1use super::{
2 analyzer::{FunctionInfo, GlobalUse},
3 Capabilities, Disalignment, FunctionError, ModuleInfo,
5use crate::arena::{Handle, UniqueArena};
7use crate::span::{AddSpan as _, MapErrWithSpan as _, SpanProvider as _, WithSpan};
8use bit_set::BitSet;
10const MAX_WORKGROUP_SIZE: u32 = 0x4000;
12#[derive(Clone, Debug, thiserror::Error)]
13#[cfg_attr(test, derive(PartialEq))]
14pub enum GlobalVariableError {
15 #[error("Usage isn't compatible with address space {0:?}")]
16 InvalidUsage(crate::AddressSpace),
17 #[error("Type isn't compatible with address space {0:?}")]
18 InvalidType(crate::AddressSpace),
19 #[error("Type flags {seen:?} do not meet the required {required:?}")]
20 MissingTypeFlags {
21 required: super::TypeFlags,
22 seen: super::TypeFlags,
23 },
24 #[error("Capability {0:?} is not supported")]
25 UnsupportedCapability(Capabilities),
26 #[error("Binding decoration is missing or not applicable")]
27 InvalidBinding,
28 #[error("Alignment requirements for address space {0:?} are not met by {1:?}")]
29 Alignment(
30 crate::AddressSpace,
31 Handle<crate::Type>,
32 #[source] Disalignment,
33 ),
34 #[error("Initializer must be an override-expression")]
35 InitializerExprType,
36 #[error("Initializer doesn't match the variable type")]
37 InitializerType,
38 #[error("Initializer can't be used with address space {0:?}")]
39 InitializerNotAllowed(crate::AddressSpace),
40 #[error("Storage address space doesn't support write-only access")]
41 StorageAddressSpaceWriteOnlyNotSupported,
44#[derive(Clone, Debug, thiserror::Error)]
45#[cfg_attr(test, derive(PartialEq))]
46pub enum VaryingError {
47 #[error("The type {0:?} does not match the varying")]
48 InvalidType(Handle<crate::Type>),
49 #[error("The type {0:?} cannot be used for user-defined entry point inputs or outputs")]
50 NotIOShareableType(Handle<crate::Type>),
51 #[error("Interpolation is not valid")]
52 InvalidInterpolation,
53 #[error("Cannot combine {interpolation:?} interpolation with the {sampling:?} sample type")]
54 InvalidInterpolationSamplingCombination {
55 interpolation: crate::Interpolation,
56 sampling: crate::Sampling,
57 },
58 #[error("Interpolation must be specified on vertex shader outputs and fragment shader inputs")]
59 MissingInterpolation,
60 #[error("Built-in {0:?} is not available at this stage")]
61 InvalidBuiltInStage(crate::BuiltIn),
62 #[error("Built-in type for {0:?} is invalid")]
63 InvalidBuiltInType(crate::BuiltIn),
64 #[error("Entry point arguments and return values must all have bindings")]
65 MissingBinding,
66 #[error("Struct member {0} is missing a binding")]
67 MemberMissingBinding(u32),
68 #[error("Multiple bindings at location {location} are present")]
69 BindingCollision { location: u32 },
70 #[error("Built-in {0:?} is present more than once")]
71 DuplicateBuiltIn(crate::BuiltIn),
72 #[error("Capability {0:?} is not supported")]
73 UnsupportedCapability(Capabilities),
74 #[error("The attribute {0:?} is only valid as an output for stage {1:?}")]
75 InvalidInputAttributeInStage(&'static str, crate::ShaderStage),
76 #[error("The attribute {0:?} is not valid for stage {1:?}")]
77 InvalidAttributeInStage(&'static str, crate::ShaderStage),
78 #[error(
79 "The location index {location} cannot be used together with the attribute {attribute:?}"
80 )]
81 InvalidLocationAttributeCombination {
82 location: u32,
83 attribute: &'static str,
84 },
85 #[error("Workgroup size is multi dimensional, @builtin(subgroup_id) and @builtin(subgroup_invocation_id) are not supported.")]
