
1use std::convert::TryFrom;
3use crate::data::DataMap;
4use crate::visit::EdgeCount;
5use crate::visit::EdgeRef;
6use crate::visit::GetAdjacencyMatrix;
7use crate::visit::GraphBase;
8use crate::visit::GraphProp;
9use crate::visit::IntoEdgesDirected;
10use crate::visit::IntoNeighborsDirected;
11use crate::visit::NodeCompactIndexable;
12use crate::{Incoming, Outgoing};
14use self::semantic::EdgeMatcher;
15use self::semantic::NoSemanticMatch;
16use self::semantic::NodeMatcher;
17use self::state::Vf2State;
19mod state {
20    use super::*;
22    #[derive(Debug)]
23    // TODO: make mapping generic over the index type of the other graph.
24    pub struct Vf2State<'a, G: GetAdjacencyMatrix> {
25        /// A reference to the graph this state was built from.
26        pub graph: &'a G,
27        /// The current mapping M(s) of nodes from G0 → G1 and G1 → G0,
28        /// `usize::MAX` for no mapping.
29        pub mapping: Vec<usize>,
30        /// out[i] is non-zero if i is in either M_0(s) or Tout_0(s)
31        /// These are all the next vertices that are not mapped yet, but
32        /// have an outgoing edge from the mapping.
33        out: Vec<usize>,
34        /// ins[i] is non-zero if i is in either M_0(s) or Tin_0(s)
35        /// These are all the incoming vertices, those not mapped yet, but
36        /// have an edge from them into the mapping.
37        /// Unused if graph is undirected -- it's identical with out in that case.
38        ins: Vec<usize>,
39        pub out_size: usize,
40        pub ins_size: usize,
41        pub adjacency_matrix: G::AdjMatrix,
42        generation: usize,
43    }
45    impl<'a, G> Vf2State<'a, G>
46    where
47        G: GetAdjacencyMatrix + GraphProp + NodeCompactIndexable + IntoNeighborsDirected,
48    {
49        pub fn new(g: &'a G) -> Self {
50            let c0 = g.node_count();
51            Vf2State {
52                graph: g,
53                mapping: vec![std::usize::MAX; c0],
54                out: vec![0; c0],
55                ins: vec![0; c0 * (g.is_directed() as usize)],
56                out_size: 0,
57                ins_size: 0,
58                adjacency_matrix: g.adjacency_matrix(),
59                generation: 0,
60            }
61        }
63        /// Return **true** if we have a complete mapping
64        pub fn is_complete(&self) -> bool {
65            self.generation == self.mapping.len()
66        }
68        /// Add mapping **from** <-> **to** to the state.
69        pub fn push_mapping(&mut self, from: G::NodeId, to: usize) {
70            self.generation += 1;
71            self.mapping[self.graph.to_index(from)] = to;
72            // update T0 & T1 ins/outs
73            // T0out: Node in G0 not in M0 but successor of a node in M0.
74            // st.out[0]: Node either in M0 or successor of M0
75            for ix in self.graph.neighbors_directed(from, Outgoing) {
76                if self.out[self.graph.to_index(ix)] == 0 {
77                    self.out[self.graph.to_index(ix)] = self.generation;
78                    self.out_size += 1;
79                }
80            }
81            if self.graph.is_directed() {
82                for ix in self.graph.neighbors_directed(from, Incoming) {
83                    if self.ins[self.graph.to_index(ix)] == 0 {
84                        self.ins[self.graph.to_index(ix)] = self.generation;
85                        self.ins_size += 1;
86                    }
87                }
88            }
89        }
91        /// Restore the state to before the last added mapping
92        pub fn pop_mapping(&mut self, from: G::NodeId) {
93            // undo (n, m) mapping
94            self.mapping[self.graph.to_index(from)] = std::usize::MAX;
96            // unmark in ins and outs
97            for ix in self.graph.neighbors_directed(from, Outgoing) {
98                if self.out[self.graph.to_index(ix)] == self.generation {
99                    self.out[self.graph.to_index(ix)] = 0;
100                    self.out_size -= 1;
101                }
102            }
103            if self.graph.is_directed() {
104                for ix in self.graph.neighbors_directed(from, Incoming) {
105                    if self.ins[self.graph.to_index(ix)] == self.generation {
106                        self.ins[self.graph.to_index(ix)] = 0;
107                        self.ins_size -= 1;
108                    }
109                }
110            }
112            self.generation -= 1;
113        }
115        /// Find the next (least) node in the Tout set.
