
2use super::os::unix as imp; // the implementation used here doesn't matter particularly much...
3#[cfg(all(not(libloading_docs), unix))]
4use super::os::unix as imp;
5#[cfg(all(not(libloading_docs), windows))]
6use super::os::windows as imp;
7use super::Error;
8use std::ffi::OsStr;
9use std::fmt;
10use std::marker;
11use std::ops;
12use std::os::raw;
14/// A loaded dynamic library.
15#[cfg_attr(libloading_docs, doc(cfg(any(unix, windows))))]
16pub struct Library(imp::Library);
18impl Library {
19    /// Find and load a dynamic library.
20    ///
21    /// The `filename` argument may be either:
22    ///
23    /// * A library filename;
24    /// * The absolute path to the library;
25    /// * A relative (to the current working directory) path to the library.
26    ///
27    /// # Safety
28    ///
29    /// When a library is loaded, initialisation routines contained within it are executed.
30    /// For the purposes of safety, the execution of these routines is conceptually the same calling an
31    /// unknown foreign function and may impose arbitrary requirements on the caller for the call
32    /// to be sound.
33    ///
34    /// Additionally, the callers of this function must also ensure that execution of the
35    /// termination routines contained within the library is safe as well. These routines may be
36    /// executed when the library is unloaded.
37    ///
38    /// # Thread-safety
39    ///
40    /// The implementation strives to be as MT-safe as sanely possible, however on certain
41    /// platforms the underlying error-handling related APIs not always MT-safe. This library
42    /// shares these limitations on those platforms. In particular, on certain UNIX targets
43    /// `dlerror` is not MT-safe, resulting in garbage error messages in certain MT-scenarios.
44    ///
45    /// Calling this function from multiple threads is not MT-safe if used in conjunction with
46    /// library filenames and the library search path is modified (`SetDllDirectory` function on
47    /// Windows, `{DY,}LD_LIBRARY_PATH` environment variable on UNIX).
48    ///
49    /// # Platform-specific behaviour
50    ///
51    /// When a plain library filename is supplied, the locations in which the library is searched are
52    /// platform specific and cannot be adjusted in a portable manner. See the documentation for
53    /// the platform specific [`os::unix::Library::new`] and [`os::windows::Library::new`] methods
54    /// for further information on library lookup behaviour.
55    ///
56    /// If the `filename` specifies a library filename without a path and with the extension omitted,
57    /// the `.dll` extension is implicitly added on Windows.
58    ///
59    /// [`os::unix::Library::new`]: crate::os::unix::Library::new
60    /// [`os::windows::Library::new`]: crate::os::windows::Library::new
61    ///
62    /// # Tips
63    ///
64    /// Distributing your dynamic libraries under a filename common to all platforms (e.g.
65    /// `awesome.module`) allows you to avoid code which has to account for platform’s conventional
66    /// library filenames.
67    ///
68    /// Strive to specify an absolute or at least a relative path to your library, unless
69    /// system-wide libraries are being loaded. Platform-dependent library search locations
70    /// combined with various quirks related to path-less filenames may cause flakiness in
71    /// programs.
72    ///
73    /// # Examples
74    ///
75    /// ```no_run
76    /// # use ::libloading::Library;
77    /// // Any of the following are valid.
78    /// unsafe {
79    ///     let _ = Library::new("/path/to/awesome.module").unwrap();
80    ///     let _ = Library::new("../awesome.module").unwrap();
81    ///     let _ = Library::new("").unwrap();
82    /// }
83    /// ```
84    pub unsafe fn new<P: AsRef<OsStr>>(filename: P) -> Result<Library, Error> {
85        imp::Library::new(filename).map(From::from)
86    }
88    /// Get a pointer to a function or static variable by symbol name.
89    ///
90    /// The `symbol` may not contain any null bytes, with the exception of the last byte. Providing a
91    /// null-terminated `symbol` may help to avoid an allocation.
92    ///
93    /// The symbol is interpreted as-is; no mangling is done. This means that symbols like `x::y` are
94    /// most likely invalid.
95    ///
96    /// # Safety
97    ///
98    /// Users of this API must specify the correct type of the function or variable loaded.
