
1use {
2    crate::{align_down, align_up, error::MapError},
3    alloc::sync::Arc,
4    core::{
5        convert::TryFrom as _,
6        ptr::{copy_nonoverlapping, NonNull},
7        // sync::atomic::{AtomicU8, Ordering::*},
8    },
9    gpu_alloc_types::{MappedMemoryRange, MemoryDevice, MemoryPropertyFlags},
13struct Relevant;
15impl Drop for Relevant {
16    fn drop(&mut self) {
17        report_error_on_drop!("Memory block wasn't deallocated");
18    }
21/// Memory block allocated by `GpuAllocator`.
23pub struct MemoryBlock<M> {
24    memory_type: u32,
25    props: MemoryPropertyFlags,
26    offset: u64,
27    size: u64,
28    atom_mask: u64,
29    mapped: bool,
30    flavor: MemoryBlockFlavor<M>,
31    relevant: Relevant,
34impl<M> MemoryBlock<M> {
35    pub(crate) fn new(
36        memory_type: u32,
37        props: MemoryPropertyFlags,
38        offset: u64,
39        size: u64,
40        atom_mask: u64,
41        flavor: MemoryBlockFlavor<M>,
42    ) -> Self {
43        isize::try_from(atom_mask).expect("`atom_mask` is too large");
44        MemoryBlock {
45            memory_type,
46            props,
47            offset,
48            size,
49            atom_mask,
50            flavor,
51            mapped: false,
52            relevant: Relevant,
53        }
54    }
56    pub(crate) fn deallocate(self) -> MemoryBlockFlavor<M> {
57        core::mem::forget(self.relevant);
58        self.flavor
59    }
62unsafe impl<M> Sync for MemoryBlock<M> where M: Sync {}
63unsafe impl<M> Send for MemoryBlock<M> where M: Send {}
66pub(crate) enum MemoryBlockFlavor<M> {
67    Dedicated {
68        memory: M,
69    },
70    Buddy {
71        chunk: usize,
72        index: usize,
73        ptr: Option<NonNull<u8>>,
74        memory: Arc<M>,
75    },
76    FreeList {
77        chunk: u64,
78        ptr: Option<NonNull<u8>>,
79        memory: Arc<M>,
80    },
83impl<M> MemoryBlock<M> {
84    /// Returns reference to parent memory object.
85    #[inline(always)]
86    pub fn memory(&self) -> &M {
87        match &self.flavor {
88            MemoryBlockFlavor::Dedicated { memory } => memory,
89            MemoryBlockFlavor::Buddy { memory, .. } => memory,
90            MemoryBlockFlavor::FreeList { memory, .. } => memory,
91        }
92    }
94    /// Returns offset in bytes from start of memory object to start of this block.
95    #[inline(always)]
96    pub fn offset(&self) -> u64 {
97        self.offset
98    }
100    /// Returns size of this memory block.
101    #[inline(always)]
102    pub fn size(&self) -> u64 {
103        self.size
104    }
106    /// Returns memory property flags for parent memory object.
107    #[inline(always)]
108    pub fn props(&self) -> MemoryPropertyFlags {
109        self.props
110    }
112    /// Returns index of type of parent memory object.
113    #[inline(always)]
114    pub fn memory_type(&self) -> u32 {
115        self.memory_type
116    }
118    /// Returns pointer to mapped memory range of this block.
119    /// This blocks becomes mapped.
120    ///
121    /// The user of returned pointer must guarantee that any previously submitted command that writes to this range has completed
122    /// before the host reads from or writes to that range,
123    /// and that any previously submitted command that reads from that range has completed
124    /// before the host writes to that region.
125    /// If the device memory was allocated without the `HOST_COHERENT` property flag set,
126    /// these guarantees must be made for an extended range:
127    /// the user must round down the start of the range to the nearest multiple of `non_coherent_atom_size`,
128    /// and round the end of the range up to the nearest multiple of `non_coherent_atom_size`.
129    ///
130    /// # Panics
131    ///
132    /// This function panics if block is currently mapped.
133    ///
134    /// # Safety
135    ///
136    /// `block` must have been allocated from specified `device`.
137    #[inline(always)]
138    pub unsafe fn map(
139        &mut self,
140        device: &impl MemoryDevice<M>,
141        offset: u64,
142        size: usize,
143    ) -> Result<NonNull<u8>, MapError> {
144        let size_u64 = u64::try_from(size).expect("`size` doesn't fit device address space");
145        assert!(offset < self.size, "`offset` is out of memory block bounds");
146        assert!(
147            size_u64 <= self.size - offset,
148            "`offset + size` is out of memory block bounds"
149        );
151        let ptr = match &mut self.flavor {
152            MemoryBlockFlavor::Dedicated { memory } => {
153                let end = align_up(offset + size_u64, self.atom_mask)
154                    .expect("mapping end doesn't fit device address space");
155                let aligned_offset = align_down(offset, self.atom_mask);
157                if !acquire_mapping(&mut self.mapped) {
158                    return Err(MapError::AlreadyMapped);
159                }
160                let result =
161                    device.map_memory(memory, self.offset + aligned_offset, end - aligned_offset);
163                match result {
164                    // the overflow is checked in `Self::new()`
165                    Ok(ptr) => {
166                        let ptr_offset = (offset - aligned_offset) as isize;
167                        ptr.as_ptr().offset(ptr_offset)
168                    }
169                    Err(err) => {
170                        release_mapping(&mut self.mapped);
171                        return Err(err.into());
172                    }
173                }
174            }
175            MemoryBlockFlavor::FreeList { ptr: Some(ptr), .. }
176            | MemoryBlockFlavor::Buddy { ptr: Some(ptr), .. } => {
177                if !acquire_mapping(&mut self.mapped) {
178                    return Err(MapError::AlreadyMapped);
179                }
180                let offset_isize = isize::try_from(offset)
181                    .expect("Buddy and linear block should fit host address space");
182                ptr.as_ptr().offset(offset_isize)
183            }
184            _ => return Err(MapError::NonHostVisible),
185        };
187        Ok(NonNull::new_unchecked(ptr))
188    }
190    /// Unmaps memory range of this block that was previously mapped with `Block::map`.
