
1//! Batching functionality when GPU preprocessing is in use.
3use bevy_app::{App, Plugin};
4use bevy_derive::{Deref, DerefMut};
5use bevy_ecs::{
6    entity::{Entity, EntityHashMap},
7    query::{Has, With},
8    schedule::IntoSystemConfigs as _,
9    system::{Query, Res, ResMut, Resource, StaticSystemParam},
10    world::{FromWorld, World},
12use bevy_encase_derive::ShaderType;
13use bytemuck::{Pod, Zeroable};
14use nonmax::NonMaxU32;
15use smallvec::smallvec;
16use wgpu::{BindingResource, BufferUsages, DownlevelFlags, Features};
18use crate::{
19    render_phase::{
20        BinnedPhaseItem, BinnedRenderPhaseBatch, CachedRenderPipelinePhaseItem,
21        PhaseItemExtraIndex, SortedPhaseItem, SortedRenderPhase, UnbatchableBinnedEntityIndices,
22        ViewBinnedRenderPhases, ViewSortedRenderPhases,
23    },
24    render_resource::{BufferVec, GpuArrayBufferable, RawBufferVec, UninitBufferVec},
25    renderer::{RenderAdapter, RenderDevice, RenderQueue},
26    view::{ExtractedView, GpuCulling, ViewTarget},
27    Render, RenderApp, RenderSet,
30use super::{BatchMeta, GetBatchData, GetFullBatchData};
32pub struct BatchingPlugin;
34impl Plugin for BatchingPlugin {
35    fn build(&self, app: &mut App) {
36        let Some(render_app) = app.get_sub_app_mut(RenderApp) else {
37            return;
38        };
40        render_app
41            .insert_resource(IndirectParametersBuffer::new())
42            .add_systems(
43                Render,
44                write_indirect_parameters_buffer.in_set(RenderSet::PrepareResourcesFlush),
45            );
46    }
48    fn finish(&self, app: &mut App) {
49        let Some(render_app) = app.get_sub_app_mut(RenderApp) else {
50            return;
51        };
53        render_app.init_resource::<GpuPreprocessingSupport>();
54    }
57/// Records whether GPU preprocessing and/or GPU culling are supported on the
58/// device.
60/// No GPU preprocessing is supported on WebGL because of the lack of compute
61/// shader support.  GPU preprocessing is supported on DirectX 12, but due to [a
62/// `wgpu` limitation] GPU culling is not.
64/// [a `wgpu` limitation]:
65#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Resource)]
66pub enum GpuPreprocessingSupport {
67    /// No GPU preprocessing support is available at all.
68    None,
69    /// GPU preprocessing is available, but GPU culling isn't.
70    PreprocessingOnly,
71    /// Both GPU preprocessing and GPU culling are available.
72    Culling,
75/// The GPU buffers holding the data needed to render batches.
77/// For example, in the 3D PBR pipeline this holds `MeshUniform`s, which are the
78/// `BD` type parameter in that mode.
80/// We have a separate *buffer data input* type (`BDI`) here, which a compute
81/// shader is expected to expand to the full buffer data (`BD`) type. GPU
82/// uniform building is generally faster and uses less system RAM to VRAM bus
83/// bandwidth, but only implemented for some pipelines (for example, not in the
84/// 2D pipeline at present) and only when compute shader is available.
86pub struct BatchedInstanceBuffers<BD, BDI>
88    BD: GpuArrayBufferable + Sync + Send + 'static,
89    BDI: Pod,
91    /// A storage area for the buffer data that the GPU compute shader is
92    /// expected to write to.
93    ///
94    /// There will be one entry for each index.
95    pub data_buffer: UninitBufferVec<BD>,
97    /// The index of the buffer data in the current input buffer that
98    /// corresponds to each instance.
99    ///
100    /// This is keyed off each view. Each view has a separate buffer.
101    pub work_item_buffers: EntityHashMap<PreprocessWorkItemBuffer>,
103    /// The uniform data inputs for the current frame.
104    ///
105    /// These are uploaded during the extraction phase.
106    pub current_input_buffer: RawBufferVec<BDI>,
108    /// The uniform data inputs for the previous frame.
