
1//! Representation for individual element accesses within a path.
3use alloc::borrow::Cow;
4use core::fmt;
6use super::error::AccessErrorKind;
7use crate::{AccessError, PartialReflect, ReflectKind, ReflectMut, ReflectRef, VariantType};
9type InnerResult<T> = Result<T, AccessErrorKind>;
11/// A singular element access within a path.
12/// Multiple accesses can be combined into a [`ParsedPath`](super::ParsedPath).
14/// Can be applied to a [`dyn Reflect`](crate::Reflect) to get a reference to the targeted element.
15#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
16pub enum Access<'a> {
17    /// A name-based field access on a struct.
18    Field(Cow<'a, str>),
19    /// A index-based field access on a struct.
20    FieldIndex(usize),
21    /// An index-based access on a tuple.
22    TupleIndex(usize),
23    /// An index-based access on a list.
24    ListIndex(usize),
27impl fmt::Display for Access<'_> {
28    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
29        match self {
30            Access::Field(field) => write!(f, ".{field}"),
31            Access::FieldIndex(index) => write!(f, "#{index}"),
32            Access::TupleIndex(index) => write!(f, ".{index}"),
33            Access::ListIndex(index) => write!(f, "[{index}]"),
34        }
35    }
38impl<'a> Access<'a> {
39    /// Converts this into an "owned" value.
40    ///
41    /// If the [`Access`] is of variant [`Field`](Access::Field),
42    /// the field's [`Cow<str>`] will be converted to its owned
43    /// counterpart, which doesn't require a reference.
44    pub fn into_owned(self) -> Access<'static> {
45        match self {
46            Self::Field(value) => Access::Field(Cow::Owned(value.into_owned())),
47            Self::FieldIndex(value) => Access::FieldIndex(value),
48            Self::TupleIndex(value) => Access::TupleIndex(value),
49            Self::ListIndex(value) => Access::ListIndex(value),
50        }
51    }
53    pub(super) fn element<'r>(
54        &self,
55        base: &'r dyn PartialReflect,
56        offset: Option<usize>,
57    ) -> Result<&'r dyn PartialReflect, AccessError<'a>> {
58        self.element_inner(base)
59            .and_then(|opt| opt.ok_or(AccessErrorKind::MissingField(base.reflect_kind())))
60            .map_err(|err| err.with_access(self.clone(), offset))
61    }
63    fn element_inner<'r>(
64        &self,
65        base: &'r dyn PartialReflect,
66    ) -> InnerResult<Option<&'r dyn PartialReflect>> {
67        use ReflectRef::*;
69        let invalid_variant =
70            |expected, actual| AccessErrorKind::IncompatibleEnumVariantTypes { expected, actual };
72        match (self, base.reflect_ref()) {
73            (Self::Field(field), Struct(struct_ref)) => Ok(struct_ref.field(field.as_ref())),
74            (Self::Field(field), Enum(enum_ref)) => match enum_ref.variant_type() {
75                VariantType::Struct => Ok(enum_ref.field(field.as_ref())),
76                actual => Err(invalid_variant(VariantType::Struct, actual)),
77            },
78            (&Self::FieldIndex(index), Struct(struct_ref)) => Ok(struct_ref.field_at(index)),
79            (&Self::FieldIndex(index), Enum(enum_ref)) => match enum_ref.variant_type() {
80                VariantType::Struct => Ok(enum_ref.field_at(index)),
81                actual => Err(invalid_variant(VariantType::Struct, actual)),
82            },
83            (Self::Field(_) | Self::FieldIndex(_), actual) => {
84                Err(AccessErrorKind::IncompatibleTypes {
85                    expected: ReflectKind::Struct,
86                    actual: actual.into(),
87                })
88            }
90            (&Self::TupleIndex(index), TupleStruct(tuple)) => Ok(tuple.field(index)),
91            (&Self::TupleIndex(index), Tuple(tuple)) => Ok(tuple.field(index)),
92            (&Self::TupleIndex(index), Enum(enum_ref)) => match enum_ref.variant_type() {
93                VariantType::Tuple => Ok(enum_ref.field_at(index)),
94                actual => Err(invalid_variant(VariantType::Tuple, actual)),