191    /// This block becomes unmapped.
192    ///
193    /// # Panics
194    ///
195    /// This function panics if this block is not currently mapped.
196    ///
197    /// # Safety
198    ///
199    /// `block` must have been allocated from specified `device`.
200    #[inline(always)]
201    pub unsafe fn unmap(&mut self, device: &impl MemoryDevice<M>) -> bool {
202        if !release_mapping(&mut self.mapped) {
203            return false;
204        }
205        match &mut self.flavor {
206            MemoryBlockFlavor::Dedicated { memory } => {
207                device.unmap_memory(memory);
208            }
209            MemoryBlockFlavor::Buddy { .. } => {}
210            MemoryBlockFlavor::FreeList { .. } => {}
211        }
212        true
213    }
215    /// Transiently maps block memory range and copies specified data
216    /// to the mapped memory range.
217    ///
218    /// # Panics
219    ///
220    /// This function panics if block is currently mapped.
221    ///
222    /// # Safety
223    ///
224    /// `block` must have been allocated from specified `device`.
225    /// The caller must guarantee that any previously submitted command that reads or writes to this range has completed.
226    #[inline(always)]
227    pub unsafe fn write_bytes(
228        &mut self,
229        device: &impl MemoryDevice<M>,
230        offset: u64,
231        data: &[u8],
232    ) -> Result<(), MapError> {
233        let size = data.len();
234        let ptr =, offset, size)?;
236        copy_nonoverlapping(data.as_ptr(), ptr.as_ptr(), size);
237        let result = if !self.coherent() {
238            let aligned_offset = align_down(offset, self.atom_mask);
239            let end = align_up(offset + data.len() as u64, self.atom_mask).unwrap();
241            device.flush_memory_ranges(&[MappedMemoryRange {
242                memory: self.memory(),
243                offset: self.offset + aligned_offset,
244                size: end - aligned_offset,
245            }])
246        } else {
247            Ok(())
248        };
250        self.unmap(device);
251        result.map_err(Into::into)
252    }
254    /// Transiently maps block memory range and copies specified data
255    /// from the mapped memory range.
256    ///
257    /// # Panics
258    ///
259    /// This function panics if block is currently mapped.
260    ///
261    /// # Safety
262    ///
263    /// `block` must have been allocated from specified `device`.
264    /// The caller must guarantee that any previously submitted command that reads to this range has completed.
265    #[inline(always)]
266    pub unsafe fn read_bytes(
267        &mut self,
268        device: &impl MemoryDevice<M>,
269        offset: u64,
270        data: &mut [u8],
271    ) -> Result<(), MapError> {
272        #[cfg(feature = "tracing")]
273        {
274            if !self.cached() {
275                tracing::warn!("Reading from non-cached memory may be slow. Consider allocating HOST_CACHED memory block for host reads.")
276            }
277        }
279        let size = data.len();
280        let ptr =, offset, size)?;
281        let result = if !self.coherent() {
282            let aligned_offset = align_down(offset, self.atom_mask);
283            let end = align_up(offset + data.len() as u64, self.atom_mask).unwrap();
285            device.invalidate_memory_ranges(&[MappedMemoryRange {
286                memory: self.memory(),
287                offset: self.offset + aligned_offset,
288                size: end - aligned_offset,
289            }])
290        } else {
291            Ok(())
292        };
293        if result.is_ok() {
294            copy_nonoverlapping(ptr.as_ptr(), data.as_mut_ptr(), size);
295        }
297        self.unmap(device);
298        result.map_err(Into::into)
299    }
301    fn coherent(&self) -> bool {
302        self.props.contains(MemoryPropertyFlags::HOST_COHERENT)
303    }
305    #[cfg(feature = "tracing")]
306    fn cached(&self) -> bool {
307        self.props.contains(MemoryPropertyFlags::HOST_CACHED)
308    }
311fn acquire_mapping(mapped: &mut bool) -> bool {
312    if *mapped {
313        false
314    } else {
315        *mapped = true;
316        true
317    }
320fn release_mapping(mapped: &mut bool) -> bool {
321    if *mapped {
322        *mapped = false;
323        true
324    } else {
325        false
326    }