
1use core::borrow::Borrow;
3use bevy_ecs::{component::Component, entity::EntityHashMap, reflect::ReflectComponent};
4use bevy_math::{Affine3A, Mat3A, Mat4, Vec3, Vec3A, Vec4, Vec4Swizzles};
5use bevy_reflect::prelude::*;
7/// An axis-aligned bounding box, defined by:
8/// - a center,
9/// - the distances from the center to each faces along the axis,
10///     the faces are orthogonal to the axis.
12/// It is typically used as a component on an entity to represent the local space
13/// occupied by this entity, with faces orthogonal to its local axis.
15/// This component is notably used during "frustum culling", a process to determine
16/// if an entity should be rendered by a [`Camera`] if its bounding box intersects
17/// with the camera's [`Frustum`].
19/// It will be added automatically by the systems in [`CalculateBounds`] to entities that:
20/// - could be subject to frustum culling, for example with a [`Mesh3d`]
21///     or `Sprite` component,
22/// - don't have the [`NoFrustumCulling`] component.
24/// It won't be updated automatically if the space occupied by the entity changes,
25/// for example if the vertex positions of a [`Mesh3d`] are updated.
27/// [`Camera`]: crate::camera::Camera
28/// [`NoFrustumCulling`]: crate::view::visibility::NoFrustumCulling
29/// [`CalculateBounds`]: crate::view::visibility::VisibilitySystems::CalculateBounds
30/// [`Mesh3d`]: crate::mesh::Mesh
31#[derive(Component, Clone, Copy, Debug, Default, Reflect, PartialEq)]
32#[reflect(Component, Default, Debug, PartialEq)]
33pub struct Aabb {
34    pub center: Vec3A,
35    pub half_extents: Vec3A,
38impl Aabb {
39    #[inline]
40    pub fn from_min_max(minimum: Vec3, maximum: Vec3) -> Self {
41        let minimum = Vec3A::from(minimum);
42        let maximum = Vec3A::from(maximum);
43        let center = 0.5 * (maximum + minimum);
44        let half_extents = 0.5 * (maximum - minimum);
45        Self {
46            center,
47            half_extents,
48        }
49    }
51    /// Returns a bounding box enclosing the specified set of points.
52    ///
53    /// Returns `None` if the iterator is empty.
54    ///
55    /// # Examples
56    ///
57    /// ```
58    /// # use bevy_math::{Vec3, Vec3A};
59    /// # use bevy_render::primitives::Aabb;
60    /// let bb = Aabb::enclosing([Vec3::X, Vec3::Z * 2.0, Vec3::Y * -0.5]).unwrap();
61    /// assert_eq!(bb.min(), Vec3A::new(0.0, -0.5, 0.0));
62    /// assert_eq!(bb.max(), Vec3A::new(1.0, 0.0, 2.0));
63    /// ```
64    pub fn enclosing<T: Borrow<Vec3>>(iter: impl IntoIterator<Item = T>) -> Option<Self> {
65        let mut iter = iter.into_iter().map(|p| *p.borrow());
66        let mut min =;
67        let mut max = min;
68        for v in iter {
69            min = Vec3::min(min, v);
70            max = Vec3::max(max, v);
71        }
72        Some(Self::from_min_max(min, max))
73    }
75    /// Calculate the relative radius of the AABB with respect to a plane
76    #[inline]
77    pub fn relative_radius(&self, p_normal: &Vec3A, world_from_local: &Mat3A) -> f32 {
78        // NOTE: dot products on Vec3A use SIMD and even with the overhead of conversion are net faster than Vec3
79        let half_extents = self.half_extents;
80        Vec3A::new(
81  ,
82  ,
83  ,
84        )
85        .abs()
86        .dot(half_extents)
87    }
89    #[inline]
90    pub fn min(&self) -> Vec3A {
91 - self.half_extents
92    }
94    #[inline]
95    pub fn max(&self) -> Vec3A {
96 + self.half_extents
97    }
100impl From<Sphere> for Aabb {
101    #[inline]
102    fn from(sphere: Sphere) -> Self {
103        Self {
104            center:,
105            half_extents: Vec3A::splat(sphere.radius),
106        }
107    }
110#[derive(Clone, Debug, Default)]
111pub struct Sphere {
112    pub center: Vec3A,
113    pub radius: f32,
116impl Sphere {
117    #[inline]
118    pub fn intersects_obb(&self, aabb: &Aabb, world_from_local: &Affine3A) -> bool {
119        let aabb_center_world = world_from_local.transform_point3a(;
120        let v = aabb_center_world -;
121        let d = v.length();
122        let relative_radius = aabb.relative_radius(&(v / d), &world_from_local.matrix3);
123        d < self.radius + relative_radius
124    }
127/// A region of 3D space, specifically an open set whose border is a bisecting 2D plane.