116        pub fn next_out_index(&self, from_index: usize) -> Option<usize> {
117            self.out[from_index..]
118                .iter()
119                .enumerate()
120                .find(move |&(index, &elt)| {
121                    elt > 0 && self.mapping[from_index + index] == std::usize::MAX
122                })
123                .map(|(index, _)| index)
124        }
126        /// Find the next (least) node in the Tin set.
127        pub fn next_in_index(&self, from_index: usize) -> Option<usize> {
128            if !self.graph.is_directed() {
129                return None;
130            }
131            self.ins[from_index..]
132                .iter()
133                .enumerate()
134                .find(move |&(index, &elt)| {
135                    elt > 0 && self.mapping[from_index + index] == std::usize::MAX
136                })
137                .map(|(index, _)| index)
138        }
140        /// Find the next (least) node in the N - M set.
141        pub fn next_rest_index(&self, from_index: usize) -> Option<usize> {
142            self.mapping[from_index..]
143                .iter()
144                .enumerate()
145                .find(|&(_, &elt)| elt == std::usize::MAX)
146                .map(|(index, _)| index)
147        }
148    }
151mod semantic {
152    use super::*;
154    pub struct NoSemanticMatch;
156    pub trait NodeMatcher<G0: GraphBase, G1: GraphBase> {
157        fn enabled() -> bool;
158        fn eq(&mut self, _g0: &G0, _g1: &G1, _n0: G0::NodeId, _n1: G1::NodeId) -> bool;
159    }
161    impl<G0: GraphBase, G1: GraphBase> NodeMatcher<G0, G1> for NoSemanticMatch {
162        #[inline]
163        fn enabled() -> bool {
164            false
165        }
166        #[inline]
167        fn eq(&mut self, _g0: &G0, _g1: &G1, _n0: G0::NodeId, _n1: G1::NodeId) -> bool {
168            true
169        }
170    }
172    impl<G0, G1, F> NodeMatcher<G0, G1> for F
173    where
174        G0: GraphBase + DataMap,
175        G1: GraphBase + DataMap,
176        F: FnMut(&G0::NodeWeight, &G1::NodeWeight) -> bool,
177    {
178        #[inline]
179        fn enabled() -> bool {
180            true
181        }
182        #[inline]
183        fn eq(&mut self, g0: &G0, g1: &G1, n0: G0::NodeId, n1: G1::NodeId) -> bool {
184            if let (Some(x), Some(y)) = (g0.node_weight(n0), g1.node_weight(n1)) {
185                self(x, y)
186            } else {
187                false
188            }
189        }
190    }
192    pub trait EdgeMatcher<G0: GraphBase, G1: GraphBase> {
193        fn enabled() -> bool;
194        fn eq(
195            &mut self,
196            _g0: &G0,
197            _g1: &G1,
198            e0: (G0::NodeId, G0::NodeId),
199            e1: (G1::NodeId, G1::NodeId),
200        ) -> bool;
201    }
203    impl<G0: GraphBase, G1: GraphBase> EdgeMatcher<G0, G1> for NoSemanticMatch {
204        #[inline]
205        fn enabled() -> bool {
206            false
207        }
208        #[inline]
209        fn eq(
210            &mut self,
211            _g0: &G0,
212            _g1: &G1,
213            _e0: (G0::NodeId, G0::NodeId),
214            _e1: (G1::NodeId, G1::NodeId),
215        ) -> bool {
216            true
217        }
218    }
220    impl<G0, G1, F> EdgeMatcher<G0, G1> for F
221    where
222        G0: GraphBase + DataMap + IntoEdgesDirected,
223        G1: GraphBase + DataMap + IntoEdgesDirected,
224        F: FnMut(&G0::EdgeWeight, &G1::EdgeWeight) -> bool,
225    {
226        #[inline]
227        fn enabled() -> bool {
228            true
229        }
230        #[inline]
231        fn eq(
232            &mut self,
233            g0: &G0,
234            g1: &G1,
235            e0: (G0::NodeId, G0::NodeId),
236            e1: (G1::NodeId, G1::NodeId),
237        ) -> bool {
238            let w0 = g0
239                .edges_directed(e0.0, Outgoing)
240                .find(|edge| == e0.1)
241                .and_then(|edge| g0.edge_weight(;
242            let w1 = g1
243                .edges_directed(e1.0, Outgoing)
244                .find(|edge| == e1.1)
245                .and_then(|edge| g1.edge_weight(;