86 InvalidMultiDimensionalSubgroupBuiltIn,
89#[derive(Clone, Debug, thiserror::Error)]
90#[cfg_attr(test, derive(PartialEq))]
91pub enum EntryPointError {
92 #[error("Multiple conflicting entry points")]
93 Conflict,
94 #[error("Vertex shaders must return a `@builtin(position)` output value")]
95 MissingVertexOutputPosition,
96 #[error("Early depth test is not applicable")]
97 UnexpectedEarlyDepthTest,
98 #[error("Workgroup size is not applicable")]
99 UnexpectedWorkgroupSize,
100 #[error("Workgroup size is out of range")]
101 OutOfRangeWorkgroupSize,
102 #[error("Uses operations forbidden at this stage")]
103 ForbiddenStageOperations,
104 #[error("Global variable {0:?} is used incorrectly as {1:?}")]
105 InvalidGlobalUsage(Handle<crate::GlobalVariable>, GlobalUse),
106 #[error("More than 1 push constant variable is used")]
107 MoreThanOnePushConstantUsed,
108 #[error("Bindings for {0:?} conflict with other resource")]
109 BindingCollision(Handle<crate::GlobalVariable>),
110 #[error("Argument {0} varying error")]
111 Argument(u32, #[source] VaryingError),
112 #[error(transparent)]
113 Result(#[from] VaryingError),
114 #[error("Location {location} interpolation of an integer has to be flat")]
115 InvalidIntegerInterpolation { location: u32 },
116 #[error(transparent)]
117 Function(#[from] FunctionError),
118 #[error(
119 "Invalid locations {location_mask:?} are set while dual source blending. Only location 0 may be set."
120 )]
121 InvalidLocationsWhileDualSourceBlending { location_mask: BitSet },
124fn storage_usage(access: crate::StorageAccess) -> GlobalUse {
125 let mut storage_usage = GlobalUse::QUERY;
126 if access.contains(crate::StorageAccess::LOAD) {
127 storage_usage |= GlobalUse::READ;
128 }
129 if access.contains(crate::StorageAccess::STORE) {
130 storage_usage |= GlobalUse::WRITE;
131 }
132 storage_usage
135struct VaryingContext<'a> {
136 stage: crate::ShaderStage,
137 output: bool,
138 second_blend_source: bool,
139 types: &'a UniqueArena<crate::Type>,
140 type_info: &'a Vec<super::r#type::TypeInfo>,
141 location_mask: &'a mut BitSet,
142 built_ins: &'a mut crate::FastHashSet<crate::BuiltIn>,
143 capabilities: Capabilities,
144 flags: super::ValidationFlags,
147impl VaryingContext<'_> {
148 fn validate_impl(
149 &mut self,
150 ep: &crate::EntryPoint,
151 ty: Handle<crate::Type>,
152 binding: &crate::Binding,
153 ) -> Result<(), VaryingError> {
154 use crate::{BuiltIn as Bi, ShaderStage as St, TypeInner as Ti, VectorSize as Vs};
156 let ty_inner = &self.types[ty].inner;
157 match *binding {
158 crate::Binding::BuiltIn(built_in) => {
159 let canonical = if let crate::BuiltIn::Position { .. } = built_in {
162 crate::BuiltIn::Position { invariant: false }
163 } else {
164 built_in
165 };
167 if self.built_ins.contains(&canonical) {
168 return Err(VaryingError::DuplicateBuiltIn(built_in));
169 }
170 self.built_ins.insert(canonical);
172 let required = match built_in {
173 Bi::ClipDistance => Capabilities::CLIP_DISTANCE,
174 Bi::CullDistance => Capabilities::CULL_DISTANCE,
175 Bi::PrimitiveIndex => Capabilities::PRIMITIVE_INDEX,
176 Bi::ViewIndex => Capabilities::MULTIVIEW,
177 Bi::SampleIndex => Capabilities::MULTISAMPLED_SHADING,