129/// This bisecting plane partitions 3D space into two infinite regions,
130/// the half-space is one of those regions and excludes the bisecting plane.
132/// Each instance of this type is characterized by:
133/// - the bisecting plane's unit normal, normalized and pointing "inside" the half-space,
134/// - the signed distance along the normal from the bisecting plane to the origin of 3D space.
136/// The distance can also be seen as:
137/// - the distance along the inverse of the normal from the origin of 3D space to the bisecting plane,
138/// - the opposite of the distance along the normal from the origin of 3D space to the bisecting plane.
140/// Any point `p` is considered to be within the `HalfSpace` when the length of the projection
141/// of p on the normal is greater or equal than the opposite of the distance,
142/// meaning: if the equation ` + distance > 0.` is satisfied.
144/// For example, the half-space containing all the points with a z-coordinate lesser
145/// or equal than `8.0` would be defined by: `HalfSpace::new(Vec3::NEG_Z.extend(-8.0))`.
146/// It includes all the points from the bisecting plane towards `NEG_Z`, and the distance
147/// from the plane to the origin is `-8.0` along `NEG_Z`.
149/// It is used to define a [`Frustum`], but is also a useful mathematical primitive for rendering tasks such as  light computation.
150#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Default)]
151pub struct HalfSpace {
152    normal_d: Vec4,
155impl HalfSpace {
156    /// Constructs a `HalfSpace` from a 4D vector whose first 3 components
157    /// represent the bisecting plane's unit normal, and the last component is
158    /// the signed distance along the normal from the plane to the origin.
159    /// The constructor ensures the normal vector is normalized and the distance is appropriately scaled.
160    #[inline]
161    pub fn new(normal_d: Vec4) -> Self {
162        Self {
163            normal_d: normal_d *,
164        }
165    }
167    /// Returns the unit normal vector of the bisecting plane that characterizes the `HalfSpace`.
168    #[inline]
169    pub fn normal(&self) -> Vec3A {
170        Vec3A::from_vec4(self.normal_d)
171    }
173    /// Returns the signed distance from the bisecting plane to the origin along
174    /// the plane's unit normal vector.
175    #[inline]
176    pub fn d(&self) -> f32 {
177        self.normal_d.w
178    }
180    /// Returns the bisecting plane's unit normal vector and the signed distance
181    /// from the plane to the origin.
182    #[inline]
183    pub fn normal_d(&self) -> Vec4 {
184        self.normal_d
185    }
188/// A region of 3D space defined by the intersection of 6 [`HalfSpace`]s.
190/// Frustums are typically an apex-truncated square pyramid (a pyramid without the top) or a cuboid.
192/// Half spaces are ordered left, right, top, bottom, near, far. The normal vectors
193/// of the half-spaces point towards the interior of the frustum.
195/// A frustum component is used on an entity with a [`Camera`] component to
196/// determine which entities will be considered for rendering by this camera.
197/// All entities with an [`Aabb`] component that are not contained by (or crossing
198/// the boundary of) the frustum will not be rendered, and not be used in rendering computations.
200/// This process is called frustum culling, and entities can opt out of it using
201/// the [`NoFrustumCulling`] component.