246            if let (Some(x), Some(y)) = (w0, w1) {
247                self(x, y)
248            } else {
249                false
250            }
251        }
252    }
255mod matching {
256    use super::*;
258    #[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Debug)]
259    enum OpenList {
260        Out,
261        In,
262        Other,
263    }
265    #[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Debug)]
266    enum Frame<G0, G1>
267    where
268        G0: GraphBase,
269        G1: GraphBase,
270    {
271        Outer,
272        Inner {
273            nodes: (G0::NodeId, G1::NodeId),
274            open_list: OpenList,
275        },
276        Unwind {
277            nodes: (G0::NodeId, G1::NodeId),
278            open_list: OpenList,
279        },
280    }
282    fn is_feasible<G0, G1, NM, EM>(
283        st: &mut (Vf2State<'_, G0>, Vf2State<'_, G1>),
284        nodes: (G0::NodeId, G1::NodeId),
285        node_match: &mut NM,
286        edge_match: &mut EM,
287    ) -> bool
288    where
289        G0: GetAdjacencyMatrix + GraphProp + NodeCompactIndexable + IntoNeighborsDirected,
290        G1: GetAdjacencyMatrix + GraphProp + NodeCompactIndexable + IntoNeighborsDirected,
291        NM: NodeMatcher<G0, G1>,
292        EM: EdgeMatcher<G0, G1>,
293    {
294        macro_rules! field {
295            ($x:ident,     0) => {
296                $x.0
297            };
298            ($x:ident,     1) => {
299                $x.1
300            };
301            ($x:ident, 1 - 0) => {
302                $x.1
303            };
304            ($x:ident, 1 - 1) => {
305                $x.0
306            };
307        }
309        macro_rules! r_succ {
310            ($j:tt) => {{
311                let mut succ_count = 0;
312                for n_neigh in field!(st, $j)
313                    .graph
314                    .neighbors_directed(field!(nodes, $j), Outgoing)
315                {
316                    succ_count += 1;
317                    // handle the self loop case; it's not in the mapping (yet)
318                    let m_neigh = if field!(nodes, $j) != n_neigh {
319                        field!(st, $j).mapping[field!(st, $j).graph.to_index(n_neigh)]
320                    } else {
321                        field!(st, 1 - $j).graph.to_index(field!(nodes, 1 - $j))
322                    };
323                    if m_neigh == std::usize::MAX {
324                        continue;
325                    }
326                    let has_edge = field!(st, 1 - $j).graph.is_adjacent(
327                        &field!(st, 1 - $j).adjacency_matrix,
328                        field!(nodes, 1 - $j),
329                        field!(st, 1 - $j).graph.from_index(m_neigh),
330                    );
331                    if !has_edge {
332                        return false;
333                    }
334                }
335                succ_count
336            }};
337        }
339        macro_rules! r_pred {
340            ($j:tt) => {{
341                let mut pred_count = 0;
342                for n_neigh in field!(st, $j)
343                    .graph
344                    .neighbors_directed(field!(nodes, $j), Incoming)
345                {
346                    pred_count += 1;
347                    // the self loop case is handled in outgoing
348                    let m_neigh = field!(st, $j).mapping[field!(st, $j).graph.to_index(n_neigh)];
349                    if m_neigh == std::usize::MAX {
350                        continue;
351                    }
352                    let has_edge = field!(st, 1 - $j).graph.is_adjacent(
353                        &field!(st, 1 - $j).adjacency_matrix,
354                        field!(st, 1 - $j).graph.from_index(m_neigh),
355                        field!(nodes, 1 - $j),
356                    );
357                    if !has_edge {
358                        return false;
359                    }
360                }
361                pred_count
362            }};
363        }
365        // Check syntactic feasibility of mapping by ensuring adjacencies
366        // of nx map to adjacencies of mx.