95            },
96            (Self::TupleIndex(_), actual) => Err(AccessErrorKind::IncompatibleTypes {
97                expected: ReflectKind::Tuple,
98                actual: actual.into(),
99            }),
101            (&Self::ListIndex(index), List(list)) => Ok(list.get(index)),
102            (&Self::ListIndex(index), Array(list)) => Ok(list.get(index)),
103            (Self::ListIndex(_), actual) => Err(AccessErrorKind::IncompatibleTypes {
104                expected: ReflectKind::List,
105                actual: actual.into(),
106            }),
107        }
108    }
110    pub(super) fn element_mut<'r>(
111        &self,
112        base: &'r mut dyn PartialReflect,
113        offset: Option<usize>,
114    ) -> Result<&'r mut dyn PartialReflect, AccessError<'a>> {
115        let kind = base.reflect_kind();
117        self.element_inner_mut(base)
118            .and_then(|maybe| maybe.ok_or(AccessErrorKind::MissingField(kind)))
119            .map_err(|err| err.with_access(self.clone(), offset))
120    }
122    fn element_inner_mut<'r>(
123        &self,
124        base: &'r mut dyn PartialReflect,
125    ) -> InnerResult<Option<&'r mut dyn PartialReflect>> {
126        use ReflectMut::*;
128        let invalid_variant =
129            |expected, actual| AccessErrorKind::IncompatibleEnumVariantTypes { expected, actual };
131        match (self, base.reflect_mut()) {
132            (Self::Field(field), Struct(struct_mut)) => Ok(struct_mut.field_mut(field.as_ref())),
133            (Self::Field(field), Enum(enum_mut)) => match enum_mut.variant_type() {
134                VariantType::Struct => Ok(enum_mut.field_mut(field.as_ref())),
135                actual => Err(invalid_variant(VariantType::Struct, actual)),
136            },
137            (&Self::FieldIndex(index), Struct(struct_mut)) => Ok(struct_mut.field_at_mut(index)),
138            (&Self::FieldIndex(index), Enum(enum_mut)) => match enum_mut.variant_type() {
139                VariantType::Struct => Ok(enum_mut.field_at_mut(index)),
140                actual => Err(invalid_variant(VariantType::Struct, actual)),
141            },
142            (Self::Field(_) | Self::FieldIndex(_), actual) => {
143                Err(AccessErrorKind::IncompatibleTypes {
144                    expected: ReflectKind::Struct,
145                    actual: actual.into(),
146                })
147            }
149            (&Self::TupleIndex(index), TupleStruct(tuple)) => Ok(tuple.field_mut(index)),
150            (&Self::TupleIndex(index), Tuple(tuple)) => Ok(tuple.field_mut(index)),
151            (&Self::TupleIndex(index), Enum(enum_mut)) => match enum_mut.variant_type() {
152                VariantType::Tuple => Ok(enum_mut.field_at_mut(index)),
153                actual => Err(invalid_variant(VariantType::Tuple, actual)),
154            },
155            (Self::TupleIndex(_), actual) => Err(AccessErrorKind::IncompatibleTypes {
156                expected: ReflectKind::Tuple,
157                actual: actual.into(),
158            }),
160            (&Self::ListIndex(index), List(list)) => Ok(list.get_mut(index)),
161            (&Self::ListIndex(index), Array(list)) => Ok(list.get_mut(index)),
162            (Self::ListIndex(_), actual) => Err(AccessErrorKind::IncompatibleTypes {
163                expected: ReflectKind::List,
164                actual: actual.into(),
165            }),
166        }
167    }
169    /// Returns a reference to this [`Access`]'s inner value as a [`&dyn Display`](fmt::Display).
170    pub fn display_value(&self) -> &dyn fmt::Display {
171        match self {
172            Self::Field(value) => value,
173            Self::FieldIndex(value) | Self::TupleIndex(value) | Self::ListIndex(value) => value,
174        }
175    }
177    pub(super) fn kind(&self) -> &'static str {
178        match self {
179            Self::Field(_) => "field",
180            Self::FieldIndex(_) => "field index",
181            Self::TupleIndex(_) | Self::ListIndex(_) => "index",
182        }
183    }