1use crate::system::{SystemBuffer, SystemMeta};
3use core::{
4 fmt::Debug,
5 mem::{size_of, MaybeUninit},
6 panic::AssertUnwindSafe,
7 ptr::{addr_of_mut, NonNull},
10use bevy_ptr::{OwningPtr, Unaligned};
11use bevy_utils::tracing::warn;
13use crate::world::{Command, World};
15use super::DeferredWorld;
17struct CommandMeta {
18 /// SAFETY: The `value` must point to a value of type `T: Command`,
19 /// where `T` is some specific type that was used to produce this metadata.
20 ///
21 /// `world` is optional to allow this one function pointer to perform double-duty as a drop.
22 ///
23 /// Advances `cursor` by the size of `T` in bytes.
24 consume_command_and_get_size:
25 unsafe fn(value: OwningPtr<Unaligned>, world: Option<NonNull<World>>, cursor: &mut usize),
28/// Densely and efficiently stores a queue of heterogenous types implementing [`Command`].
29// NOTE: [`CommandQueue`] is implemented via a `Vec<MaybeUninit<u8>>` instead of a `Vec<Box<dyn Command>>`
30// as an optimization. Since commands are used frequently in systems as a way to spawn
31// entities/components/resources, and it's not currently possible to parallelize these
32// due to mutable [`World`] access, maximizing performance for [`CommandQueue`] is
33// preferred to simplicity of implementation.
35pub struct CommandQueue {
36 // This buffer densely stores all queued commands.
37 //
38 // For each command, one `CommandMeta` is stored, followed by zero or more bytes
39 // to store the command itself. To interpret these bytes, a pointer must
40 // be passed to the corresponding `CommandMeta.apply_command_and_get_size` fn pointer.
41 pub(crate) bytes: Vec<MaybeUninit<u8>>,
42 pub(crate) cursor: usize,
43 pub(crate) panic_recovery: Vec<MaybeUninit<u8>>,
46/// Wraps pointers to a [`CommandQueue`], used internally to avoid stacked borrow rules when
47/// partially applying the world's command queue recursively
49pub(crate) struct RawCommandQueue {
50 pub(crate) bytes: NonNull<Vec<MaybeUninit<u8>>>,
51 pub(crate) cursor: NonNull<usize>,
52 pub(crate) panic_recovery: NonNull<Vec<MaybeUninit<u8>>>,
55// CommandQueue needs to implement Debug manually, rather than deriving it, because the derived impl just prints
56// [core::mem::maybe_uninit::MaybeUninit<u8>, core::mem::maybe_uninit::MaybeUninit<u8>, ..] for every byte in the vec,
57// which gets extremely verbose very quickly, while also providing no useful information.
58// It is not possible to soundly print the values of the contained bytes, as some of them may be padding or uninitialized (#4863)
59// So instead, the manual impl just prints the length of vec.
60impl Debug for CommandQueue {
61 fn fmt(&self, f: &mut core::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> core::fmt::Result {
62 f.debug_struct("CommandQueue")
63 .field("len_bytes", &self.bytes.len())
64 .finish_non_exhaustive()
65 }
68// SAFETY: All commands [`Command`] implement [`Send`]
69unsafe impl Send for CommandQueue {}
71// SAFETY: `&CommandQueue` never gives access to the inner commands.
72unsafe impl Sync for CommandQueue {}
74impl CommandQueue {
75 /// Push a [`Command`] onto the queue.
76 #[inline]
77 pub fn push<C>(&mut self, command: C)
78 where
79 C: Command,
80 {
81 // SAFETY: self is guaranteed to live for the lifetime of this method
82 unsafe {
83 self.get_raw().push(command);
84 }
85 }
87 /// Execute the queued [`Command`]s in the world after applying any commands in the world's internal queue.
88 /// This clears the queue.