367        //
368        // nx == map to => mx
369        //
370        // R_succ
371        //
372        // Check that every neighbor of nx is mapped to a neighbor of mx,
373        // then check the reverse, from mx to nx. Check that they have the same
374        // count of edges.
375        //
376        // Note: We want to check the lookahead measures here if we can,
377        // R_out: Equal for G0, G1: Card(Succ(G, n) ^ Tout); for both Succ and Pred
378        // R_in: Same with Tin
379        // R_new: Equal for G0, G1: Ñ n Pred(G, n); both Succ and Pred,
380        //      Ñ is G0 - M - Tin - Tout
381        // last attempt to add these did not speed up any of the testcases
382        if r_succ!(0) > r_succ!(1) {
383            return false;
384        }
385        // R_pred
386        if st.0.graph.is_directed() && r_pred!(0) > r_pred!(1) {
387            return false;
388        }
390        // // semantic feasibility: compare associated data for nodes
391        if NM::enabled() && !node_match.eq(st.0.graph, st.1.graph, nodes.0, nodes.1) {
392            return false;
393        }
394        // semantic feasibility: compare associated data for edges
395        if EM::enabled() {
396            macro_rules! edge_feasibility {
397                ($j:tt) => {{
398                    for n_neigh in field!(st, $j)
399                        .graph
400                        .neighbors_directed(field!(nodes, $j), Outgoing)
401                    {
402                        let m_neigh = if field!(nodes, $j) != n_neigh {
403                            field!(st, $j).mapping[field!(st, $j).graph.to_index(n_neigh)]
404                        } else {
405                            field!(st, 1 - $j).graph.to_index(field!(nodes, 1 - $j))
406                        };
407                        if m_neigh == std::usize::MAX {
408                            continue;
409                        }
411                        let e0 = (field!(nodes, $j), n_neigh);
412                        let e1 = (
413                            field!(nodes, 1 - $j),
414                            field!(st, 1 - $j).graph.from_index(m_neigh),
415                        );
416                        let edges = (e0, e1);
417                        if !edge_match.eq(
418                            st.0.graph,
419                            st.1.graph,
420                            field!(edges, $j),
421                            field!(edges, 1 - $j),
422                        ) {
423                            return false;
424                        }
425                    }
426                    if field!(st, $j).graph.is_directed() {
427                        for n_neigh in field!(st, $j)
428                            .graph
429                            .neighbors_directed(field!(nodes, $j), Incoming)
430                        {
431                            // the self loop case is handled in outgoing
432                            let m_neigh =
433                                field!(st, $j).mapping[field!(st, $j).graph.to_index(n_neigh)];
434                            if m_neigh == std::usize::MAX {
435                                continue;
436                            }
438                            let e0 = (n_neigh, field!(nodes, $j));
439                            let e1 = (
440                                field!(st, 1 - $j).graph.from_index(m_neigh),
441                                field!(nodes, 1 - $j),
442                            );
443                            let edges = (e0, e1);
444                            if !edge_match.eq(
445                                st.0.graph,
446                                st.1.graph,
447                                field!(edges, $j),
448                                field!(edges, 1 - $j),
449                            ) {
450                                return false;