203/// The frustum component is typically added automatically for cameras, either `Camera2d` or `Camera3d`.
204/// It is usually updated automatically by [`update_frusta`] from the
205/// [`CameraProjection`] component and [`GlobalTransform`] of the camera entity.
207/// [`Camera`]: crate::camera::Camera
208/// [`NoFrustumCulling`]: crate::view::visibility::NoFrustumCulling
209/// [`update_frusta`]: crate::view::visibility::update_frusta
210/// [`CameraProjection`]: crate::camera::CameraProjection
211/// [`GlobalTransform`]: bevy_transform::components::GlobalTransform
212#[derive(Component, Clone, Copy, Debug, Default, Reflect)]
213#[reflect(Component, Default, Debug)]
214pub struct Frustum {
215    #[reflect(ignore)]
216    pub half_spaces: [HalfSpace; 6],
219impl Frustum {
220    /// Returns a frustum derived from `clip_from_world`.
221    #[inline]
222    pub fn from_clip_from_world(clip_from_world: &Mat4) -> Self {
223        let mut frustum = Frustum::from_clip_from_world_no_far(clip_from_world);
224        frustum.half_spaces[5] = HalfSpace::new(clip_from_world.row(2));
225        frustum
226    }
228    /// Returns a frustum derived from `clip_from_world`,
229    /// but with a custom far plane.
230    #[inline]
231    pub fn from_clip_from_world_custom_far(
232        clip_from_world: &Mat4,
233        view_translation: &Vec3,
234        view_backward: &Vec3,
235        far: f32,
236    ) -> Self {
237        let mut frustum = Frustum::from_clip_from_world_no_far(clip_from_world);
238        let far_center = *view_translation - far * *view_backward;
239        frustum.half_spaces[5] =
240            HalfSpace::new(view_backward.extend(;
241        frustum
242    }
244    // NOTE: This approach of extracting the frustum half-space from the view
245    // projection matrix is from Foundations of Game Engine Development 2
246    // Rendering by Lengyel.
247    /// Returns a frustum derived from `view_projection`,
248    /// without a far plane.
249    fn from_clip_from_world_no_far(clip_from_world: &Mat4) -> Self {
250        let row3 = clip_from_world.row(3);
251        let mut half_spaces = [HalfSpace::default(); 6];
252        for (i, half_space) in half_spaces.iter_mut().enumerate().take(5) {
253            let row = clip_from_world.row(i / 2);
254            *half_space = HalfSpace::new(if (i & 1) == 0 && i != 4 {
255                row3 + row
256            } else {
257                row3 - row
258            });
259        }
260        Self { half_spaces }
261    }
263    /// Checks if a sphere intersects the frustum.
264    #[inline]
265    pub fn intersects_sphere(&self, sphere: &Sphere, intersect_far: bool) -> bool {
266        let sphere_center =;
267        let max = if intersect_far { 6 } else { 5 };
268        for half_space in &self.half_spaces[..max] {
269            if half_space.normal_d().dot(sphere_center) + sphere.radius <= 0.0 {
270                return false;
271            }
272        }
273        true
274    }
276    /// Checks if an Oriented Bounding Box (obb) intersects the frustum.