99    ///
100    /// # Platform-specific behaviour
101    ///
102    /// The implementation of thread-local variables is extremely platform specific and uses of such
103    /// variables that work on e.g. Linux may have unintended behaviour on other targets.
104    ///
105    /// On POSIX implementations where the `dlerror` function is not confirmed to be MT-safe (such
106    /// as FreeBSD), this function will unconditionally return an error when the underlying `dlsym`
107    /// call returns a null pointer. There are rare situations where `dlsym` returns a genuine null
108    /// pointer without it being an error. If loading a null pointer is something you care about,
109    /// consider using the [`os::unix::Library::get_singlethreaded`] call.
110    ///
111    /// [`os::unix::Library::get_singlethreaded`]: crate::os::unix::Library::get_singlethreaded
112    ///
113    /// # Examples
114    ///
115    /// Given a loaded library:
116    ///
117    /// ```no_run
118    /// # use ::libloading::Library;
119    /// let lib = unsafe {
120    ///     Library::new("/path/to/awesome.module").unwrap()
121    /// };
122    /// ```
123    ///
124    /// Loading and using a function looks like this:
125    ///
126    /// ```no_run
127    /// # use ::libloading::{Library, Symbol};
128    /// # let lib = unsafe {
129    /// #     Library::new("/path/to/awesome.module").unwrap()
130    /// # };
131    /// unsafe {
132    ///     let awesome_function: Symbol<unsafe extern fn(f64) -> f64> =
133    ///         lib.get(b"awesome_function\0").unwrap();
134    ///     awesome_function(0.42);
135    /// }
136    /// ```
137    ///
138    /// A static variable may also be loaded and inspected:
139    ///
140    /// ```no_run
141    /// # use ::libloading::{Library, Symbol};
142    /// # let lib = unsafe { Library::new("/path/to/awesome.module").unwrap() };
143    /// unsafe {
144    ///     let awesome_variable: Symbol<*mut f64> = lib.get(b"awesome_variable\0").unwrap();
145    ///     **awesome_variable = 42.0;
146    /// };
147    /// ```
148    pub unsafe fn get<T>(&self, symbol: &[u8]) -> Result<Symbol<T>, Error> {
149        self.0.get(symbol).map(|from| Symbol::from_raw(from, self))
150    }
152    /// Unload the library.
153    ///
154    /// This method might be a no-op, depending on the flags with which the `Library` was opened,
155    /// what library was opened or other platform specifics.
156    ///
157    /// You only need to call this if you are interested in handling any errors that may arise when
158    /// library is unloaded. Otherwise the implementation of `Drop` for `Library` will close the
159    /// library and ignore the errors were they arise.
160    ///
161    /// The underlying data structures may still get leaked if an error does occur.
162    pub fn close(self) -> Result<(), Error> {
163        self.0.close()
164    }
167impl fmt::Debug for Library {
168    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
169        self.0.fmt(f)
170    }
173impl From<imp::Library> for Library {
174    fn from(lib: imp::Library) -> Library {
175        Library(lib)
176    }
179impl From<Library> for imp::Library {
180    fn from(lib: Library) -> imp::Library {
181        lib.0
182    }
185unsafe impl Send for Library {}
186unsafe impl Sync for Library {}
188/// Symbol from a library.
190/// This type is a safeguard against using dynamically loaded symbols after a `Library` is
191/// unloaded. The primary method to create an instance of a `Symbol` is via [`Library::get`].
193/// The `Deref` trait implementation allows the use of `Symbol` as if it was a function or variable
194/// itself, without taking care to “extract” the function or variable manually most of the time.
196/// [`Library::get`]: Library::get
197#[cfg_attr(libloading_docs, doc(cfg(any(unix, windows))))]
198pub struct Symbol<'lib, T: 'lib> {
199    inner: imp::Symbol<T>,
200    pd: marker::PhantomData<&'lib T>,
203impl<'lib, T> Symbol<'lib, T> {
204    /// Extract the wrapped `os::platform::Symbol`.