451                            }
452                        }
453                    }
454                }};
455            }
457            edge_feasibility!(0);
458            edge_feasibility!(1);
459        }
460        true
461    }
463    fn next_candidate<G0, G1>(
464        st: &mut (Vf2State<'_, G0>, Vf2State<'_, G1>),
465    ) -> Option<(G0::NodeId, G1::NodeId, OpenList)>
466    where
467        G0: GetAdjacencyMatrix + GraphProp + NodeCompactIndexable + IntoNeighborsDirected,
468        G1: GetAdjacencyMatrix + GraphProp + NodeCompactIndexable + IntoNeighborsDirected,
469    {
470        let mut from_index = None;
471        let mut open_list = OpenList::Out;
472        let mut to_index = st.1.next_out_index(0);
474        // Try the out list
475        if to_index.is_some() {
476            from_index = st.0.next_out_index(0);
477            open_list = OpenList::Out;
478        }
479        // Try the in list
480        if to_index.is_none() || from_index.is_none() {
481            to_index = st.1.next_in_index(0);
483            if to_index.is_some() {
484                from_index = st.0.next_in_index(0);
485                open_list = OpenList::In;
486            }
487        }
488        // Try the other list -- disconnected graph
489        if to_index.is_none() || from_index.is_none() {
490            to_index = st.1.next_rest_index(0);
491            if to_index.is_some() {
492                from_index = st.0.next_rest_index(0);
493                open_list = OpenList::Other;
494            }
495        }
496        match (from_index, to_index) {
497            (Some(n), Some(m)) => Some((
498                st.0.graph.from_index(n),
499                st.1.graph.from_index(m),
500                open_list,
501            )),
502            // No more candidates
503            _ => None,
504        }
505    }
507    fn next_from_ix<G0, G1>(
508        st: &mut (Vf2State<'_, G0>, Vf2State<'_, G1>),
509        nx: G1::NodeId,
510        open_list: OpenList,
511    ) -> Option<G1::NodeId>
512    where
513        G0: GetAdjacencyMatrix + GraphProp + NodeCompactIndexable + IntoNeighborsDirected,
514        G1: GetAdjacencyMatrix + GraphProp + NodeCompactIndexable + IntoNeighborsDirected,
515    {
516        // Find the next node index to try on the `to` side of the mapping
517        let start = st.1.graph.to_index(nx) + 1;
518        let cand1 = match open_list {
519            OpenList::Out => st.1.next_out_index(start),
520            OpenList::In => st.1.next_in_index(start),
521            OpenList::Other => st.1.next_rest_index(start),
522        }
523        .map(|c| c + start); // compensate for start offset.
524        match cand1 {
525            None => None, // no more candidates
526            Some(ix) => {
527                debug_assert!(ix >= start);
528                Some(st.1.graph.from_index(ix))
529            }
530        }
531    }
533    fn pop_state<G0, G1>(
534        st: &mut (Vf2State<'_, G0>, Vf2State<'_, G1>),
535        nodes: (G0::NodeId, G1::NodeId),
536    ) where
537        G0: GetAdjacencyMatrix + GraphProp + NodeCompactIndexable + IntoNeighborsDirected,
538        G1: GetAdjacencyMatrix + GraphProp + NodeCompactIndexable + IntoNeighborsDirected,
539    {
540        st.0.pop_mapping(nodes.0);
541        st.1.pop_mapping(nodes.1);
542    }
544    fn push_state<G0, G1>(
545        st: &mut (Vf2State<'_, G0>, Vf2State<'_, G1>),
546        nodes: (G0::NodeId, G1::NodeId),
547    ) where
548        G0: GetAdjacencyMatrix + GraphProp + NodeCompactIndexable + IntoNeighborsDirected,
549        G1: GetAdjacencyMatrix + GraphProp + NodeCompactIndexable + IntoNeighborsDirected,
550    {
551        st.0.push_mapping(nodes.0, st.1.graph.to_index(nodes.1));
552        st.1.push_mapping(nodes.1, st.0.graph.to_index(nodes.0));
553    }
555    /// Return Some(bool) if isomorphism is decided, else None.