178 Bi::NumSubgroups
179 | Bi::SubgroupId
180 | Bi::SubgroupSize
181 | Bi::SubgroupInvocationId => Capabilities::SUBGROUP,
182 _ => Capabilities::empty(),
183 };
184 if !self.capabilities.contains(required) {
185 return Err(VaryingError::UnsupportedCapability(required));
186 }
188 if matches!(
189 built_in,
190 crate::BuiltIn::SubgroupId | crate::BuiltIn::SubgroupInvocationId
191 ) && ep.workgroup_size[1..].iter().any(|&s| s > 1)
192 {
193 return Err(VaryingError::InvalidMultiDimensionalSubgroupBuiltIn);
194 }
196 let (visible, type_good) = match built_in {
197 Bi::BaseInstance
198 | Bi::BaseVertex
199 | Bi::InstanceIndex
200 | Bi::VertexIndex
201 | Bi::DrawID => (
202 self.stage == St::Vertex && !self.output,
203 *ty_inner == Ti::Scalar(crate::Scalar::U32),
204 ),
205 Bi::ClipDistance | Bi::CullDistance => (
206 self.stage == St::Vertex && self.output,
207 match *ty_inner {
208 Ti::Array { base, .. } => {
209 self.types[base].inner == Ti::Scalar(crate::Scalar::F32)
210 }
211 _ => false,
212 },
213 ),
214 Bi::PointSize => (
215 self.stage == St::Vertex && self.output,
216 *ty_inner == Ti::Scalar(crate::Scalar::F32),
217 ),
218 Bi::PointCoord => (
219 self.stage == St::Fragment && !self.output,
220 *ty_inner
221 == Ti::Vector {
222 size: Vs::Bi,
223 scalar: crate::Scalar::F32,
224 },
225 ),
226 Bi::Position { .. } => (
227 match self.stage {
228 St::Vertex => self.output,
229 St::Fragment => !self.output,
230 St::Compute => false,
231 },
232 *ty_inner
233 == Ti::Vector {
234 size: Vs::Quad,
235 scalar: crate::Scalar::F32,
236 },
237 ),
238 Bi::ViewIndex => (
239 match self.stage {
240 St::Vertex | St::Fragment => !self.output,
241 St::Compute => false,
242 },
243 *ty_inner == Ti::Scalar(crate::Scalar::I32),
244 ),
245 Bi::FragDepth => (
246 self.stage == St::Fragment && self.output,
247 *ty_inner == Ti::Scalar(crate::Scalar::F32),
248 ),
249 Bi::FrontFacing => (
250 self.stage == St::Fragment && !self.output,
251 *ty_inner == Ti::Scalar(crate::Scalar::BOOL),
252 ),
253 Bi::PrimitiveIndex => (
254 self.stage == St::Fragment && !self.output,
255 *ty_inner == Ti::Scalar(crate::Scalar::U32),
256 ),
257 Bi::SampleIndex => (
258 self.stage == St::Fragment && !self.output,
259 *ty_inner == Ti::Scalar(crate::Scalar::U32),
260 ),
261 Bi::SampleMask => (
262 self.stage == St::Fragment,
263 *ty_inner == Ti::Scalar(crate::Scalar::U32),
264 ),
265 Bi::LocalInvocationIndex => (
266 self.stage == St::Compute && !self.output,
267 *ty_inner == Ti::Scalar(crate::Scalar::U32),
268 ),
269 Bi::GlobalInvocationId
270 | Bi::LocalInvocationId
271 | Bi::WorkGroupId
272 | Bi::WorkGroupSize
273 | Bi::NumWorkGroups => (
274 self.stage == St::Compute && !self.output,
275 *ty_inner
276 == Ti::Vector {
277 size: Vs::Tri,
278 scalar: crate::Scalar::U32,
279 },
280 ),
281 Bi::NumSubgroups | Bi::SubgroupId => (
282 self.stage == St::Compute && !self.output,
283 *ty_inner == Ti::Scalar(crate::Scalar::U32),
284 ),
285 Bi::SubgroupSize | Bi::SubgroupInvocationId => (
286 match self.stage {
287 St::Compute | St::Fragment => !self.output,
288 St::Vertex => false,
289 },
290 *ty_inner == Ti::Scalar(crate::Scalar::U32),
291 ),
292 };
294 if !visible {
