
1use crate::{
2    render_resource::{SurfaceTexture, TextureView},
3    renderer::{RenderAdapter, RenderDevice, RenderInstance},
4    Extract, ExtractSchedule, Render, RenderApp, RenderSet, WgpuWrapper,
6use bevy_app::{App, Plugin};
7use bevy_ecs::{entity::EntityHashMap, prelude::*};
8use bevy_utils::{
9    default,
10    tracing::{debug, warn},
11    HashSet,
13use bevy_window::{
14    CompositeAlphaMode, PresentMode, PrimaryWindow, RawHandleWrapper, Window, WindowClosing,
16use core::{
17    num::NonZero,
18    ops::{Deref, DerefMut},
20use wgpu::{
21    SurfaceConfiguration, SurfaceTargetUnsafe, TextureFormat, TextureUsages, TextureViewDescriptor,
24pub mod screenshot;
26use screenshot::{ScreenshotPlugin, ScreenshotToScreenPipeline};
28pub struct WindowRenderPlugin;
30impl Plugin for WindowRenderPlugin {
31    fn build(&self, app: &mut App) {
32        app.add_plugins(ScreenshotPlugin);
34        if let Some(render_app) = app.get_sub_app_mut(RenderApp) {
35            render_app
36                .init_resource::<ExtractedWindows>()
37                .init_resource::<WindowSurfaces>()
38                .add_systems(ExtractSchedule, extract_windows)
39                .add_systems(
40                    Render,
41                    create_surfaces
42                        .run_if(need_surface_configuration)
43                        .before(prepare_windows),
44                )
45                .add_systems(Render, prepare_windows.in_set(RenderSet::ManageViews));
46        }
47    }
49    fn finish(&self, app: &mut App) {
50        if let Some(render_app) = app.get_sub_app_mut(RenderApp) {
51            render_app.init_resource::<ScreenshotToScreenPipeline>();
52        }
53    }
56pub struct ExtractedWindow {
57    /// An entity that contains the components in [`Window`].
58    pub entity: Entity,
59    pub handle: RawHandleWrapper,
60    pub physical_width: u32,
61    pub physical_height: u32,
62    pub present_mode: PresentMode,
63    pub desired_maximum_frame_latency: Option<NonZero<u32>>,
64    /// Note: this will not always be the swap chain texture view. When taking a screenshot,
65    /// this will point to an alternative texture instead to allow for copying the render result
66    /// to CPU memory.
67    pub swap_chain_texture_view: Option<TextureView>,
68    pub swap_chain_texture: Option<SurfaceTexture>,
69    pub swap_chain_texture_format: Option<TextureFormat>,
70    pub size_changed: bool,
71    pub present_mode_changed: bool,
72    pub alpha_mode: CompositeAlphaMode,
75impl ExtractedWindow {
76    fn set_swapchain_texture(&mut self, frame: wgpu::SurfaceTexture) {
77        let texture_view_descriptor = TextureViewDescriptor {
78            format: Some(frame.texture.format().add_srgb_suffix()),
79            ..default()
80        };
81        self.swap_chain_texture_view = Some(TextureView::from(
82            frame.texture.create_view(&texture_view_descriptor),
83        ));
84        self.swap_chain_texture = Some(SurfaceTexture::from(frame));
85    }
88#[derive(Default, Resource)]
89pub struct ExtractedWindows {
90    pub primary: Option<Entity>,
91    pub windows: EntityHashMap<ExtractedWindow>,
94impl Deref for ExtractedWindows {
95    type Target = EntityHashMap<ExtractedWindow>;
97    fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
98        &
99    }
102impl DerefMut for ExtractedWindows {
103    fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Target {
104        &mut
105    }
108fn extract_windows(
109    mut extracted_windows: ResMut<ExtractedWindows>,
110    mut closing: Extract<EventReader<WindowClosing>>,
111    windows: Extract<Query<(Entity, &Window, &RawHandleWrapper, Option<&PrimaryWindow>)>>,
112    mut removed: Extract<RemovedComponents<RawHandleWrapper>>,
113    mut window_surfaces: ResMut<WindowSurfaces>,
114) {
115    for (entity, window, handle, primary) in windows.iter() {
116        if primary.is_some() {
117            extracted_windows.primary = Some(entity);
118        }
120        let (new_width, new_height) = (
121            window.resolution.physical_width().max(1),
122            window.resolution.physical_height().max(1),
123        );
125        let extracted_window = extracted_windows.entry(entity).or_insert(ExtractedWindow {
126            entity,
