
1//! Abstract definition of a matrix data storage.
3use std::ptr;
5use crate::base::allocator::{Allocator, SameShapeC, SameShapeR};
6use crate::base::default_allocator::DefaultAllocator;
7use crate::base::dimension::{Dim, U1};
8use crate::base::Scalar;
11 * Aliases for allocation results.
12 */
13/// The data storage for the sum of two matrices with dimensions `(R1, C1)` and `(R2, C2)`.
14pub type SameShapeStorage<T, R1, C1, R2, C2> =
15    <DefaultAllocator as Allocator<SameShapeR<R1, R2>, SameShapeC<C1, C2>>>::Buffer<T>;
17// TODO: better name than Owned ?
18/// The owned data storage that can be allocated from `S`.
19pub type Owned<T, R, C = U1> = <DefaultAllocator as Allocator<R, C>>::Buffer<T>;
21/// The owned data storage that can be allocated from `S`.
22pub type OwnedUninit<T, R, C = U1> = <DefaultAllocator as Allocator<R, C>>::BufferUninit<T>;
24/// The row-stride of the owned data storage for a buffer of dimension `(R, C)`.
25pub type RStride<T, R, C = U1> =
26    <<DefaultAllocator as Allocator<R, C>>::Buffer<T> as RawStorage<T, R, C>>::RStride;
28/// The column-stride of the owned data storage for a buffer of dimension `(R, C)`.
29pub type CStride<T, R, C = U1> =
30    <<DefaultAllocator as Allocator<R, C>>::Buffer<T> as RawStorage<T, R, C>>::CStride;
32/// The trait shared by all matrix data storage.
34/// TODO: doc
35/// # Safety
37/// In generic code, it is recommended use the `Storage` trait bound instead. The `RawStorage`
38/// trait bound is generally used by code that needs to work with storages that contains
39/// `MaybeUninit<T>` elements.
41/// Note that `Self` must always have a number of elements compatible with the matrix length (given
42/// by `R` and `C` if they are known at compile-time). For example, implementors of this trait
43/// should **not** allow the user to modify the size of the underlying buffer with safe methods
44/// (for example the `VecStorage::data_mut` method is unsafe because the user could change the
45/// vector's size so that it no longer contains enough elements: this will lead to UB.
46pub unsafe trait RawStorage<T, R: Dim, C: Dim = U1>: Sized {
47    /// The static stride of this storage's rows.
48    type RStride: Dim;
50    /// The static stride of this storage's columns.
51    type CStride: Dim;
53    /// The matrix data pointer.
54    fn ptr(&self) -> *const T;
56    /// The dimension of the matrix at run-time. Arr length of zero indicates the additive identity
57    /// element of any dimension. Must be equal to `Self::dimension()` if it is not `None`.
58    fn shape(&self) -> (R, C);
60    /// The spacing between consecutive row elements and consecutive column elements.
61    ///
62    /// For example this returns `(1, 5)` for a column-major matrix with 5 columns.
63    fn strides(&self) -> (Self::RStride, Self::CStride);
65    /// Compute the index corresponding to the irow-th row and icol-th column of this matrix. The
66    /// index must be such that the following holds:
67    ///
68    /// ```ignore
69    /// let lindex = self.linear_index(irow, icol);
70    /// assert!(*self.get_unchecked(irow, icol) == *self.get_unchecked_linear(lindex))
71    /// ```
72    #[inline]
73    fn linear_index(&self, irow: usize, icol: usize) -> usize {
74        let (rstride, cstride) = self.strides();
76        irow * rstride.value() + icol * cstride.value()
77    }
79    /// Gets the address of the i-th matrix component without performing bound-checking.
80    ///
81    /// # Safety
82    /// If the index is out of bounds, dereferencing the result will cause undefined behavior.
83    #[inline]
84    fn get_address_unchecked_linear(&self, i: usize) -> *const T {
85        self.ptr().wrapping_add(i)
86    }
88    /// Gets the address of the i-th matrix component without performing bound-checking.
89    ///
90    /// # Safety
91    /// If the index is out of bounds, dereferencing the result will cause undefined behavior.
92    #[inline]
93    fn get_address_unchecked(&self, irow: usize, icol: usize) -> *const T {
94        self.get_address_unchecked_linear(self.linear_index(irow, icol))
95    }
97    /// Retrieves a reference to the i-th element without bound-checking.