295 return Err(VaryingError::InvalidBuiltInStage(built_in));
296 }
297 if !type_good {
298 log::warn!("Wrong builtin type: {:?}", ty_inner);
299 return Err(VaryingError::InvalidBuiltInType(built_in));
300 }
301 }
302 crate::Binding::Location {
303 location,
304 interpolation,
305 sampling,
306 second_blend_source,
307 } => {
308 if !self.type_info[ty.index()]
310 .flags
311 .contains(super::TypeFlags::IO_SHAREABLE)
312 {
313 return Err(VaryingError::NotIOShareableType(ty));
314 }
316 if second_blend_source {
317 if !self
318 .capabilities
319 .contains(Capabilities::DUAL_SOURCE_BLENDING)
320 {
321 return Err(VaryingError::UnsupportedCapability(
322 Capabilities::DUAL_SOURCE_BLENDING,
323 ));
324 }
325 if self.stage != crate::ShaderStage::Fragment {
326 return Err(VaryingError::InvalidAttributeInStage(
327 "second_blend_source",
328 self.stage,
329 ));
330 }
331 if !self.output {
332 return Err(VaryingError::InvalidInputAttributeInStage(
333 "second_blend_source",
334 self.stage,
335 ));
336 }
337 if location != 0 {
338 return Err(VaryingError::InvalidLocationAttributeCombination {
339 location,
340 attribute: "second_blend_source",
341 });
342 }
344 self.second_blend_source = true;
345 } else if !self.location_mask.insert(location as usize) {
346 if self.flags.contains(super::ValidationFlags::BINDINGS) {
347 return Err(VaryingError::BindingCollision { location });
348 }
349 }
351 if let Some(interpolation) = interpolation {
352 let invalid_sampling = match (interpolation, sampling) {
353 (_, None)
354 | (
355 crate::Interpolation::Perspective | crate::Interpolation::Linear,
356 Some(
357 crate::Sampling::Center
358 | crate::Sampling::Centroid
359 | crate::Sampling::Sample,
360 ),
361 )
362 | (
363 crate::Interpolation::Flat,
364 Some(crate::Sampling::First | crate::Sampling::Either),
365 ) => None,
366 (_, Some(invalid_sampling)) => Some(invalid_sampling),
367 };
368 if let Some(sampling) = invalid_sampling {
369 return Err(VaryingError::InvalidInterpolationSamplingCombination {
370 interpolation,
371 sampling,
372 });
373 }
374 }
376 let needs_interpolation = match self.stage {
377 crate::ShaderStage::Vertex => self.output,
378 crate::ShaderStage::Fragment => !self.output,
379 crate::ShaderStage::Compute => false,
380 };
382 let _ = sampling;
387 let required = match sampling {
388 Some(crate::Sampling::Sample) => Capabilities::MULTISAMPLED_SHADING,
389 _ => Capabilities::empty(),
390 };
391 if !self.capabilities.contains(required) {
392 return Err(VaryingError::UnsupportedCapability(required));
393 }
395 match ty_inner.scalar_kind() {
396 Some(crate::ScalarKind::Float) => {
397 if needs_interpolation && interpolation.is_none() {
398 return Err(VaryingError::MissingInterpolation);
399 }
400 }
401 Some(_) => {
402 if needs_interpolation && interpolation != Some(crate::Interpolation::Flat)
403 {
404 return Err(VaryingError::InvalidInterpolation);
405 }
406 }
407 None => return Err(VaryingError::InvalidType(ty)),
408 }
409 }
410 }
412 Ok(())
413 }
415 fn validate(
416 &mut self,
417 ep: &crate::EntryPoint,
418 ty: Handle<crate::Type>,
419 binding: Option<&crate::Binding>,
420 ) -> Result<(), WithSpan<VaryingError>> {