89 #[inline]
90 pub fn apply(&mut self, world: &mut World) {
91 // flush the previously queued entities
92 world.flush_entities();
94 // flush the world's internal queue
95 world.flush_commands();
97 // SAFETY: A reference is always a valid pointer
98 unsafe {
99 self.get_raw().apply_or_drop_queued(Some(world.into()));
100 }
101 }
103 /// Take all commands from `other` and append them to `self`, leaving `other` empty
104 pub fn append(&mut self, other: &mut CommandQueue) {
105 self.bytes.append(&mut other.bytes);
106 }
108 /// Returns false if there are any commands in the queue
109 #[inline]
110 pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
111 self.cursor >= self.bytes.len()
112 }
114 /// Returns a [`RawCommandQueue`] instance sharing the underlying command queue.
115 pub(crate) fn get_raw(&mut self) -> RawCommandQueue {
116 // SAFETY: self is always valid memory
117 unsafe {
118 RawCommandQueue {
119 bytes: NonNull::new_unchecked(addr_of_mut!(self.bytes)),
120 cursor: NonNull::new_unchecked(addr_of_mut!(self.cursor)),
121 panic_recovery: NonNull::new_unchecked(addr_of_mut!(self.panic_recovery)),
122 }
123 }
124 }
127impl RawCommandQueue {
128 /// Returns a new `RawCommandQueue` instance, this must be manually dropped.
129 pub(crate) fn new() -> Self {
130 // SAFETY: Pointers returned by `Box::into_raw` are guaranteed to be non null
131 unsafe {
132 Self {
133 bytes: NonNull::new_unchecked(Box::into_raw(Box::default())),
134 cursor: NonNull::new_unchecked(Box::into_raw(Box::new(0usize))),
135 panic_recovery: NonNull::new_unchecked(Box::into_raw(Box::default())),
136 }
137 }
138 }
140 /// Returns true if the queue is empty.
141 ///
142 /// # Safety
143 ///
144 /// * Caller ensures that `bytes` and `cursor` point to valid memory
145 pub unsafe fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
146 // SAFETY: Pointers are guaranteed to be valid by requirements on `.clone_unsafe`
147 (unsafe { *self.cursor.as_ref() }) >= (unsafe { self.bytes.as_ref() }).len()
148 }
150 /// Push a [`Command`] onto the queue.
151 ///
152 /// # Safety
153 ///
154 /// * Caller ensures that `self` has not outlived the underlying queue
155 #[inline]
156 pub unsafe fn push<C>(&mut self, command: C)
157 where
158 C: Command,
159 {
160 // Stores a command alongside its metadata.
161 // `repr(C)` prevents the compiler from reordering the fields,
162 // while `repr(packed)` prevents the compiler from inserting padding bytes.
163 #[repr(C, packed)]
164 struct Packed<T: Command> {
165 meta: CommandMeta,
166 command: T,
167 }
169 let meta = CommandMeta {
170 consume_command_and_get_size: |command, world, cursor| {
171 *cursor += size_of::<C>();
173 // SAFETY: According to the invariants of `CommandMeta.consume_command_and_get_size`,
174 // `command` must point to a value of type `C`.
175 let command: C = unsafe { command.read_unaligned() };
176 match world {
177 // Apply command to the provided world...
178 Some(mut world) => {
179 // SAFETY: Caller ensures pointer is not null
180 let world = unsafe { world.as_mut() };
181 command.apply(world);
182 // The command may have queued up world commands, which we flush here to ensure they are also picked up.
183 // If the current command queue already the World Command queue, this will still behave appropriately because the global cursor
184 // is still at the current `stop`, ensuring only the newly queued Commands will be applied.
185 world.flush();
186 }
187 // ...or discard it.
188 None => drop(command),
189 }
190 },
191 };
193 // SAFETY: There are no outstanding references to self.bytes
194 let bytes = unsafe { self.bytes.as_mut() };
196 let old_len = bytes.len();
198 // Reserve enough bytes for both the metadata and the command itself.
199 bytes.reserve(size_of::<Packed<C>>());
201 // Pointer to the bytes at the end of the buffer.