98    ///
99    /// # Safety
100    /// If the index is out of bounds, the method will cause undefined behavior.
101    #[inline]
102    unsafe fn get_unchecked_linear(&self, i: usize) -> &T {
103        &*self.get_address_unchecked_linear(i)
104    }
106    /// Retrieves a reference to the i-th element without bound-checking.
107    ///
108    /// # Safety
109    /// If the index is out of bounds, the method will cause undefined behavior.
110    #[inline]
111    unsafe fn get_unchecked(&self, irow: usize, icol: usize) -> &T {
112        self.get_unchecked_linear(self.linear_index(irow, icol))
113    }
115    /// Indicates whether this data buffer stores its elements contiguously.
116    ///
117    /// # Safety
118    /// This function must not return `true` if the underlying storage is not contiguous,
119    /// or undefined behaviour will occur.
120    fn is_contiguous(&self) -> bool;
122    /// Retrieves the data buffer as a contiguous slice.
123    ///
124    /// # Safety
125    /// The matrix components may not be stored in a contiguous way, depending on the strides.
126    /// This method is unsafe because this can yield to invalid aliasing when called on some pairs
127    /// of matrix views originating from the same matrix with strides.
128    ///
129    /// Call the safe alternative `matrix.as_slice()` instead.
130    unsafe fn as_slice_unchecked(&self) -> &[T];
133/// Trait shared by all matrix data storage that don’t contain any uninitialized elements.
135/// # Safety
137/// Note that `Self` must always have a number of elements compatible with the matrix length (given
138/// by `R` and `C` if they are known at compile-time). For example, implementors of this trait
139/// should **not** allow the user to modify the size of the underlying buffer with safe methods
140/// (for example the `VecStorage::data_mut` method is unsafe because the user could change the
141/// vector's size so that it no longer contains enough elements: this will lead to UB.
142pub unsafe trait Storage<T: Scalar, R: Dim, C: Dim = U1>: RawStorage<T, R, C> {
143    /// Builds a matrix data storage that does not contain any reference.
144    fn into_owned(self) -> Owned<T, R, C>
145    where
146        DefaultAllocator: Allocator<R, C>;
148    /// Clones this data storage to one that does not contain any reference.
149    fn clone_owned(&self) -> Owned<T, R, C>
150    where
151        DefaultAllocator: Allocator<R, C>;
153    /// Drops the storage without calling the destructors on the contained elements.
154    fn forget_elements(self);
157/// Trait implemented by matrix data storage that can provide a mutable access to its elements.
159/// # Safety
161/// In generic code, it is recommended use the `StorageMut` trait bound instead. The
162/// `RawStorageMut` trait bound is generally used by code that needs to work with storages that
163/// contains `MaybeUninit<T>` elements.
165/// Note that a mutable access does not mean that the matrix owns its data. For example, a mutable
166/// matrix view can provide mutable access to its elements even if it does not own its data (it
167/// contains only an internal reference to them).
168pub unsafe trait RawStorageMut<T, R: Dim, C: Dim = U1>: RawStorage<T, R, C> {
169    /// The matrix mutable data pointer.
170    fn ptr_mut(&mut self) -> *mut T;
172    /// Gets the mutable address of the i-th matrix component without performing bound-checking.
173    ///
174    /// # Safety
175    /// If the index is out of bounds, dereferencing the result will cause undefined behavior.
176    #[inline]
177    fn get_address_unchecked_linear_mut(&mut self, i: usize) -> *mut T {
178        self.ptr_mut().wrapping_add(i)
179    }
181    /// Gets the mutable address of the i-th matrix component without performing bound-checking.
182    ///
183    /// # Safety
184    /// If the index is out of bounds, dereferencing the result will cause undefined behavior.
185    #[inline]
186    fn get_address_unchecked_mut(&mut self, irow: usize, icol: usize) -> *mut T {
187        let lid = self.linear_index(irow, icol);
188        self.get_address_unchecked_linear_mut(lid)
189    }
191    /// Retrieves a mutable reference to the i-th element without bound-checking.
192    ///
193    /// # Safety
194    /// If the index is out of bounds, the method will cause undefined behavior.
195    unsafe fn get_unchecked_linear_mut(&mut self, i: usize) -> &mut T {
196        &mut *self.get_address_unchecked_linear_mut(i)
197    }
199    /// Retrieves a mutable reference to the element at `(irow, icol)` without bound-checking.
