsafe_world_cell_readonly();
126 self.update_archetype_component_access(world_cell);
127 // SAFETY:
128 // - We have exclusive access to the entire world.
129 // - `update_archetype_component_access` has been called.
130 unsafe { self.validate_param_unsafe(world_cell) }
131 }
133 /// Initialize the system.
134 fn initialize(&mut self, _world: &mut World);
136 /// Update the system's archetype component [`Access`].
137 ///
138 /// ## Note for implementors
139 /// `world` may only be used to access metadata. This can be done in safe code
140 /// via functions such as [`UnsafeWorldCell::archetypes`].
141 fn update_archetype_component_access(&mut self, world: UnsafeWorldCell);
143 /// Checks any [`Tick`]s stored on this system and wraps their value if they get too old.
144 ///
145 /// This method must be called periodically to ensure that change detection behaves correctly.
146 /// When using bevy's default configuration, this will be called for you as needed.
147 fn check_change_tick(&mut self, change_tick: Tick);
149 /// Returns the system's default [system sets](crate::schedule::SystemSet).
150 ///
151 /// Each system will create a default system set that contains the system.
152 fn default_system_sets(&self) -> Vec<InternedSystemSet> {
153 Vec::new()
154 }
156 /// Gets the tick indicating the last time this system ran.
157 fn get_last_run(&self) -> Tick;
159 /// Overwrites the tick indicating the last time this system ran.
160 ///
161 /// # Warning
162 /// This is a complex and error-prone operation, that can have unexpected consequences on any system relying on this code.
163 /// However, it can be an essential escape hatch when, for example,
164 /// you are trying to synchronize representations using change detection and need to avoid infinite recursion.
165 fn set_last_run(&mut self, last_run: Tick);
168/// [`System`] types that do not modify the [`World`] when run.
169/// This is implemented for any systems whose parameters all implement [`ReadOnlySystemParam`].
171/// Note that systems which perform [deferred](System::apply_deferred) mutations (such as with [`Commands`])
172/// may implement this trait.
174/// [`ReadOnlySystemParam`]: crate::system::ReadOnlySystemParam
175/// [`Commands`]: crate::system::Commands
177/// # Safety
179/// This must only be implemented for system types which do not mutate the `World`
180/// when [`System::run_unsafe`] is called.
181pub unsafe trait ReadOnlySystem: System {
182 /// Runs this system with the given input in the world.
183 ///
184 /// Unlike [`System::run`], this can be called with a shared reference to the world,
185 /// since this system is known not to modify the world.
186 fn run_readonly(&mut self, input: SystemIn<'_, Self>, world: &World) -> Self::Out {
187 let world = world.as_unsafe_world_cell_readonly();
188 self.update_archetype_component_access(world);
189 // SAFETY:
190 // - We have read-only access to the entire world.
191 // - `update_archetype_component_access` has been called.
192 unsafe { self.run_unsafe(input, world) }
193 }
196/// A convenience type alias for a boxed [`System`] trait object.
197pub type BoxedSystem<In = (), Out = ()> = Box<dyn System<In = In, Out = Out>>;
199pub(crate) fn check_system_change_tick(last_run: &mut Tick, this_run: Tick, system_name: &str) {
200 if last_run.check_tick(this_run) {
201 let age = this_run.relative_to(*last_run).get();
202 warn!(
203 "System '{system_name}' has not run for {age} ticks. \
204 Changes older than {} ticks will not be detected.",
205 Tick::MAX.get() - 1,
206 );
207 }
210impl<In, Out> Debug for dyn System<In = In, Out = Out>
212 In: SystemInput + 'static,
213 Out: 'static,
215 fn fmt(&self, f: &mut core::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> core::fmt::Result {
216 f.debug_struct("System")
217 .field("name", &
218 .field("is_exclusive", &self.is_exclusive())
219 .field("is_send", &self.is_send())
220 .finish_non_exhaustive()
221 }
224/// Trait used to run a system immediately on a [`World`].
