
1use super::RenderQueue;
2use crate::render_resource::{
3    BindGroup, BindGroupLayout, Buffer, ComputePipeline, RawRenderPipelineDescriptor,
4    RenderPipeline, Sampler, Texture,
6use crate::WgpuWrapper;
7use alloc::sync::Arc;
8use bevy_ecs::system::Resource;
9use wgpu::{
10    util::DeviceExt, BindGroupDescriptor, BindGroupEntry, BindGroupLayoutDescriptor,
11    BindGroupLayoutEntry, BufferAsyncError, BufferBindingType, MaintainResult,
14/// This GPU device is responsible for the creation of most rendering and compute resources.
15#[derive(Resource, Clone)]
16pub struct RenderDevice {
17    device: Arc<WgpuWrapper<wgpu::Device>>,
20impl From<wgpu::Device> for RenderDevice {
21    fn from(device: wgpu::Device) -> Self {
22        Self::new(Arc::new(WgpuWrapper::new(device)))
23    }
26impl RenderDevice {
27    pub fn new(device: Arc<WgpuWrapper<wgpu::Device>>) -> Self {
28        Self { device }
29    }
31    /// List all [`Features`](wgpu::Features) that may be used with this device.
32    ///
33    /// Functions may panic if you use unsupported features.
34    #[inline]
35    pub fn features(&self) -> wgpu::Features {
36        self.device.features()
37    }
39    /// List all [`Limits`](wgpu::Limits) that were requested of this device.
40    ///
41    /// If any of these limits are exceeded, functions may panic.
42    #[inline]
43    pub fn limits(&self) -> wgpu::Limits {
44        self.device.limits()
45    }
47    /// Creates a [`ShaderModule`](wgpu::ShaderModule) from either SPIR-V or WGSL source code.
48    #[inline]
49    pub fn create_shader_module(&self, desc: wgpu::ShaderModuleDescriptor) -> wgpu::ShaderModule {
50        #[cfg(feature = "spirv_shader_passthrough")]
51        match &desc.source {
52            wgpu::ShaderSource::SpirV(source)
53                if self
54                    .features()
55                    .contains(wgpu::Features::SPIRV_SHADER_PASSTHROUGH) =>
56            {
57                // SAFETY:
58                // This call passes binary data to the backend as-is and can potentially result in a driver crash or bogus behavior.
59                // No attempt is made to ensure that data is valid SPIR-V.
60                unsafe {
61                    self.device
62                        .create_shader_module_spirv(&wgpu::ShaderModuleDescriptorSpirV {
63                            label: desc.label,
64                            source: source.clone(),
65                        })
66                }
67            }
68            _ => self.device.create_shader_module(desc),
69        }
71        #[cfg(not(feature = "spirv_shader_passthrough"))]
72        self.device.create_shader_module(desc)
73    }
75    /// Check for resource cleanups and mapping callbacks.
76    ///
77    /// Return `true` if the queue is empty, or `false` if there are more queue
78    /// submissions still in flight. (Note that, unless access to the [`wgpu::Queue`] is
79    /// coordinated somehow, this information could be out of date by the time
80    /// the caller receives it. `Queue`s can be shared between threads, so
81    /// other threads could submit new work at any time.)
82    ///
83    /// no-op on the web, device is automatically polled.
84    #[inline]
85    pub fn poll(&self, maintain: wgpu::Maintain) -> MaintainResult {
86        self.device.poll(maintain)
87    }
89    /// Creates an empty [`CommandEncoder`](wgpu::CommandEncoder).
90    #[inline]
91    pub fn create_command_encoder(
92        &self,
93        desc: &wgpu::CommandEncoderDescriptor,
94    ) -> wgpu::CommandEncoder {
95        self.device.create_command_encoder(desc)
96    }
98    /// Creates an empty [`RenderBundleEncoder`](wgpu::RenderBundleEncoder).
99    #[inline]
100    pub fn create_render_bundle_encoder(
101        &self,
102        desc: &wgpu::RenderBundleEncoderDescriptor,
103    ) -> wgpu::RenderBundleEncoder {
104        self.device.create_render_bundle_encoder(desc)
105    }
107    /// Creates a new [`BindGroup`](wgpu::BindGroup).
108    #[inline]
109    pub fn create_bind_group<'a>(
110        &self,
111        label: impl Into<wgpu::Label<'a>>,
112        layout: &'a BindGroupLayout,
113        entries: &'a [BindGroupEntry<'a>],
114    ) -> BindGroup {
115        let wgpu_bind_group = self.device.create_bind_group(&BindGroupDescriptor {
116            label: label.into(),
117            layout,
118            entries,
119        });
120        BindGroup::from(wgpu_bind_group)
121    }
123    /// Creates a [`BindGroupLayout`](wgpu::BindGroupLayout).
124    #[inline]
125    pub fn create_bind_group_layout<'a>(
126        &self,
127        label: impl Into<wgpu::Label<'a>>,
128        entries: &'a [BindGroupLayoutEntry],
129    ) -> BindGroupLayout {
130        BindGroupLayout::from(
131            self.device
132                .create_bind_group_layout(&BindGroupLayoutDescriptor {
133                    label: label.into(),
134                    entries,
135                }),
136        )
137    }
139    /// Creates a [`PipelineLayout`](wgpu::PipelineLayout).