421 let span_context = self.types.get_span_context(ty);
422 match binding {
423 Some(binding) => self
424 .validate_impl(ep, ty, binding)
425 .map_err(|e| e.with_span_context(span_context)),
426 None => {
427 match self.types[ty].inner {
428 crate::TypeInner::Struct { ref members, .. } => {
429 for (index, member) in members.iter().enumerate() {
430 let span_context = self.types.get_span_context(ty);
431 match member.binding {
432 None => {
433 if self.flags.contains(super::ValidationFlags::BINDINGS) {
434 return Err(VaryingError::MemberMissingBinding(
435 index as u32,
436 )
437 .with_span_context(span_context));
438 }
439 }
440 Some(ref binding) => self
441 .validate_impl(ep, member.ty, binding)
442 .map_err(|e| e.with_span_context(span_context))?,
443 }
444 }
445 }
446 _ => {
447 if self.flags.contains(super::ValidationFlags::BINDINGS) {
448 return Err(VaryingError::MissingBinding.with_span());
449 }
450 }
451 }
452 Ok(())
453 }
454 }
455 }
458impl super::Validator {
459 pub(super) fn validate_global_var(
460 &self,
461 var: &crate::GlobalVariable,
462 gctx: crate::proc::GlobalCtx,
463 mod_info: &ModuleInfo,
464 global_expr_kind: &crate::proc::ExpressionKindTracker,
465 ) -> Result<(), GlobalVariableError> {
466 use super::TypeFlags;
468 log::debug!("var {:?}", var);
469 let inner_ty = match gctx.types[var.ty].inner {
470 crate::TypeInner::BindingArray { base, .. } => match var.space {
474 crate::AddressSpace::Storage { .. }
475 | crate::AddressSpace::Uniform
476 | crate::AddressSpace::Handle => base,
477 _ => return Err(GlobalVariableError::InvalidUsage(var.space)),
478 },
479 _ => var.ty,
480 };
481 let type_info = &self.types[inner_ty.index()];
483 let (required_type_flags, is_resource) = match var.space {
484 crate::AddressSpace::Function => {
485 return Err(GlobalVariableError::InvalidUsage(var.space))
486 }
487 crate::AddressSpace::Storage { access } => {
488 if let Err((ty_handle, disalignment)) = type_info.storage_layout {
489 if self.flags.contains(super::ValidationFlags::STRUCT_LAYOUTS) {
490 return Err(GlobalVariableError::Alignment(
491 var.space,
492 ty_handle,
493 disalignment,
494 ));
495 }
496 }
497 if access == crate::StorageAccess::STORE {
498 return Err(GlobalVariableError::StorageAddressSpaceWriteOnlyNotSupported);
499 }
500 (TypeFlags::DATA | TypeFlags::HOST_SHAREABLE, true)
501 }
502 crate::AddressSpace::Uniform => {
503 if let Err((ty_handle, disalignment)) = type_info.uniform_layout {
504 if self.flags.contains(super::ValidationFlags::STRUCT_LAYOUTS) {
505 return Err(GlobalVariableError::Alignment(
506 var.space,
507 ty_handle,
508 disalignment,
509 ));
510 }
511 }
512 (
513 TypeFlags::DATA
514 | TypeFlags::COPY
515 | TypeFlags::SIZED
516 | TypeFlags::HOST_SHAREABLE,
517 true,
518 )
519 }
520 crate::AddressSpace::Handle => {
521 match gctx.types[inner_ty].inner {
522 crate::TypeInner::Image { class, .. } => match class {
523 crate::ImageClass::Storage {
524 format:
525 crate::StorageFormat::R16Unorm
526 | crate::StorageFormat::R16Snorm
527 | crate::StorageFormat::Rg16Unorm
528 | crate::StorageFormat::Rg16Snorm
529 | crate::StorageFormat::Rgba16Unorm
530 | crate::StorageFormat::Rgba16Snorm,
531 ..
