
1use std::ffi::{CString, CStr};
3/// A `dlerror` error.
4pub struct DlDescription(pub(crate) CString);
6impl std::fmt::Debug for DlDescription {
7    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result {
8        std::fmt::Debug::fmt(&self.0, f)
9    }
12impl From<&CStr> for DlDescription {
13    fn from(value: &CStr) -> Self {
14        Self(value.into())
15    }
18/// A Windows API error.
19pub struct WindowsError(pub(crate) std::io::Error);
21impl std::fmt::Debug for WindowsError {
22    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result {
23        std::fmt::Debug::fmt(&self.0, f)
24    }
27/// Errors.
30pub enum Error {
31    /// The `dlopen` call failed.
32    DlOpen {
33        /// The source error.
34        desc: DlDescription
35    },
36    /// The `dlopen` call failed and system did not report an error.
37    DlOpenUnknown,
38    /// The `dlsym` call failed.
39    DlSym {
40        /// The source error.
41        desc: DlDescription
42    },
43    /// The `dlsym` call failed and system did not report an error.
44    DlSymUnknown,
45    /// The `dlclose` call failed.
46    DlClose {
47        /// The source error.
48        desc: DlDescription
49    },
50    /// The `dlclose` call failed and system did not report an error.
51    DlCloseUnknown,
52    /// The `LoadLibraryW` call failed.
53    LoadLibraryExW {
54        /// The source error.
55        source: WindowsError
56    },
57    /// The `LoadLibraryW` call failed and system did not report an error.
58    LoadLibraryExWUnknown,
59    /// The `GetModuleHandleExW` call failed.
60    GetModuleHandleExW {
61        /// The source error.
62        source: WindowsError
63    },
64    /// The `GetModuleHandleExW` call failed and system did not report an error.
65    GetModuleHandleExWUnknown,
66    /// The `GetProcAddress` call failed.
67    GetProcAddress {
68        /// The source error.
69        source: WindowsError
70    },
71    /// The `GetProcAddressUnknown` call failed and system did not report an error.
72    GetProcAddressUnknown,
73    /// The `FreeLibrary` call failed.
74    FreeLibrary {
75        /// The source error.
76        source: WindowsError
77    },
78    /// The `FreeLibrary` call failed and system did not report an error.
79    FreeLibraryUnknown,
80    /// The requested type cannot possibly work.
81    IncompatibleSize,
82    /// Could not create a new CString.
83    CreateCString {
84        /// The source error.
85        source: std::ffi::NulError
86    },
87    /// Could not create a new CString from bytes with trailing null.
88    CreateCStringWithTrailing {
89        /// The source error.
90        source: std::ffi::FromBytesWithNulError
91    },
94impl std::error::Error for Error {
95    fn source(&self) -> Option<&(dyn std::error::Error + 'static)> {
96        use Error::*;
97        match *self {
98            CreateCString { ref source } => Some(source),
99            CreateCStringWithTrailing { ref source } => Some(source),
100            LoadLibraryExW { ref source } => Some(&source.0),
101            GetModuleHandleExW { ref source } => Some(&source.0),
102            GetProcAddress { ref source } => Some(&source.0),
103            FreeLibrary { ref source } => Some(&source.0),
104            _ => None,
105        }
106    }
109impl std::fmt::Display for Error {
110    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result {
111        use Error::*;
112        match *self {
113            DlOpen { ref desc } => write!(f, "{}", desc.0.to_string_lossy()),
114            DlOpenUnknown => write!(f, "dlopen failed, but system did not report the error"),
115            DlSym { ref desc } => write!(f, "{}", desc.0.to_string_lossy()),
116            DlSymUnknown => write!(f, "dlsym failed, but system did not report the error"),
117            DlClose { ref desc } => write!(f, "{}", desc.0.to_string_lossy()),
118            DlCloseUnknown => write!(f, "dlclose failed, but system did not report the error"),
119            LoadLibraryExW { .. } => write!(f, "LoadLibraryExW failed"),
120            LoadLibraryExWUnknown =>
121                write!(f, "LoadLibraryExW failed, but system did not report the error"),
122            GetModuleHandleExW { .. } => write!(f, "GetModuleHandleExW failed"),
123            GetModuleHandleExWUnknown =>
124                write!(f, "GetModuleHandleExWUnknown failed, but system did not report the error"),
125            GetProcAddress { .. } => write!(f, "GetProcAddress failed"),
126            GetProcAddressUnknown =>
127                write!(f, "GetProcAddress failed, but system did not report the error"),
128            FreeLibrary { .. } => write!(f, "FreeLibrary failed"),
129            FreeLibraryUnknown =>
130                write!(f, "FreeLibrary failed, but system did not report the error"),
131            CreateCString { .. } => write!(f, "could not create a C string from bytes"),
132            CreateCStringWithTrailing { .. } =>
133                write!(f, "could not create a C string from bytes with trailing null"),
134            IncompatibleSize => write!(f, "requested type cannot possibly work"),
135        }
136    }