202 // SAFETY: We know it is within bounds of the allocation, due to the call to `.reserve()`.
203 let ptr = unsafe { bytes.as_mut_ptr().add(old_len) };
205 // Write the metadata into the buffer, followed by the command.
206 // We are using a packed struct to write them both as one operation.
207 // SAFETY: `ptr` must be non-null, since it is within a non-null buffer.
208 // The call to `reserve()` ensures that the buffer has enough space to fit a value of type `C`,
209 // and it is valid to write any bit pattern since the underlying buffer is of type `MaybeUninit<u8>`.
210 unsafe {
211 ptr.cast::<Packed<C>>()
212 .write_unaligned(Packed { meta, command });
213 }
215 // Extend the length of the buffer to include the data we just wrote.
216 // SAFETY: The new length is guaranteed to fit in the vector's capacity,
217 // due to the call to `.reserve()` above.
218 unsafe {
219 bytes.set_len(old_len + size_of::<Packed<C>>());
220 }
221 }
223 /// If `world` is [`Some`], this will apply the queued [commands](`Command`).
224 /// If `world` is [`None`], this will drop the queued [commands](`Command`) (without applying them).
225 /// This clears the queue.
226 ///
227 /// # Safety
228 ///
229 /// * Caller ensures that `self` has not outlived the underlying queue
230 #[inline]
231 pub(crate) unsafe fn apply_or_drop_queued(&mut self, world: Option<NonNull<World>>) {
232 // SAFETY: If this is the command queue on world, world will not be dropped as we have a mutable reference
233 // If this is not the command queue on world we have exclusive ownership and self will not be mutated
234 let start = *self.cursor.as_ref();
235 let stop = self.bytes.as_ref().len();
236 let mut local_cursor = start;
237 // SAFETY: we are setting the global cursor to the current length to prevent the executing commands from applying
238 // the remaining commands currently in this list. This is safe.
239 *self.cursor.as_mut() = stop;
241 while local_cursor < stop {
242 // SAFETY: The cursor is either at the start of the buffer, or just after the previous command.
243 // Since we know that the cursor is in bounds, it must point to the start of a new command.
244 let meta = unsafe {
245 self.bytes
246 .as_mut()
247 .as_mut_ptr()
248 .add(local_cursor)
249 .cast::<CommandMeta>()
250 .read_unaligned()
251 };
253 // Advance to the bytes just after `meta`, which represent a type-erased command.
254 local_cursor += size_of::<CommandMeta>();
255 // Construct an owned pointer to the command.
256 // SAFETY: It is safe to transfer ownership out of `self.bytes`, since the increment of `cursor` above
257 // guarantees that nothing stored in the buffer will get observed after this function ends.
258 // `cmd` points to a valid address of a stored command, so it must be non-null.
259 let cmd = unsafe {
260 OwningPtr::<Unaligned>::new(NonNull::new_unchecked(
261 self.bytes.as_mut().as_mut_ptr().add(local_cursor).cast(),
262 ))
263 };
264 let result = std::panic::catch_unwind(AssertUnwindSafe(|| {
265 // SAFETY: The data underneath the cursor must correspond to the type erased in metadata,
266 // since they were stored next to each other by `.push()`.
267 // For ZSTs, the type doesn't matter as long as the pointer is non-null.
268 // This also advances the cursor past the command. For ZSTs, the cursor will not move.
269 // At this point, it will either point to the next `CommandMeta`,
270 // or the cursor will be out of bounds and the loop will end.
271 unsafe { (meta.consume_command_and_get_size)(cmd, world, &mut local_cursor) };
272 }));
274 if let Err(payload) = result {
275 // local_cursor now points to the location _after_ the panicked command.
276 // Add the remaining commands that _would have_ been applied to the
277 // panic_recovery queue.
278 //
279 // This uses `current_stop` instead of `stop` to account for any commands
280 // that were queued _during_ this panic.