277    #[inline]
278    pub fn intersects_obb(
279        &self,
280        aabb: &Aabb,
281        world_from_local: &Affine3A,
282        intersect_near: bool,
283        intersect_far: bool,
284    ) -> bool {
285        let aabb_center_world = world_from_local.transform_point3a(;
286        for (idx, half_space) in self.half_spaces.into_iter().enumerate() {
287            if idx == 4 && !intersect_near {
288                continue;
289            }
290            if idx == 5 && !intersect_far {
291                continue;
292            }
293            let p_normal = half_space.normal();
294            let relative_radius = aabb.relative_radius(&p_normal, &world_from_local.matrix3);
295            if half_space.normal_d().dot(aabb_center_world) + relative_radius <= 0.0 {
296                return false;
297            }
298        }
299        true
300    }
303#[derive(Component, Clone, Debug, Default, Reflect)]
304#[reflect(Component, Default, Debug)]
305pub struct CubemapFrusta {
306    #[reflect(ignore)]
307    pub frusta: [Frustum; 6],
310impl CubemapFrusta {
311    pub fn iter(&self) -> impl DoubleEndedIterator<Item = &Frustum> {
312        self.frusta.iter()
313    }
314    pub fn iter_mut(&mut self) -> impl DoubleEndedIterator<Item = &mut Frustum> {
315        self.frusta.iter_mut()
316    }
319#[derive(Component, Debug, Default, Reflect, Clone)]
320#[reflect(Component, Default, Debug)]
321pub struct CascadesFrusta {
322    #[reflect(ignore)]
323    pub frusta: EntityHashMap<Vec<Frustum>>,
327mod tests {
328    use super::*;
330    // A big, offset frustum
331    fn big_frustum() -> Frustum {
332        Frustum {
333            half_spaces: [
334                HalfSpace::new(Vec4::new(-0.9701, -0.2425, -0.0000, 7.7611)),
335                HalfSpace::new(Vec4::new(-0.0000, 1.0000, -0.0000, 4.0000)),
336                HalfSpace::new(Vec4::new(-0.0000, -0.2425, -0.9701, 2.9104)),
337                HalfSpace::new(Vec4::new(-0.0000, -1.0000, -0.0000, 4.0000)),
338                HalfSpace::new(Vec4::new(-0.0000, -0.2425, 0.9701, 2.9104)),
339                HalfSpace::new(Vec4::new(0.9701, -0.2425, -0.0000, -1.9403)),
340            ],
341        }
342    }
344    #[test]
345    fn intersects_sphere_big_frustum_outside() {
346        // Sphere outside frustum
347        let frustum = big_frustum();
348        let sphere = Sphere {
349            center: Vec3A::new(0.9167, 0.0000, 0.0000),
350            radius: 0.7500,
351        };
352        assert!(!frustum.intersects_sphere(&sphere, true));
353    }
355    #[test]
356    fn intersects_sphere_big_frustum_intersect() {
357        // Sphere intersects frustum boundary
358        let frustum = big_frustum();
359        let sphere = Sphere {
360            center: Vec3A::new(7.9288, 0.0000, 2.9728),
361            radius: 2.0000,
362        };
363        assert!(frustum.intersects_sphere(&sphere, true));
364    }
366    // A frustum
367    fn frustum() -> Frustum {
368        Frustum {
369            half_spaces: [
370                HalfSpace::new(Vec4::new(-0.9701, -0.2425, -0.0000, 0.7276)),
371                HalfSpace::new(Vec4::new(-0.0000, 1.0000, -0.0000, 1.0000)),
372                HalfSpace::new(Vec4::new(-0.0000, -0.2425, -0.9701, 0.7276)),
373                HalfSpace::new(Vec4::new(-0.0000, -1.0000, -0.0000, 1.0000)),
374                HalfSpace::new(Vec4::new(-0.0000, -0.2425, 0.9701, 0.7276)),
375                HalfSpace::new(Vec4::new(0.9701, -0.2425, -0.0000, 0.7276)),
376            ],
377        }
378    }
380    #[test]
381    fn intersects_sphere_frustum_surrounding() {
382        // Sphere surrounds frustum
383        let frustum = frustum();
384        let sphere = Sphere {
385            center: Vec3A::new(0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000),
386            radius: 3.0000,
387        };
388        assert!(frustum.intersects_sphere(&sphere, true));
389    }
391    #[test]