226/// # Warning
227/// This function is not an efficient method of running systems and it's meant to be used as a utility
228/// for testing and/or diagnostics.
230/// Systems called through [`run_system_once`](RunSystemOnce::run_system_once) do not hold onto any state,
231/// as they are created and destroyed every time [`run_system_once`](RunSystemOnce::run_system_once) is called.
232/// Practically, this means that [`Local`](crate::system::Local) variables are
233/// reset on every run and change detection does not work.
235/// ```
236/// # use bevy_ecs::prelude::*;
237/// # use bevy_ecs::system::RunSystemOnce;
238/// #[derive(Resource, Default)]
239/// struct Counter(u8);
241/// fn increment(mut counter: Local<Counter>) {
242/// counter.0 += 1;
243/// println!("{}", counter.0);
244/// }
246/// let mut world = World::default();
247/// world.run_system_once(increment); // prints 1
248/// world.run_system_once(increment); // still prints 1
249/// ```
251/// If you do need systems to hold onto state between runs, use [`World::run_system_cached`](World::run_system_cached)
252/// or [`World::run_system`](World::run_system).
254/// # Usage
255/// Typically, to test a system, or to extract specific diagnostics information from a world,
256/// you'd need a [`Schedule`](crate::schedule::Schedule) to run the system. This can create redundant boilerplate code
257/// when writing tests or trying to quickly iterate on debug specific systems.
259/// For these situations, this function can be useful because it allows you to execute a system
260/// immediately with some custom input and retrieve its output without requiring the necessary boilerplate.
262/// # Examples
264/// ## Immediate Command Execution
266/// This usage is helpful when trying to test systems or functions that operate on [`Commands`](crate::system::Commands):
267/// ```
268/// # use bevy_ecs::prelude::*;
269/// # use bevy_ecs::system::RunSystemOnce;
270/// let mut world = World::default();
271/// let entity = world.run_system_once(|mut commands: Commands| {
272/// commands.spawn_empty().id()
273/// }).unwrap();
274/// # assert!(world.get_entity(entity).is_ok());
275/// ```
277/// ## Immediate Queries
279/// This usage is helpful when trying to run an arbitrary query on a world for testing or debugging purposes:
280/// ```
281/// # use bevy_ecs::prelude::*;
282/// # use bevy_ecs::system::RunSystemOnce;
284/// #[derive(Component)]
285/// struct T(usize);
287/// let mut world = World::default();
288/// world.spawn(T(0));
289/// world.spawn(T(1));
290/// world.spawn(T(1));
291/// let count = world.run_system_once(|query: Query<&T>| {
292/// query.iter().filter(|t| t.0 == 1).count()
293/// }).unwrap();
295/// # assert_eq!(count, 2);
296/// ```
298/// Note that instead of closures you can also pass in regular functions as systems:
300/// ```
301/// # use bevy_ecs::prelude::*;
302/// # use bevy_ecs::system::RunSystemOnce;
304/// #[derive(Component)]
305/// struct T(usize);
307/// fn count(query: Query<&T>) -> usize {
308/// query.iter().filter(|t| t.0 == 1).count()
309/// }
311/// let mut world = World::default();
312/// world.spawn(T(0));
313/// world.spawn(T(1));
314/// world.spawn(T(1));
315/// let count = world.run_system_once(count).unwrap();
317/// # assert_eq!(count, 2);
318/// ```
319pub trait RunSystemOnce: Sized {
320 /// Tries to run a system and apply its deferred parameters.
321 fn run_system_once<T, Out, Marker>(self, system: T) -> Result<Out, RunSystemError>
322 where
323 T: IntoSystem<(), Out, Marker>,
324 {
325 self.run_system_once_with((), system)
326 }
328 /// Tries to run a system with given input and apply deferred parameters.