281 //
282 // This is implemented in such a way that if apply_or_drop_queued() are nested recursively in,
283 // an applied Command, the correct command order will be retained.
284 let panic_recovery = self.panic_recovery.as_mut();
285 let bytes = self.bytes.as_mut();
286 let current_stop = bytes.len();
287 panic_recovery.extend_from_slice(&bytes[local_cursor..current_stop]);
288 bytes.set_len(start);
289 *self.cursor.as_mut() = start;
291 // This was the "top of the apply stack". If we are _not_ at the top of the apply stack,
292 // when we call`resume_unwind" the caller "closer to the top" will catch the unwind and do this check,
293 // until we reach the top.
294 if start == 0 {
295 bytes.append(panic_recovery);
296 }
297 std::panic::resume_unwind(payload);
298 }
299 }
301 // Reset the buffer: all commands past the original `start` cursor have been applied.
302 // SAFETY: we are setting the length of bytes to the original length, minus the length of the original
303 // list of commands being considered. All bytes remaining in the Vec are still valid, unapplied commands.
304 unsafe {
305 self.bytes.as_mut().set_len(start);
306 *self.cursor.as_mut() = start;
307 };
308 }
311impl Drop for CommandQueue {
312 fn drop(&mut self) {
313 if !self.bytes.is_empty() {
314 warn!("CommandQueue has un-applied commands being dropped. Did you forget to call SystemState::apply?");
315 }
316 // SAFETY: A reference is always a valid pointer
317 unsafe { self.get_raw().apply_or_drop_queued(None) };
318 }
321impl SystemBuffer for CommandQueue {
322 #[inline]
323 fn apply(&mut self, _system_meta: &SystemMeta, world: &mut World) {
324 #[cfg(feature = "trace")]
325 let _span_guard = _system_meta.commands_span.enter();
326 self.apply(world);
327 }
329 #[inline]
330 fn queue(&mut self, _system_meta: &SystemMeta, mut world: DeferredWorld) {
331 world.commands().append(self);
332 }
336mod test {
337 use super::*;
338 use crate as bevy_ecs;
339 use crate::system::Resource;
340 use alloc::sync::Arc;
341 use core::{
342 panic::AssertUnwindSafe,
343 sync::atomic::{AtomicU32, Ordering},
344 };
346 struct DropCheck(Arc<AtomicU32>);
348 impl DropCheck {
349 fn new() -> (Self, Arc<AtomicU32>) {
350 let drops = Arc::new(AtomicU32::new(0));
351 (Self(drops.clone()), drops)
352 }
353 }
355 impl Drop for DropCheck {
356 fn drop(&mut self) {
357 self.0.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed);
358 }
359 }
361 impl Command for DropCheck {
362 fn apply(self, _: &mut World) {}
363 }
365 #[test]
366 fn test_command_queue_inner_drop() {
367 let mut queue = CommandQueue::default();
369 let (dropcheck_a, drops_a) = DropCheck::new();
370 let (dropcheck_b, drops_b) = DropCheck::new();
372 queue.push(dropcheck_a);
373 queue.push(dropcheck_b);
375 assert_eq!(drops_a.load(Ordering::Relaxed), 0);
376 assert_eq!(drops_b.load(Ordering::Relaxed), 0);
378 let mut world = World::new();
379 queue.apply(&mut world);
381 assert_eq!(drops_a.load(Ordering::Relaxed), 1);
382 assert_eq!(drops_b.load(Ordering::Relaxed), 1);
383 }
385 /// Asserts that inner [commands](`Command`) are dropped on early drop of [`CommandQueue`].