140    #[inline]
141    pub fn create_pipeline_layout(
142        &self,
143        desc: &wgpu::PipelineLayoutDescriptor,
144    ) -> wgpu::PipelineLayout {
145        self.device.create_pipeline_layout(desc)
146    }
148    /// Creates a [`RenderPipeline`].
149    #[inline]
150    pub fn create_render_pipeline(&self, desc: &RawRenderPipelineDescriptor) -> RenderPipeline {
151        let wgpu_render_pipeline = self.device.create_render_pipeline(desc);
152        RenderPipeline::from(wgpu_render_pipeline)
153    }
155    /// Creates a [`ComputePipeline`].
156    #[inline]
157    pub fn create_compute_pipeline(
158        &self,
159        desc: &wgpu::ComputePipelineDescriptor,
160    ) -> ComputePipeline {
161        let wgpu_compute_pipeline = self.device.create_compute_pipeline(desc);
162        ComputePipeline::from(wgpu_compute_pipeline)
163    }
165    /// Creates a [`Buffer`].
166    pub fn create_buffer(&self, desc: &wgpu::BufferDescriptor) -> Buffer {
167        let wgpu_buffer = self.device.create_buffer(desc);
168        Buffer::from(wgpu_buffer)
169    }
171    /// Creates a [`Buffer`] and initializes it with the specified data.
172    pub fn create_buffer_with_data(&self, desc: &wgpu::util::BufferInitDescriptor) -> Buffer {
173        let wgpu_buffer = self.device.create_buffer_init(desc);
174        Buffer::from(wgpu_buffer)
175    }
177    /// Creates a new [`Texture`] and initializes it with the specified data.
178    ///
179    /// `desc` specifies the general format of the texture.
180    /// `data` is the raw data.
181    pub fn create_texture_with_data(
182        &self,
183        render_queue: &RenderQueue,
184        desc: &wgpu::TextureDescriptor,
185        order: wgpu::util::TextureDataOrder,
186        data: &[u8],
187    ) -> Texture {
188        let wgpu_texture =
189            self.device
190                .create_texture_with_data(render_queue.as_ref(), desc, order, data);
191        Texture::from(wgpu_texture)
192    }
194    /// Creates a new [`Texture`].
195    ///
196    /// `desc` specifies the general format of the texture.
197    pub fn create_texture(&self, desc: &wgpu::TextureDescriptor) -> Texture {
198        let wgpu_texture = self.device.create_texture(desc);
199        Texture::from(wgpu_texture)
200    }
202    /// Creates a new [`Sampler`].
203    ///
204    /// `desc` specifies the behavior of the sampler.
205    pub fn create_sampler(&self, desc: &wgpu::SamplerDescriptor) -> Sampler {
206        let wgpu_sampler = self.device.create_sampler(desc);
207        Sampler::from(wgpu_sampler)
208    }
210    /// Initializes [`Surface`](wgpu::Surface) for presentation.
211    ///
212    /// # Panics
213    ///
214    /// - A old [`SurfaceTexture`](wgpu::SurfaceTexture) is still alive referencing an old surface.
215    /// - Texture format requested is unsupported on the surface.
216    pub fn configure_surface(&self, surface: &wgpu::Surface, config: &wgpu::SurfaceConfiguration) {
217        surface.configure(&self.device, config);
218    }
220    /// Returns the wgpu [`Device`](wgpu::Device).
221    pub fn wgpu_device(&self) -> &wgpu::Device {
222        &self.device
223    }
225    pub fn map_buffer(
226        &self,
227        buffer: &wgpu::BufferSlice,
228        map_mode: wgpu::MapMode,
229        callback: impl FnOnce(Result<(), BufferAsyncError>) + Send + 'static,
230    ) {
231        buffer.map_async(map_mode, callback);
232    }
234    // Rounds up `row_bytes` to be a multiple of [`wgpu::COPY_BYTES_PER_ROW_ALIGNMENT`].
235    pub const fn align_copy_bytes_per_row(row_bytes: usize) -> usize {
236        let align = wgpu::COPY_BYTES_PER_ROW_ALIGNMENT as usize;
238        // If row_bytes is aligned calculate a value just under the next aligned value.
239        // Otherwise calculate a value greater than the next aligned value.
240        let over_aligned = row_bytes + align - 1;
242        // Round the number *down* to the nearest aligned value.
243        (over_aligned / align) * align
244    }
246    pub fn get_supported_read_only_binding_type(
247        &self,
248        buffers_per_shader_stage: u32,
249    ) -> BufferBindingType {
250        if self.limits().max_storage_buffers_per_shader_stage >= buffers_per_shader_stage {
251            BufferBindingType::Storage { read_only: true }
252        } else {
253            BufferBindingType::Uniform
254        }
255    }
259mod tests {
260    use super::*;
262    #[test]
263    fn align_copy_bytes_per_row() {
264        // Test for
265        let align = wgpu::COPY_BYTES_PER_ROW_ALIGNMENT as usize;
267        assert_eq!(RenderDevice::align_copy_bytes_per_row(0), 0);
268        assert_eq!(RenderDevice::align_copy_bytes_per_row(1), align);
269        assert_eq!(RenderDevice::align_copy_bytes_per_row(align + 1), align * 2);
270        assert_eq!(RenderDevice::align_copy_bytes_per_row(align), align);
271    }