109    ///
110    /// The indices don't generally line up between `current_input_buffer`
111    /// and `previous_input_buffer`, because, among other reasons, entities
112    /// can spawn or despawn between frames. Instead, each current buffer
113    /// data input uniform is expected to contain the index of the
114    /// corresponding buffer data input uniform in this list.
115    pub previous_input_buffer: RawBufferVec<BDI>,
118/// The buffer of GPU preprocessing work items for a single view.
119pub struct PreprocessWorkItemBuffer {
120    /// The buffer of work items.
121    pub buffer: BufferVec<PreprocessWorkItem>,
122    /// True if we're using GPU culling.
123    pub gpu_culling: bool,
126/// One invocation of the preprocessing shader: i.e. one mesh instance in a
127/// view.
128#[derive(Clone, Copy, Pod, Zeroable, ShaderType)]
130pub struct PreprocessWorkItem {
131    /// The index of the batch input data in the input buffer that the shader
132    /// reads from.
133    pub input_index: u32,
134    /// In direct mode, this is the index of the `MeshUniform` in the output
135    /// buffer that we write to. In indirect mode, this is the index of the
136    /// [`IndirectParameters`].
137    pub output_index: u32,
140/// The `wgpu` indirect parameters structure.
142/// This is actually a union of the two following structures:
144/// ```
145/// #[repr(C)]
146/// struct ArrayIndirectParameters {
147///     vertex_count: u32,
148///     instance_count: u32,
149///     first_vertex: u32,
150///     first_instance: u32,
151/// }
153/// #[repr(C)]
154/// struct ElementIndirectParameters {
155///     index_count: u32,
156///     instance_count: u32,
157///     first_vertex: u32,
158///     base_vertex: u32,
159///     first_instance: u32,
160/// }
161/// ```
163/// We actually generally treat these two variants identically in code. To do
164/// that, we make the following two observations:
166/// 1. `instance_count` is in the same place in both structures. So we can
167///     access it regardless of the structure we're looking at.
169/// 2. The second structure is one word larger than the first. Thus we need to
170///     pad out the first structure by one word in order to place both structures in
171///     an array. If we pad out `ArrayIndirectParameters` by copying the
172///     `first_instance` field into the padding, then the resulting union structure
173///     will always have a read-only copy of `first_instance` in the final word. We
174///     take advantage of this in the shader to reduce branching.
175#[derive(Clone, Copy, Pod, Zeroable, ShaderType)]
177pub struct IndirectParameters {
178    /// For `ArrayIndirectParameters`, `vertex_count`; for
179    /// `ElementIndirectParameters`, `index_count`.
180    pub vertex_or_index_count: u32,
182    /// The number of instances we're going to draw.
183    ///
184    /// This field is in the same place in both structures.
185    pub instance_count: u32,
187    /// For `ArrayIndirectParameters`, `first_vertex`; for
188    /// `ElementIndirectParameters`, `first_index`.
189    pub first_vertex_or_first_index: u32,
191    /// For `ArrayIndirectParameters`, `first_instance`; for
192    /// `ElementIndirectParameters`, `base_vertex`.
193    pub base_vertex_or_first_instance: u32,
195    /// For `ArrayIndirectParameters`, this is padding; for
196    /// `ElementIndirectParameters`, this is `first_instance`.
197    ///
198    /// Conventionally, we copy `first_instance` into this field when padding
199    /// out `ArrayIndirectParameters`. That way, shader code can read this value
200    /// at the same place, regardless of the specific structure this represents.
201    pub first_instance: u32,
204/// The buffer containing the list of [`IndirectParameters`], for draw commands.
205#[derive(Resource, Deref, DerefMut)]
206pub struct IndirectParametersBuffer(pub BufferVec<IndirectParameters>);
208impl IndirectParametersBuffer {
209    /// Creates the indirect parameters buffer.
210    pub fn new() -> IndirectParametersBuffer {
211        IndirectParametersBuffer(BufferVec::new(
212            BufferUsages::STORAGE | BufferUsages::INDIRECT,
213        ))
214    }
217impl Default for IndirectParametersBuffer {
218    fn default() -> Self {
219        Self::new()
220    }
223impl FromWorld for GpuPreprocessingSupport {
224    fn from_world(world: &mut World) -> Self {
225        let adapter = world.resource::<RenderAdapter>();
226        let device = world.resource::<RenderDevice>();
228        // filter some Qualcomm devices on Android as they crash when using GPU preprocessing.