532 } => {
533 if !self
534 .capabilities
535 .contains(Capabilities::STORAGE_TEXTURE_16BIT_NORM_FORMATS)
536 {
537 return Err(GlobalVariableError::UnsupportedCapability(
539 ));
540 }
541 }
542 _ => {}
543 },
544 crate::TypeInner::Sampler { .. }
545 | crate::TypeInner::AccelerationStructure
546 | crate::TypeInner::RayQuery => {}
547 _ => {
548 return Err(GlobalVariableError::InvalidType(var.space));
549 }
550 }
552 (TypeFlags::empty(), true)
553 }
554 crate::AddressSpace::Private => (TypeFlags::CONSTRUCTIBLE, false),
555 crate::AddressSpace::WorkGroup => (TypeFlags::DATA | TypeFlags::SIZED, false),
556 crate::AddressSpace::PushConstant => {
557 if !self.capabilities.contains(Capabilities::PUSH_CONSTANT) {
558 return Err(GlobalVariableError::UnsupportedCapability(
559 Capabilities::PUSH_CONSTANT,
560 ));
561 }
562 (
563 TypeFlags::DATA
564 | TypeFlags::COPY
565 | TypeFlags::HOST_SHAREABLE
566 | TypeFlags::SIZED,
567 false,
568 )
569 }
570 };
572 if !type_info.flags.contains(required_type_flags) {
573 return Err(GlobalVariableError::MissingTypeFlags {
574 seen: type_info.flags,
575 required: required_type_flags,
576 });
577 }
579 if is_resource != var.binding.is_some() {
580 if self.flags.contains(super::ValidationFlags::BINDINGS) {
581 return Err(GlobalVariableError::InvalidBinding);
582 }
583 }
585 if let Some(init) = var.init {
586 match var.space {
587 crate::AddressSpace::Private | crate::AddressSpace::Function => {}
588 _ => {
589 return Err(GlobalVariableError::InitializerNotAllowed(var.space));
590 }
591 }
593 if !global_expr_kind.is_const_or_override(init) {
594 return Err(GlobalVariableError::InitializerExprType);
595 }
597 let decl_ty = &gctx.types[var.ty].inner;
598 let init_ty = mod_info[init].inner_with(gctx.types);
599 if !decl_ty.equivalent(init_ty, gctx.types) {
600 return Err(GlobalVariableError::InitializerType);
601 }
602 }
604 Ok(())
605 }
607 pub(super) fn validate_entry_point(
608 &mut self,
609 ep: &crate::EntryPoint,
610 module: &crate::Module,
611 mod_info: &ModuleInfo,
612 global_expr_kind: &crate::proc::ExpressionKindTracker,
613 ) -> Result<FunctionInfo, WithSpan<EntryPointError>> {
614 if ep.early_depth_test.is_some() {
615 let required = Capabilities::EARLY_DEPTH_TEST;
616 if !self.capabilities.contains(required) {
617 return Err(
618 EntryPointError::Result(VaryingError::UnsupportedCapability(required))
619 .with_span(),
620 );
621 }
623 if ep.stage != crate::ShaderStage::Fragment {
624 return Err(EntryPointError::UnexpectedEarlyDepthTest.with_span());
625 }
626 }
628 if ep.stage == crate::ShaderStage::Compute {
629 if ep
630 .workgroup_size
631 .iter()
632 .any(|&s| s == 0 || s > MAX_WORKGROUP_SIZE)
633 {
634 return Err(EntryPointError::OutOfRangeWorkgroupSize.with_span());
635 }
636 } else if ep.workgroup_size != [0; 3] {
637 return Err(EntryPointError::UnexpectedWorkgroupSize.with_span());
638 }
640 let mut info = self
641 .validate_function(&ep.function, module, mod_info, true, global_expr_kind)
642 .map_err(WithSpan::into_other)?;
644 {
645 use super::ShaderStages;
647 let stage_bit = match ep.stage {
648 crate::ShaderStage::Vertex => ShaderStages::VERTEX,
649 crate::ShaderStage::Fragment => ShaderStages::FRAGMENT,
650 crate::ShaderStage::Compute => ShaderStages::COMPUTE,
651 };
653 if !info.available_stages.contains(stage_bit) {
654 return Err(EntryPointError::ForbiddenStageOperations.with_span());
655 }
656 }
658 self.location_mask.clear();
659 let mut argument_built_ins = crate::FastHashSet::default();
660 for (index, fa) in ep.function.arguments.iter().enumerate() {
662 let mut ctx = VaryingContext {
663 stage: ep.stage,
664 output: false,
665 second_blend_source: false,
666 types: &module.types,