127            handle: handle.clone(),
128            physical_width: new_width,
129            physical_height: new_height,
130            present_mode: window.present_mode,
131            desired_maximum_frame_latency: window.desired_maximum_frame_latency,
132            swap_chain_texture: None,
133            swap_chain_texture_view: None,
134            size_changed: false,
135            swap_chain_texture_format: None,
136            present_mode_changed: false,
137            alpha_mode: window.composite_alpha_mode,
138        });
140        // NOTE: Drop the swap chain frame here
141        extracted_window.swap_chain_texture_view = None;
142        extracted_window.size_changed = new_width != extracted_window.physical_width
143            || new_height != extracted_window.physical_height;
144        extracted_window.present_mode_changed =
145            window.present_mode != extracted_window.present_mode;
147        if extracted_window.size_changed {
148            debug!(
149                "Window size changed from {}x{} to {}x{}",
150                extracted_window.physical_width,
151                extracted_window.physical_height,
152                new_width,
153                new_height
154            );
155            extracted_window.physical_width = new_width;
156            extracted_window.physical_height = new_height;
157        }
159        if extracted_window.present_mode_changed {
160            debug!(
161                "Window Present Mode changed from {:?} to {:?}",
162                extracted_window.present_mode, window.present_mode
163            );
164            extracted_window.present_mode = window.present_mode;
165        }
166    }
168    for closing_window in {
169        extracted_windows.remove(&closing_window.window);
170        window_surfaces.remove(&closing_window.window);
171    }
172    for removed_window in {
173        extracted_windows.remove(&removed_window);
174        window_surfaces.remove(&removed_window);
175    }
178struct SurfaceData {
179    // TODO: what lifetime should this be?
180    surface: WgpuWrapper<wgpu::Surface<'static>>,
181    configuration: SurfaceConfiguration,
184#[derive(Resource, Default)]
185pub struct WindowSurfaces {
186    surfaces: EntityHashMap<SurfaceData>,
187    /// List of windows that we have already called the initial `configure_surface` for
188    configured_windows: HashSet<Entity>,
191impl WindowSurfaces {
192    fn remove(&mut self, window: &Entity) {
193        self.surfaces.remove(window);
194        self.configured_windows.remove(window);
195    }
198/// (re)configures window surfaces, and obtains a swapchain texture for rendering.
200/// NOTE: `get_current_texture` in `prepare_windows` can take a long time if the GPU workload is
201/// the performance bottleneck. This can be seen in profiles as multiple prepare-set systems all
202/// taking an unusually long time to complete, and all finishing at about the same time as the
203/// `prepare_windows` system. Improvements in bevy are planned to avoid this happening when it
204/// should not but it will still happen as it is easy for a user to create a large GPU workload
205/// relative to the GPU performance and/or CPU workload.
206/// This can be caused by many reasons, but several of them are:
207/// - GPU workload is more than your current GPU can manage
208/// - Error / performance bug in your custom shaders
209/// - wgpu was unable to detect a proper GPU hardware-accelerated device given the chosen
210///   [`Backends`](crate::settings::Backends), [`WgpuLimits`](crate::settings::WgpuLimits),
211///   and/or [`WgpuFeatures`](crate::settings::WgpuFeatures). For example, on Windows currently
212///   `DirectX 11` is not supported by wgpu 0.12 and so if your GPU/drivers do not support Vulkan,
213///   it may be that a software renderer called "Microsoft Basic Render Driver" using `DirectX 12`
214///   will be chosen and performance will be very poor. This is visible in a log message that is
215///   output during renderer initialization. Future versions of wgpu will support `DirectX 11`, but
216///   another alternative is to try to use [`ANGLE`]( and
217///   [`Backends::GL`](crate::settings::Backends::GL) if your GPU/drivers support `OpenGL 4.3` / `OpenGL ES 3.0` or
218///   later.