229        fn is_non_supported_android_device(adapter: &RenderAdapter) -> bool {
230            if cfg!(target_os = "android") {
231                let adapter_name = adapter.get_info().name;
233                // Filter out Adreno 730 and earlier GPUs (except 720, as it's newer than 730)
234                // while also taking suffixes into account like Adreno 642L.
235                let non_supported_adreno_model = |model: &str| -> bool {
236                    let model = model
237                        .chars()
238                        .map_while(|c| c.to_digit(10))
239                        .fold(0, |acc, digit| acc * 10 + digit);
241                    model != 720 && model <= 730
242                };
244                adapter_name
245                    .strip_prefix("Adreno (TM) ")
246                    .is_some_and(non_supported_adreno_model)
247            } else {
248                false
249            }
250        }
252        if device.limits().max_compute_workgroup_size_x == 0 || is_non_supported_android_device(adapter)
253        {
254            GpuPreprocessingSupport::None
255        } else if !device
256            .features()
257            .contains(Features::INDIRECT_FIRST_INSTANCE) ||
258            !adapter.get_downlevel_capabilities().flags.contains(
260        {
261            GpuPreprocessingSupport::PreprocessingOnly
262        } else {
263            GpuPreprocessingSupport::Culling
264        }
265    }
268impl<BD, BDI> BatchedInstanceBuffers<BD, BDI>
270    BD: GpuArrayBufferable + Sync + Send + 'static,
271    BDI: Pod,
273    /// Creates new buffers.
274    pub fn new() -> Self {
275        BatchedInstanceBuffers {
276            data_buffer: UninitBufferVec::new(BufferUsages::STORAGE),
277            work_item_buffers: EntityHashMap::default(),
278            current_input_buffer: RawBufferVec::new(BufferUsages::STORAGE),
279            previous_input_buffer: RawBufferVec::new(BufferUsages::STORAGE),
280        }
281    }
283    /// Returns the binding of the buffer that contains the per-instance data.
284    ///
285    /// This buffer needs to be filled in via a compute shader.
286    pub fn instance_data_binding(&self) -> Option<BindingResource> {
287        self.data_buffer
288            .buffer()
289            .map(|buffer| buffer.as_entire_binding())
290    }
292    /// Clears out the buffers in preparation for a new frame.
293    pub fn clear(&mut self) {
294        self.data_buffer.clear();
295        self.current_input_buffer.clear();
296        self.previous_input_buffer.clear();
297        for work_item_buffer in self.work_item_buffers.values_mut() {
298            work_item_buffer.buffer.clear();
299        }
300    }
303impl<BD, BDI> Default for BatchedInstanceBuffers<BD, BDI>
305    BD: GpuArrayBufferable + Sync + Send + 'static,
306    BDI: Pod,
308    fn default() -> Self {
309        Self::new()
310    }
313/// Information about a render batch that we're building up during a sorted
314/// render phase.
315struct SortedRenderBatch<F>
317    F: GetBatchData,
319    /// The index of the first phase item in this batch in the list of phase
320    /// items.
321    phase_item_start_index: u32,
323    /// The index of the first instance in this batch in the instance buffer.
324    instance_start_index: u32,
326    /// The index of the indirect parameters for this batch in the
327    /// [`IndirectParametersBuffer`].
328    ///
329    /// If CPU culling is being used, then this will be `None`.
330    indirect_parameters_index: Option<NonMaxU32>,
332    /// Metadata that can be used to determine whether an instance can be placed
333    /// into this batch.
334    ///
335    /// If `None`, the item inside is unbatchable.
336    meta: Option<BatchMeta<F::CompareData>>,
339impl<F> SortedRenderBatch<F>
341    F: GetBatchData,
343    /// Finalizes this batch and updates the [`SortedRenderPhase`] with the
344    /// appropriate indices.
345    ///
346    /// `instance_end_index` is the index of the last instance in this batch
347    /// plus one.
348    fn flush<I>(self, instance_end_index: u32, phase: &mut SortedRenderPhase<I>)
349    where
350        I: CachedRenderPipelinePhaseItem + SortedPhaseItem,
351    {
352        let (batch_range, batch_extra_index) =
353            phase.items[self.phase_item_start_index as usize].batch_range_and_extra_index_mut();
354        *batch_range = self.instance_start_index..instance_end_index;
355        *batch_extra_index =
356            PhaseItemExtraIndex::maybe_indirect_parameters_index(self.indirect_parameters_index);
357    }
360/// A system that runs early in extraction and clears out all the
361/// [`BatchedInstanceBuffers`] for the frame.