667 type_info: &self.types,
668 location_mask: &mut self.location_mask,
669 built_ins: &mut argument_built_ins,
670 capabilities: self.capabilities,
671 flags: self.flags,
672 };
673 ctx.validate(ep, fa.ty, fa.binding.as_ref())
674 .map_err_inner(|e| EntryPointError::Argument(index as u32, e).with_span())?;
675 }
677 self.location_mask.clear();
678 if let Some(ref fr) = ep.function.result {
679 let mut result_built_ins = crate::FastHashSet::default();
680 let mut ctx = VaryingContext {
681 stage: ep.stage,
682 output: true,
683 second_blend_source: false,
684 types: &module.types,
685 type_info: &self.types,
686 location_mask: &mut self.location_mask,
687 built_ins: &mut result_built_ins,
688 capabilities: self.capabilities,
689 flags: self.flags,
690 };
691 ctx.validate(ep, fr.ty, fr.binding.as_ref())
692 .map_err_inner(|e| EntryPointError::Result(e).with_span())?;
693 if ctx.second_blend_source {
694 if ctx.location_mask.len() == 1 && ctx.location_mask.contains(0) {
696 info.dual_source_blending = true;
697 } else {
698 return Err(EntryPointError::InvalidLocationsWhileDualSourceBlending {
699 location_mask: self.location_mask.clone(),
700 }
701 .with_span());
702 }
703 }
705 if ep.stage == crate::ShaderStage::Vertex
706 && !result_built_ins.contains(&crate::BuiltIn::Position { invariant: false })
707 {
708 return Err(EntryPointError::MissingVertexOutputPosition.with_span());
709 }
710 } else if ep.stage == crate::ShaderStage::Vertex {
711 return Err(EntryPointError::MissingVertexOutputPosition.with_span());
712 }
714 {
715 let mut used_push_constants = module
716 .global_variables
717 .iter()
718 .filter(|&(_, var)| var.space == crate::AddressSpace::PushConstant)
719 .map(|(handle, _)| handle)
720 .filter(|&handle| !info[handle].is_empty());
721 if let Some(handle) = used_push_constants.nth(1) {
724 return Err(EntryPointError::MoreThanOnePushConstantUsed
725 .with_span_handle(handle, &module.global_variables));
726 }
727 }
729 self.ep_resource_bindings.clear();
730 for (var_handle, var) in module.global_variables.iter() {
731 let usage = info[var_handle];
732 if usage.is_empty() {
733 continue;
734 }
736 let allowed_usage = match var.space {
737 crate::AddressSpace::Function => unreachable!(),
738 crate::AddressSpace::Uniform => GlobalUse::READ | GlobalUse::QUERY,
739 crate::AddressSpace::Storage { access } => storage_usage(access),
740 crate::AddressSpace::Handle => match module.types[var.ty].inner {
741 crate::TypeInner::BindingArray { base, .. } => match module.types[base].inner {
742 crate::TypeInner::Image {
743 class: crate::ImageClass::Storage { access, .. },
744 ..
745 } => storage_usage(access),
746 _ => GlobalUse::READ | GlobalUse::QUERY,
747 },
748 crate::TypeInner::Image {
749 class: crate::ImageClass::Storage { access, .. },
750 ..
751 } => storage_usage(access),
752 _ => GlobalUse::READ | GlobalUse::QUERY,
753 },
754 crate::AddressSpace::Private | crate::AddressSpace::WorkGroup => GlobalUse::all(),
755 crate::AddressSpace::PushConstant => GlobalUse::READ,
756 };
757 if !allowed_usage.contains(usage) {
758 log::warn!("\tUsage error for: {:?}", var);
759 log::warn!(
760 "\tAllowed usage: {:?}, requested: {:?}",
761 allowed_usage,
762 usage
763 );
764 return Err(EntryPointError::InvalidGlobalUsage(var_handle, usage)
765 .with_span_handle(var_handle, &module.global_variables));
766 }
768 if let Some(ref bind) = var.binding {
769 if !self.ep_resource_bindings.insert(bind.clone()) {
770 if self.flags.contains(super::ValidationFlags::BINDINGS) {
771 return Err(EntryPointError::BindingCollision(var_handle)
772 .with_span_handle(var_handle, &module.global_variables));
773 }
774 }
775 }
776 }
778 Ok(info)
779 }