329 fn run_system_once_with<T, In, Out, Marker>(
330 self,
331 input: SystemIn<'_, T::System>,
332 system: T,
333 ) -> Result<Out, RunSystemError>
334 where
335 T: IntoSystem<In, Out, Marker>,
336 In: SystemInput;
339impl RunSystemOnce for &mut World {
340 fn run_system_once_with<T, In, Out, Marker>(
341 self,
342 input: SystemIn<'_, T::System>,
343 system: T,
344 ) -> Result<Out, RunSystemError>
345 where
346 T: IntoSystem<In, Out, Marker>,
347 In: SystemInput,
348 {
349 let mut system: T::System = IntoSystem::into_system(system);
350 system.initialize(self);
351 if system.validate_param(self) {
352 Ok(, self))
353 } else {
354 Err(RunSystemError::InvalidParams(
355 }
356 }
359/// Running system failed.
360#[derive(Error, Display)]
361pub enum RunSystemError {
362 /// System could not be run due to parameters that failed validation.
363 ///
364 /// This can occur because the data required by the system was not present in the world.
365 #[display("The data required by the system {_0:?} was not found in the world and the system did not run due to failed parameter validation.")]
366 #[error(ignore)]
367 InvalidParams(Cow<'static, str>),
370impl Debug for RunSystemError {
371 fn fmt(&self, f: &mut core::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> core::fmt::Result {
372 match self {
373 Self::InvalidParams(arg0) => f.debug_tuple("InvalidParams").field(arg0).finish(),
374 }
375 }
379mod tests {
380 use super::*;
381 use crate as bevy_ecs;
382 use crate::prelude::*;
384 #[test]
385 fn run_system_once() {
386 struct T(usize);
388 impl Resource for T {}
390 fn system(In(n): In<usize>, mut commands: Commands) -> usize {
391 commands.insert_resource(T(n));
392 n + 1
393 }
395 let mut world = World::default();
396 let n = world.run_system_once_with(1, system).unwrap();
397 assert_eq!(n, 2);
398 assert_eq!(world.resource::<T>().0, 1);
399 }
401 #[derive(Resource, Default, PartialEq, Debug)]
402 struct Counter(u8);
404 #[allow(dead_code)]
405 fn count_up(mut counter: ResMut<Counter>) {
406 counter.0 += 1;
407 }
409 #[test]
410 fn run_two_systems() {
411 let mut world = World::new();
412 world.init_resource::<Counter>();
413 assert_eq!(*world.resource::<Counter>(), Counter(0));
414 world.run_system_once(count_up).unwrap();
415 assert_eq!(*world.resource::<Counter>(), Counter(1));
416 world.run_system_once(count_up).unwrap();
417 assert_eq!(*world.resource::<Counter>(), Counter(2));
418 }
420 #[allow(dead_code)]
421 fn spawn_entity(mut commands: Commands) {
422 commands.spawn_empty();
423 }
425 #[test]
426 fn command_processing() {
427 let mut world = World::new();
428 assert_eq!(world.entities.len(), 0);
429 world.run_system_once(spawn_entity).unwrap();
430 assert_eq!(world.entities.len(), 1);
431 }
433 #[test]
434 fn non_send_resources() {
435 fn non_send_count_down(mut ns: NonSendMut<Counter>) {
436 ns.0 -= 1;
437 }
439 let mut world = World::new();
440 world.insert_non_send_resource(Counter(10));
441 assert_eq!(*world.non_send_resource::<Counter>(), Counter(10));
442 world.run_system_once(non_send_count_down).unwrap();
443 assert_eq!(*world.non_send_resource::<Counter>(), Counter(9));
444 }
446 #[test]
447 fn run_system_once_invalid_params() {
448 struct T;
449 impl Resource for T {}
450 fn system(_: Res<T>) {}
452 let mut world = World::default();
453 // This fails because `T` has not been added to the world yet.
454 let result = world.run_system_once(system.param_warn_once());
456 assert!(matches!(result, Err(RunSystemError::InvalidParams(_))));
457 }