363/// We have to run this during extraction because, if GPU preprocessing is in
364/// use, the extraction phase will write to the mesh input uniform buffers
365/// directly, so the buffers need to be cleared before then.
366pub fn clear_batched_gpu_instance_buffers<GFBD>(
367    gpu_batched_instance_buffers: Option<
368        ResMut<BatchedInstanceBuffers<GFBD::BufferData, GFBD::BufferInputData>>,
369    >,
370) where
371    GFBD: GetFullBatchData,
373    if let Some(mut gpu_batched_instance_buffers) = gpu_batched_instance_buffers {
374        gpu_batched_instance_buffers.clear();
375    }
378/// A system that removes GPU preprocessing work item buffers that correspond to
379/// deleted [`ViewTarget`]s.
381/// This is a separate system from [`clear_batched_gpu_instance_buffers`]
382/// because [`ViewTarget`]s aren't created until after the extraction phase is
383/// completed.
384pub fn delete_old_work_item_buffers<GFBD>(
385    mut gpu_batched_instance_buffers: ResMut<
386        BatchedInstanceBuffers<GFBD::BufferData, GFBD::BufferInputData>,
387    >,
388    view_targets: Query<Entity, With<ViewTarget>>,
389) where
390    GFBD: GetFullBatchData,
392    gpu_batched_instance_buffers
393        .work_item_buffers
394        .retain(|entity, _| view_targets.contains(*entity));
397/// Batch the items in a sorted render phase, when GPU instance buffer building
398/// is in use. This means comparing metadata needed to draw each phase item and
399/// trying to combine the draws into a batch.
400pub fn batch_and_prepare_sorted_render_phase<I, GFBD>(
401    gpu_array_buffer: ResMut<BatchedInstanceBuffers<GFBD::BufferData, GFBD::BufferInputData>>,
402    mut indirect_parameters_buffer: ResMut<IndirectParametersBuffer>,
403    mut sorted_render_phases: ResMut<ViewSortedRenderPhases<I>>,
404    mut views: Query<(Entity, Has<GpuCulling>), With<ExtractedView>>,
405    system_param_item: StaticSystemParam<GFBD::Param>,
406) where
407    I: CachedRenderPipelinePhaseItem + SortedPhaseItem,
408    GFBD: GetFullBatchData,
410    // We only process GPU-built batch data in this function.
411    let BatchedInstanceBuffers {
412        ref mut data_buffer,
413        ref mut work_item_buffers,
414        ..
415    } = gpu_array_buffer.into_inner();
417    for (view, gpu_culling) in &mut views {
418        let Some(phase) = sorted_render_phases.get_mut(&view) else {
419            continue;
420        };
422        // Create the work item buffer if necessary.
423        let work_item_buffer =
424            work_item_buffers
425                .entry(view)
426                .or_insert_with(|| PreprocessWorkItemBuffer {
427                    buffer: BufferVec::new(BufferUsages::STORAGE),
428                    gpu_culling,
429                });
431        // Walk through the list of phase items, building up batches as we go.
432        let mut batch: Option<SortedRenderBatch<GFBD>> = None;
433        for current_index in 0..phase.items.len() {
434            // Get the index of the input data, and comparison metadata, for
435            // this entity.
436            let item = &phase.items[current_index];
437            let entity = (item.entity(), item.main_entity());
438            let current_batch_input_index =
439                GFBD::get_index_and_compare_data(&system_param_item, entity);
441            // Unpack that index and metadata. Note that it's possible for index
442            // and/or metadata to not be present, which signifies that this
443            // entity is unbatchable. In that case, we break the batch here.
444            // If the index isn't present the item is not part of this pipeline and so will be skipped.
445            let Some((current_input_index, current_meta)) = current_batch_input_index else {
446                // Break a batch if we need to.
447                if let Some(batch) = batch.take() {
448                    batch.flush(data_buffer.len() as u32, phase);
449                }
451                continue;
452            };
453            let current_meta =
454      |meta| BatchMeta::new(&phase.items[current_index], meta));
456            // Determine if this entity can be included in the batch we're
457            // building up.