220pub fn prepare_windows(
221    mut windows: ResMut<ExtractedWindows>,
222    mut window_surfaces: ResMut<WindowSurfaces>,
223    render_device: Res<RenderDevice>,
224    #[cfg(target_os = "linux")] render_instance: Res<RenderInstance>,
225) {
226    for window in {
227        let window_surfaces = window_surfaces.deref_mut();
228        let Some(surface_data) = window_surfaces.surfaces.get(&window.entity) else {
229            continue;
230        };
232        // A recurring issue is hitting `wgpu::SurfaceError::Timeout` on certain Linux
233        // mesa driver implementations. This seems to be a quirk of some drivers.
234        // We'd rather keep panicking when not on Linux mesa, because in those case,
235        // the `Timeout` is still probably the symptom of a degraded unrecoverable
236        // application state.
237        // see
238        // and
239        #[cfg(target_os = "linux")]
240        let may_erroneously_timeout = || {
241            render_instance
242                .enumerate_adapters(wgpu::Backends::VULKAN)
243                .iter()
244                .any(|adapter| {
245                    let name = adapter.get_info().name;
246                    name.starts_with("Radeon")
247                        || name.starts_with("AMD")
248                        || name.starts_with("Intel")
249                })
250        };
252        let surface = &surface_data.surface;
253        match surface.get_current_texture() {
254            Ok(frame) => {
255                window.set_swapchain_texture(frame);
256            }
257            Err(wgpu::SurfaceError::Outdated) => {
258                render_device.configure_surface(surface, &surface_data.configuration);
259                let frame = match surface.get_current_texture() {
260                    Ok(frame) => frame,
261                    Err(err) => {
262                        // This is a common occurrence on X11 and Xwayland with NVIDIA drivers
263                        // when opening and resizing the window.
264                        warn!("Couldn't get swap chain texture after configuring. Cause: '{err}'");
265                        continue;
266                    }
267                };
268                window.set_swapchain_texture(frame);
269            }
270            #[cfg(target_os = "linux")]
271            Err(wgpu::SurfaceError::Timeout) if may_erroneously_timeout() => {
272                bevy_utils::tracing::trace!(
273                    "Couldn't get swap chain texture. This is probably a quirk \
274                        of your Linux GPU driver, so it can be safely ignored."
275                );
276            }
277            Err(err) => {
278                panic!("Couldn't get swap chain texture, operation unrecoverable: {err}");
279            }
280        }
281        window.swap_chain_texture_format = Some(surface_data.configuration.format);
282    }
285pub fn need_surface_configuration(
286    windows: Res<ExtractedWindows>,
287    window_surfaces: Res<WindowSurfaces>,
288) -> bool {
289    for window in {
290        if !window_surfaces.configured_windows.contains(&window.entity)
291            || window.size_changed
292            || window.present_mode_changed
293        {
294            return true;
295        }
296    }
297    false
300// 2 is wgpu's default/what we've been using so far.
301// 1 is the minimum, but may cause lower framerates due to the cpu waiting for the gpu to finish
302// all work for the previous frame before starting work on the next frame, which then means the gpu
303// has to wait for the cpu to finish to start on the next frame.
306/// Creates window surfaces.
307pub fn create_surfaces(
308    // By accessing a NonSend resource, we tell the scheduler to put this system on the main thread,
309    // which is necessary for some OS's
310    #[cfg(any(target_os = "macos", target_os = "ios"))] _marker: Option<
311        NonSend<bevy_core::NonSendMarker>,
312    >,
313    windows: Res<ExtractedWindows>,
314    mut window_surfaces: ResMut<WindowSurfaces>,
315    render_instance: Res<RenderInstance>,
316    render_adapter: Res<RenderAdapter>,
317    render_device: Res<RenderDevice>,
318) {
319    for window in {
320        let data = window_surfaces
321            .surfaces
322            .entry(window.entity)
323            .or_insert_with(|| {
324                let surface_target = SurfaceTargetUnsafe::RawHandle {
325                    raw_display_handle: window.handle.display_handle,
326                    raw_window_handle: window.handle.window_handle,
327                };
328                // SAFETY: The window handles in ExtractedWindows will always be valid objects to create surfaces on
329                let surface = unsafe {
330                    // NOTE: On some OSes this MUST be called from the main thread.