200    ///
201    /// # Safety
202    /// If the index is out of bounds, the method will cause undefined behavior.
203    #[inline]
204    unsafe fn get_unchecked_mut(&mut self, irow: usize, icol: usize) -> &mut T {
205        &mut *self.get_address_unchecked_mut(irow, icol)
206    }
208    /// Swaps two elements using their linear index without bound-checking.
209    ///
210    /// # Safety
211    /// If the indices are out of bounds, the method will cause undefined behavior.
212    ///
213    /// # Validity
214    /// The default implementation of this trait function is only guaranteed to be
215    /// sound if invocations of `self.ptr_mut()` and `self.get_address_unchecked_linear_mut()`
216    /// result in stable references. If any of the data pointed to by these trait methods
217    /// moves as a consequence of invoking either of these methods then this default
218    /// trait implementation may be invalid or unsound and should be overridden.
219    #[inline]
220    unsafe fn swap_unchecked_linear(&mut self, i1: usize, i2: usize) {
221        // we can't just use the pointers returned from `get_address_unchecked_linear_mut` because calling a
222        // method taking self mutably invalidates any existing (mutable) pointers. since `get_address_unchecked_linear_mut` can
223        // also be overridden by a custom implementation, we can't just use `wrapping_add` assuming that's what the method does.
224        // instead, we use `offset_from` to compute the re-calculate the pointers from the base pointer.
225        // this is sound as long as this trait matches the Validity preconditions
226        // (and it's the caller's responsibility to ensure the indices are in-bounds).
227        let base = self.ptr_mut();
228        let offset1 = self.get_address_unchecked_linear_mut(i1).offset_from(base);
229        let offset2 = self.get_address_unchecked_linear_mut(i2).offset_from(base);
231        let base = self.ptr_mut();
232        let a = base.offset(offset1);
233        let b = base.offset(offset2);
235        ptr::swap(a, b);
236    }
238    /// Swaps two elements without bound-checking.
239    ///
240    /// # Safety
241    /// If the indices are out of bounds, the method will cause undefined behavior.
242    #[inline]
243    unsafe fn swap_unchecked(&mut self, row_col1: (usize, usize), row_col2: (usize, usize)) {
244        let lid1 = self.linear_index(row_col1.0, row_col1.1);
245        let lid2 = self.linear_index(row_col2.0, row_col2.1);
247        self.swap_unchecked_linear(lid1, lid2)
248    }
250    /// Retrieves the mutable data buffer as a contiguous slice.
251    ///
252    /// Matrix components may not be contiguous, depending on its strides.    
253    ///
254    /// # Safety
255    /// The matrix components may not be stored in a contiguous way, depending on the strides.
256    /// This method is unsafe because this can yield to invalid aliasing when called on some pairs
257    /// of matrix slices originating from the same matrix with strides.
258    unsafe fn as_mut_slice_unchecked(&mut self) -> &mut [T];
261/// Trait shared by all mutable matrix data storage that don’t contain any uninitialized elements.
263/// # Safety
265/// See safety note for `Storage`, `RawStorageMut`.
266pub unsafe trait StorageMut<T: Scalar, R: Dim, C: Dim = U1>:
267    Storage<T, R, C> + RawStorageMut<T, R, C>
271unsafe impl<S, T: Scalar, R, C> StorageMut<T, R, C> for S
273    R: Dim,
274    C: Dim,
275    S: Storage<T, R, C> + RawStorageMut<T, R, C>,
279/// Marker trait indicating that a storage is stored contiguously in memory.
281/// # Safety
283/// The storage requirement means that for any value of `i` in `[0, nrows * ncols - 1]`, the value
284/// `.get_unchecked_linear` returns one of the matrix component. This trait is unsafe because
285/// failing to comply to this may cause Undefined Behaviors.
286pub unsafe trait IsContiguous {}
288/// A matrix storage that can be reshaped in-place.
289pub trait ReshapableStorage<T, R1, C1, R2, C2>: RawStorage<T, R1, C1>
291    T: Scalar,
292    R1: Dim,
293    C1: Dim,
294    R2: Dim,
295    C2: Dim,
297    /// The reshaped storage type.
298    type Output: RawStorage<T, R2, C2>;
300    /// Reshapes the storage into the output storage type.
301    fn reshape_generic(self, nrows: R2, ncols: C2) -> Self::Output;