458            let can_batch = batch.as_ref().is_some_and(|batch| {
459                // `None` for metadata indicates that the items are unbatchable.
460                match (&current_meta, &batch.meta) {
461                    (Some(current_meta), Some(batch_meta)) => current_meta == batch_meta,
462                    (_, _) => false,
463                }
464            });
466            // Make space in the data buffer for this instance.
467            let item = &phase.items[current_index];
468            let entity = (item.entity(), item.main_entity());
469            let output_index = data_buffer.add() as u32;
471            // If we can't batch, break the existing batch and make a new one.
472            if !can_batch {
473                // Break a batch if we need to.
474                if let Some(batch) = batch.take() {
475                    batch.flush(output_index, phase);
476                }
478                // Start a new batch.
479                let indirect_parameters_index = if gpu_culling {
480                    GFBD::get_batch_indirect_parameters_index(
481                        &system_param_item,
482                        &mut indirect_parameters_buffer,
483                        entity,
484                        output_index,
485                    )
486                } else {
487                    None
488                };
489                batch = Some(SortedRenderBatch {
490                    phase_item_start_index: current_index as u32,
491                    instance_start_index: output_index,
492                    indirect_parameters_index,
493                    meta: current_meta,
494                });
495            }
497            // Add a new preprocessing work item so that the preprocessing
498            // shader will copy the per-instance data over.
499            if let Some(batch) = batch.as_ref() {
500                work_item_buffer.buffer.push(PreprocessWorkItem {
501                    input_index: current_input_index.into(),
502                    output_index: match batch.indirect_parameters_index {
503                        Some(indirect_parameters_index) => indirect_parameters_index.into(),
504                        None => output_index,
505                    },
506                });
507            }
508        }
510        // Flush the final batch if necessary.
511        if let Some(batch) = batch.take() {
512            batch.flush(data_buffer.len() as u32, phase);
513        }
514    }
517/// Creates batches for a render phase that uses bins.
518pub fn batch_and_prepare_binned_render_phase<BPI, GFBD>(
519    gpu_array_buffer: ResMut<BatchedInstanceBuffers<GFBD::BufferData, GFBD::BufferInputData>>,
520    mut indirect_parameters_buffer: ResMut<IndirectParametersBuffer>,
521    mut binned_render_phases: ResMut<ViewBinnedRenderPhases<BPI>>,
522    mut views: Query<(Entity, Has<GpuCulling>), With<ExtractedView>>,
523    param: StaticSystemParam<GFBD::Param>,
524) where
525    BPI: BinnedPhaseItem,
526    GFBD: GetFullBatchData,
528    let system_param_item = param.into_inner();
530    let BatchedInstanceBuffers {
531        ref mut data_buffer,
532        ref mut work_item_buffers,
533        ..
534    } = gpu_array_buffer.into_inner();
536    for (view, gpu_culling) in &mut views {
537        let Some(phase) = binned_render_phases.get_mut(&view) else {
538            continue;
539        };
541        // Create the work item buffer if necessary; otherwise, just mark it as
542        // used this frame.
543        let work_item_buffer =
544            work_item_buffers
545                .entry(view)
546                .or_insert_with(|| PreprocessWorkItemBuffer {
547                    buffer: BufferVec::new(BufferUsages::STORAGE),
548                    gpu_culling,
549                });
551        // Prepare batchables.