331                    // As of wgpu 0.15, only fallible if the given window is a HTML canvas and obtaining a WebGPU or WebGL2 context fails.
332                    render_instance
333                        .create_surface_unsafe(surface_target)
334                        .expect("Failed to create wgpu surface")
335                };
336                let caps = surface.get_capabilities(&render_adapter);
337                let formats = caps.formats;
338                // For future HDR output support, we'll need to request a format that supports HDR,
339                // but as of wgpu 0.15 that is not yet supported.
340                // Prefer sRGB formats for surfaces, but fall back to first available format if no sRGB formats are available.
341                let mut format = *formats.first().expect("No supported formats for surface");
342                for available_format in formats {
343                    // Rgba8UnormSrgb and Bgra8UnormSrgb and the only sRGB formats wgpu exposes that we can use for surfaces.
344                    if available_format == TextureFormat::Rgba8UnormSrgb
345                        || available_format == TextureFormat::Bgra8UnormSrgb
346                    {
347                        format = available_format;
348                        break;
349                    }
350                }
352                let configuration = SurfaceConfiguration {
353                    format,
354                    width: window.physical_width,
355                    height: window.physical_height,
356                    usage: TextureUsages::RENDER_ATTACHMENT,
357                    present_mode: match window.present_mode {
358                        PresentMode::Fifo => wgpu::PresentMode::Fifo,
359                        PresentMode::FifoRelaxed => wgpu::PresentMode::FifoRelaxed,
360                        PresentMode::Mailbox => wgpu::PresentMode::Mailbox,
361                        PresentMode::Immediate => wgpu::PresentMode::Immediate,
362                        PresentMode::AutoVsync => wgpu::PresentMode::AutoVsync,
363                        PresentMode::AutoNoVsync => wgpu::PresentMode::AutoNoVsync,
364                    },
365                    desired_maximum_frame_latency: window
366                        .desired_maximum_frame_latency
367                        .map(NonZero::<u32>::get)
368                        .unwrap_or(DEFAULT_DESIRED_MAXIMUM_FRAME_LATENCY),
369                    alpha_mode: match window.alpha_mode {
370                        CompositeAlphaMode::Auto => wgpu::CompositeAlphaMode::Auto,
371                        CompositeAlphaMode::Opaque => wgpu::CompositeAlphaMode::Opaque,
372                        CompositeAlphaMode::PreMultiplied => {
373                            wgpu::CompositeAlphaMode::PreMultiplied
374                        }
375                        CompositeAlphaMode::PostMultiplied => {
376                            wgpu::CompositeAlphaMode::PostMultiplied
377                        }
378                        CompositeAlphaMode::Inherit => wgpu::CompositeAlphaMode::Inherit,
379                    },
380                    view_formats: if !format.is_srgb() {
381                        vec![format.add_srgb_suffix()]
382                    } else {
383                        vec![]
384                    },
385                };
387                render_device.configure_surface(&surface, &configuration);
389                SurfaceData {
390                    surface: WgpuWrapper::new(surface),
391                    configuration,
392                }
393            });
395        if window.size_changed || window.present_mode_changed {
396            data.configuration.width = window.physical_width;
397            data.configuration.height = window.physical_height;
398            data.configuration.present_mode = match window.present_mode {
399                PresentMode::Fifo => wgpu::PresentMode::Fifo,
400                PresentMode::FifoRelaxed => wgpu::PresentMode::FifoRelaxed,
401                PresentMode::Mailbox => wgpu::PresentMode::Mailbox,
402                PresentMode::Immediate => wgpu::PresentMode::Immediate,
403                PresentMode::AutoVsync => wgpu::PresentMode::AutoVsync,
404                PresentMode::AutoNoVsync => wgpu::PresentMode::AutoNoVsync,
405            };
406            render_device.configure_surface(&data.surface, &data.configuration);
407        }
409        window_surfaces.configured_windows.insert(window.entity);
410    }