392    fn intersects_sphere_frustum_contained() {
393        // Sphere is contained in frustum
394        let frustum = frustum();
395        let sphere = Sphere {
396            center: Vec3A::new(0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000),
397            radius: 0.7000,
398        };
399        assert!(frustum.intersects_sphere(&sphere, true));
400    }
402    #[test]
403    fn intersects_sphere_frustum_intersects_plane() {
404        // Sphere intersects a plane
405        let frustum = frustum();
406        let sphere = Sphere {
407            center: Vec3A::new(0.0000, 0.0000, 0.9695),
408            radius: 0.7000,
409        };
410        assert!(frustum.intersects_sphere(&sphere, true));
411    }
413    #[test]
414    fn intersects_sphere_frustum_intersects_2_planes() {
415        // Sphere intersects 2 planes
416        let frustum = frustum();
417        let sphere = Sphere {
418            center: Vec3A::new(1.2037, 0.0000, 0.9695),
419            radius: 0.7000,
420        };
421        assert!(frustum.intersects_sphere(&sphere, true));
422    }
424    #[test]
425    fn intersects_sphere_frustum_intersects_3_planes() {
426        // Sphere intersects 3 planes
427        let frustum = frustum();
428        let sphere = Sphere {
429            center: Vec3A::new(1.2037, -1.0988, 0.9695),
430            radius: 0.7000,
431        };
432        assert!(frustum.intersects_sphere(&sphere, true));
433    }
435    #[test]
436    fn intersects_sphere_frustum_dodges_1_plane() {
437        // Sphere avoids intersecting the frustum by 1 plane
438        let frustum = frustum();
439        let sphere = Sphere {
440            center: Vec3A::new(-1.7020, 0.0000, 0.0000),
441            radius: 0.7000,
442        };
443        assert!(!frustum.intersects_sphere(&sphere, true));
444    }
446    // A long frustum.
447    fn long_frustum() -> Frustum {
448        Frustum {
449            half_spaces: [
450                HalfSpace::new(Vec4::new(-0.9998, -0.0222, -0.0000, -1.9543)),
451                HalfSpace::new(Vec4::new(-0.0000, 1.0000, -0.0000, 45.1249)),
452                HalfSpace::new(Vec4::new(-0.0000, -0.0168, -0.9999, 2.2718)),
453                HalfSpace::new(Vec4::new(-0.0000, -1.0000, -0.0000, 45.1249)),
454                HalfSpace::new(Vec4::new(-0.0000, -0.0168, 0.9999, 2.2718)),
455                HalfSpace::new(Vec4::new(0.9998, -0.0222, -0.0000, 7.9528)),
456            ],
457        }
458    }
460    #[test]
461    fn intersects_sphere_long_frustum_outside() {
462        // Sphere outside frustum
463        let frustum = long_frustum();
464        let sphere = Sphere {
465            center: Vec3A::new(-4.4889, 46.9021, 0.0000),
466            radius: 0.7500,
467        };
468        assert!(!frustum.intersects_sphere(&sphere, true));
469    }
471    #[test]
472    fn intersects_sphere_long_frustum_intersect() {
473        // Sphere intersects frustum boundary
474        let frustum = long_frustum();
475        let sphere = Sphere {
476            center: Vec3A::new(-4.9957, 0.0000, -0.7396),
477            radius: 4.4094,
478        };
479        assert!(frustum.intersects_sphere(&sphere, true));
480    }
482    #[test]
483    fn aabb_enclosing() {
484        assert_eq!(Aabb::enclosing(<[Vec3; 0]>::default()), None);
485        assert_eq!(
486            Aabb::enclosing(vec![Vec3::ONE]).unwrap(),
487            Aabb::from_min_max(Vec3::ONE, Vec3::ONE)
488        );
489        assert_eq!(
490            Aabb::enclosing(&[Vec3::Y, Vec3::X, Vec3::Z][..]).unwrap(),
491            Aabb::from_min_max(Vec3::ZERO, Vec3::ONE)
492        );
493        assert_eq!(
494            Aabb::enclosing([
495                Vec3::NEG_X,
496                Vec3::X * 2.0,
497                Vec3::NEG_Y * 5.0,
498                Vec3::Z,
499                Vec3::ZERO
500            ])
501            .unwrap(),
502            Aabb::from_min_max(Vec3::new(-1.0, -5.0, 0.0), Vec3::new(2.0, 0.0, 1.0))
503        );
504    }