553        for key in &phase.batchable_mesh_keys {
554            let mut batch: Option<BinnedRenderPhaseBatch> = None;
555            for &(entity, main_entity) in &phase.batchable_mesh_values[key] {
556                let Some(input_index) =
557                    GFBD::get_binned_index(&system_param_item, (entity, main_entity))
558                else {
559                    continue;
560                };
561                let output_index = data_buffer.add() as u32;
563                match batch {
564                    Some(ref mut batch) => {
565                        batch.instance_range.end = output_index + 1;
566                        work_item_buffer.buffer.push(PreprocessWorkItem {
567                            input_index: input_index.into(),
568                            output_index: batch
569                                .extra_index
570                                .as_indirect_parameters_index()
571                                .unwrap_or(output_index),
572                        });
573                    }
575                    None if gpu_culling => {
576                        let indirect_parameters_index = GFBD::get_batch_indirect_parameters_index(
577                            &system_param_item,
578                            &mut indirect_parameters_buffer,
579                            (entity, main_entity),
580                            output_index,
581                        );
582                        work_item_buffer.buffer.push(PreprocessWorkItem {
583                            input_index: input_index.into(),
584                            output_index: indirect_parameters_index.unwrap_or_default().into(),
585                        });
586                        batch = Some(BinnedRenderPhaseBatch {
587                            representative_entity: (entity, main_entity),
588                            instance_range: output_index..output_index + 1,
589                            extra_index: PhaseItemExtraIndex::maybe_indirect_parameters_index(
590                                indirect_parameters_index,
591                            ),
592                        });
593                    }
595                    None => {
596                        work_item_buffer.buffer.push(PreprocessWorkItem {
597                            input_index: input_index.into(),
598                            output_index,
599                        });
600                        batch = Some(BinnedRenderPhaseBatch {
601                            representative_entity: (entity, main_entity),
602                            instance_range: output_index..output_index + 1,
603                            extra_index: PhaseItemExtraIndex::NONE,
604                        });
605                    }
606                }
607            }
609            if let Some(batch) = batch {
610                phase.batch_sets.push(smallvec![batch]);
611            }
612        }
614        // Prepare unbatchables.
615        for key in &phase.unbatchable_mesh_keys {
616            let unbatchables = phase.unbatchable_mesh_values.get_mut(key).unwrap();
617            for &(entity, main_entity) in &unbatchables.entities {
618                let Some(input_index) =
619                    GFBD::get_binned_index(&system_param_item, (entity, main_entity))
620                else {
621                    continue;
622                };
623                let output_index = data_buffer.add() as u32;
625                if gpu_culling {
626                    let indirect_parameters_index = GFBD::get_batch_indirect_parameters_index(
627                        &system_param_item,
628                        &mut indirect_parameters_buffer,
629                        (entity, main_entity),
630                        output_index,
631                    )
632                    .unwrap_or_default();
633                    work_item_buffer.buffer.push(PreprocessWorkItem {
634                        input_index: input_index.into(),
635                        output_index: indirect_parameters_index.into(),
636                    });
637                    unbatchables
638                        .buffer_indices
639                        .add(UnbatchableBinnedEntityIndices {
640                            instance_index: indirect_parameters_index.into(),
641                            extra_index: PhaseItemExtraIndex::indirect_parameters_index(
642                                indirect_parameters_index.into(),
643                            ),
644                        });
645                } else {
646                    work_item_buffer.buffer.push(PreprocessWorkItem {
647                        input_index: input_index.into(),
648                        output_index,
649                    });
650                    unbatchables
651                        .buffer_indices
652                        .add(UnbatchableBinnedEntityIndices {
653                            instance_index: output_index,
654                            extra_index: PhaseItemExtraIndex::NONE,
655                        });
656                }
657            }
658        }
659    }
662/// A system that writes all instance buffers to the GPU.
663pub fn write_batched_instance_buffers<GFBD>(
664    render_device: Res<RenderDevice>,
665    render_queue: Res<RenderQueue>,
666    gpu_array_buffer: ResMut<BatchedInstanceBuffers<GFBD::BufferData, GFBD::BufferInputData>>,
667) where
668    GFBD: GetFullBatchData,
670    let BatchedInstanceBuffers {
671        ref mut data_buffer,
672        work_item_buffers: ref mut index_buffers,
673        ref mut current_input_buffer,
674        previous_input_buffer: _,
675    } = gpu_array_buffer.into_inner();
677    data_buffer.write_buffer(&render_device);
678    current_input_buffer.write_buffer(&render_device, &render_queue);
679    // There's no need to write `previous_input_buffer`, as we wrote
680    // that on the previous frame, and it hasn't changed.
682    for index_buffer in index_buffers.values_mut() {
683        index_buffer
684            .buffer
685            .write_buffer(&render_device, &render_queue);
686    }
689pub fn write_indirect_parameters_buffer(
690    render_device: Res<RenderDevice>,
691    render_queue: Res<RenderQueue>,
692    mut indirect_parameters_buffer: ResMut<IndirectParametersBuffer>,
693) {
694    indirect_parameters_buffer.write_buffer(&render_device, &render_queue);
695    indirect_parameters_buffer.clear();