386 /// Originally identified as an issue in [#10676](
387 #[test]
388 fn test_command_queue_inner_drop_early() {
389 let mut queue = CommandQueue::default();
391 let (dropcheck_a, drops_a) = DropCheck::new();
392 let (dropcheck_b, drops_b) = DropCheck::new();
394 queue.push(dropcheck_a);
395 queue.push(dropcheck_b);
397 assert_eq!(drops_a.load(Ordering::Relaxed), 0);
398 assert_eq!(drops_b.load(Ordering::Relaxed), 0);
400 drop(queue);
402 assert_eq!(drops_a.load(Ordering::Relaxed), 1);
403 assert_eq!(drops_b.load(Ordering::Relaxed), 1);
404 }
406 struct SpawnCommand;
408 impl Command for SpawnCommand {
409 fn apply(self, world: &mut World) {
410 world.spawn_empty();
411 }
412 }
414 #[test]
415 fn test_command_queue_inner() {
416 let mut queue = CommandQueue::default();
418 queue.push(SpawnCommand);
419 queue.push(SpawnCommand);
421 let mut world = World::new();
422 queue.apply(&mut world);
424 assert_eq!(world.entities().len(), 2);
426 // The previous call to `apply` cleared the queue.
427 // This call should do nothing.
428 queue.apply(&mut world);
429 assert_eq!(world.entities().len(), 2);
430 }
432 // This has an arbitrary value `String` stored to ensure
433 // when then command gets pushed, the `bytes` vector gets
434 // some data added to it.
435 #[allow(dead_code)]
436 struct PanicCommand(String);
437 impl Command for PanicCommand {
438 fn apply(self, _: &mut World) {
439 panic!("command is panicking");
440 }
441 }
443 #[test]
444 fn test_command_queue_inner_panic_safe() {
445 std::panic::set_hook(Box::new(|_| {}));
447 let mut queue = CommandQueue::default();
449 queue.push(PanicCommand("I panic!".to_owned()));
450 queue.push(SpawnCommand);
452 let mut world = World::new();
454 let _ = std::panic::catch_unwind(AssertUnwindSafe(|| {
455 queue.apply(&mut world);
456 }));
458 // Even though the first command panicked, it's still ok to push
459 // more commands.
460 queue.push(SpawnCommand);
461 queue.push(SpawnCommand);
462 queue.apply(&mut world);
463 assert_eq!(world.entities().len(), 3);
464 }
466 #[test]
467 fn test_command_queue_inner_nested_panic_safe() {
468 std::panic::set_hook(Box::new(|_| {}));
470 #[derive(Resource, Default)]
471 struct Order(Vec<usize>);
473 let mut world = World::new();
474 world.init_resource::<Order>();
476 fn add_index(index: usize) -> impl Command {
477 move |world: &mut World| world.resource_mut::<Order>().0.push(index)
478 }
479 world.commands().queue(add_index(1));
480 world.commands().queue(|world: &mut World| {
481 world.commands().queue(add_index(2));
482 world.commands().queue(PanicCommand("I panic!".to_owned()));
483 world.commands().queue(add_index(3));
484 world.flush_commands();
485 });
486 world.commands().queue(add_index(4));
488 let _ = std::panic::catch_unwind(AssertUnwindSafe(|| {
489 world.flush_commands();
490 }));
492 world.commands().queue(add_index(5));
493 world.flush_commands();
494 assert_eq!(&world.resource::<Order>().0, &[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);
495 }
497 // NOTE: `CommandQueue` is `Send` because `Command` is send.
498 // If the `Command` trait gets reworked to be non-send, `CommandQueue`
499 // should be reworked.
500 // This test asserts that Command types are send.
501 fn assert_is_send_impl(_: impl Send) {}
502 fn assert_is_send(command: impl Command) {
503 assert_is_send_impl(command);
504 }
506 #[test]
507 fn test_command_is_send() {
508 assert_is_send(SpawnCommand);
509 }
511 #[allow(dead_code)]
512 struct CommandWithPadding(u8, u16);
513 impl Command for CommandWithPadding {
514 fn apply(self, _: &mut World) {}
515 }
517 #[cfg(miri)]
518 #[test]
519 fn test_uninit_bytes() {
520 let mut queue = CommandQueue::default();
521 queue.push(CommandWithPadding(0, 0));
522 let _ = format!("{:?}", queue.bytes);
523 }