205    ///
206    /// # Safety
207    ///
208    /// Using this function relinquishes all the lifetime guarantees. It is up to the developer to
209    /// ensure the resulting `Symbol` is not used past the lifetime of the `Library` this symbol
210    /// was loaded from.
211    ///
212    /// # Examples
213    ///
214    /// ```no_run
215    /// # use ::libloading::{Library, Symbol};
216    /// unsafe {
217    ///     let lib = Library::new("/path/to/awesome.module").unwrap();
218    ///     let symbol: Symbol<*mut u32> = lib.get(b"symbol\0").unwrap();
219    ///     let symbol = symbol.into_raw();
220    /// }
221    /// ```
222    pub unsafe fn into_raw(self) -> imp::Symbol<T> {
223        self.inner
224    }
226    /// Wrap the `os::platform::Symbol` into this safe wrapper.
227    ///
228    /// Note that, in order to create association between the symbol and the library this symbol
229    /// came from, this function requires a reference to the library.
230    ///
231    /// # Safety
232    ///
233    /// The `library` reference must be exactly the library `sym` was loaded from.
234    ///
235    /// # Examples
236    ///
237    /// ```no_run
238    /// # use ::libloading::{Library, Symbol};
239    /// unsafe {
240    ///     let lib = Library::new("/path/to/awesome.module").unwrap();
241    ///     let symbol: Symbol<*mut u32> = lib.get(b"symbol\0").unwrap();
242    ///     let symbol = symbol.into_raw();
243    ///     let symbol = Symbol::from_raw(symbol, &lib);
244    /// }
245    /// ```
246    pub unsafe fn from_raw<L>(sym: imp::Symbol<T>, library: &'lib L) -> Symbol<'lib, T> {
247        let _ = library; // ignore here for documentation purposes.
248        Symbol {
249            inner: sym,
250            pd: marker::PhantomData,
251        }
252    }
254    /// Try to convert the symbol into a raw pointer.
255    /// Success depends on the platform. Currently, this fn always succeeds and returns some.
256    ///
257    /// # Safety
258    ///
259    /// Using this function relinquishes all the lifetime guarantees. It is up to the developer to
260    /// ensure the resulting `Symbol` is not used past the lifetime of the `Library` this symbol
261    /// was loaded from.
262    pub unsafe fn try_as_raw_ptr(self) -> Option<*mut raw::c_void> {
263        Some(
264            #[allow(unused_unsafe)] // 1.56.0 compat
265            unsafe {
266                // SAFE: the calling function has the same soundness invariants as this callee.
267                self.into_raw()
268            }
269            .as_raw_ptr(),
270        )
271    }
274impl<'lib, T> Symbol<'lib, Option<T>> {
275    /// Lift Option out of the symbol.
276    ///
277    /// # Examples
278    ///
279    /// ```no_run
280    /// # use ::libloading::{Library, Symbol};
281    /// unsafe {
282    ///     let lib = Library::new("/path/to/awesome.module").unwrap();
283    ///     let symbol: Symbol<Option<*mut u32>> = lib.get(b"symbol\0").unwrap();
284    ///     let symbol: Symbol<*mut u32> = symbol.lift_option().expect("static is not null");
285    /// }
286    /// ```
287    pub fn lift_option(self) -> Option<Symbol<'lib, T>> {
288        self.inner.lift_option().map(|is| Symbol {
289            inner: is,
290            pd: marker::PhantomData,
291        })
292    }
295impl<'lib, T> Clone for Symbol<'lib, T> {
296    fn clone(&self) -> Symbol<'lib, T> {
297        Symbol {
298            inner: self.inner.clone(),
299            pd: marker::PhantomData,
300        }
301    }
304// FIXME: implement FnOnce for callable stuff instead.
305impl<T> ops::Deref for Symbol<'_, T> {
306    type Target = T;
307    fn deref(&self) -> &T {
308        ops::Deref::deref(&self.inner)
309    }
312impl<T> fmt::Debug for Symbol<'_, T> {
313    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
314        self.inner.fmt(f)
315    }
318unsafe impl<T: Send> Send for Symbol<'_, T> {}
319unsafe impl<T: Sync> Sync for Symbol<'_, T> {}