556    pub fn try_match<G0, G1, NM, EM>(
557        st: &mut (Vf2State<'_, G0>, Vf2State<'_, G1>),
558        node_match: &mut NM,
559        edge_match: &mut EM,
560        match_subgraph: bool,
561    ) -> Option<bool>
562    where
563        G0: NodeCompactIndexable
564            + EdgeCount
565            + GetAdjacencyMatrix
566            + GraphProp
567            + IntoNeighborsDirected,
568        G1: NodeCompactIndexable
569            + EdgeCount
570            + GetAdjacencyMatrix
571            + GraphProp
572            + IntoNeighborsDirected,
573        NM: NodeMatcher<G0, G1>,
574        EM: EdgeMatcher<G0, G1>,
575    {
576        let mut stack = vec![Frame::Outer];
577        if isomorphisms(st, node_match, edge_match, match_subgraph, &mut stack).is_some() {
578            Some(true)
579        } else {
580            None
581        }
582    }
584    fn isomorphisms<G0, G1, NM, EM>(
585        st: &mut (Vf2State<'_, G0>, Vf2State<'_, G1>),
586        node_match: &mut NM,
587        edge_match: &mut EM,
588        match_subgraph: bool,
589        stack: &mut Vec<Frame<G0, G1>>,
590    ) -> Option<Vec<usize>>
591    where
592        G0: NodeCompactIndexable
593            + EdgeCount
594            + GetAdjacencyMatrix
595            + GraphProp
596            + IntoNeighborsDirected,
597        G1: NodeCompactIndexable
598            + EdgeCount
599            + GetAdjacencyMatrix
600            + GraphProp
601            + IntoNeighborsDirected,
602        NM: NodeMatcher<G0, G1>,
603        EM: EdgeMatcher<G0, G1>,
604    {
605        if st.0.is_complete() {
606            return Some(st.0.mapping.clone());
607        }
609        // A "depth first" search of a valid mapping from graph 1 to graph 2
610        // F(s, n, m) -- evaluate state s and add mapping n <-> m
611        // Find least T1out node (in st.out[1] but not in M[1])
612        let mut result = None;
613        while let Some(frame) = stack.pop() {
614            match frame {
615                Frame::Unwind { nodes, open_list } => {
616                    pop_state(st, nodes);
618                    match next_from_ix(st, nodes.1, open_list) {
619                        None => continue,
620                        Some(nx) => {
621                            let f = Frame::Inner {
622                                nodes: (nodes.0, nx),
623                                open_list,
624                            };
625                            stack.push(f);
626                        }
627                    }
628                }
629                Frame::Outer => match next_candidate(st) {
630                    None => continue,
631                    Some((nx, mx, open_list)) => {
632                        let f = Frame::Inner {
633                            nodes: (nx, mx),
634                            open_list,
635                        };
636                        stack.push(f);
637                    }
638                },
639                Frame::Inner { nodes, open_list } => {
640                    if is_feasible(st, nodes, node_match, edge_match) {
641                        push_state(st, nodes);
642                        if st.0.is_complete() {
643                            result = Some(st.0.mapping.clone());
644                        }
645                        // Check cardinalities of Tin, Tout sets
646                        if (!match_subgraph
647                            && st.0.out_size == st.1.out_size
648                            && st.0.ins_size == st.1.ins_size)
649                            || (match_subgraph
650                                && st.0.out_size <= st.1.out_size
651                                && st.0.ins_size <= st.1.ins_size)
652                        {
653                            let f0 = Frame::Unwind { nodes, open_list };
654                            stack.push(f0);
655                            stack.push(Frame::Outer);
656                            continue;
657                        }
658                        pop_state(st, nodes);
659                    }
660                    match next_from_ix(st, nodes.1, open_list) {
661                        None => continue,
662                        Some(nx) => {
663                            let f = Frame::Inner {
664                                nodes: (nodes.0, nx),
665                                open_list,
666                            };
667                            stack.push(f);
668                        }
669                    }
670                }
671            }
672            if result.is_some() {
673                return result;
674            }
675        }
676        result
677    }
679    pub struct GraphMatcher<'a, 'b, 'c, G0, G1, NM, EM>
680    where
681        G0: NodeCompactIndexable
682            + EdgeCount
683            + GetAdjacencyMatrix
684            + GraphProp
685            + IntoNeighborsDirected,
686        G1: NodeCompactIndexable
687            + EdgeCount
688            + GetAdjacencyMatrix
689            + GraphProp
690            + IntoNeighborsDirected,
691        NM: NodeMatcher<G0, G1>,
692        EM: EdgeMatcher<G0, G1>,
693    {
694        st: (Vf2State<'a, G0>, Vf2State<'b, G1>),
695        node_match: &'c mut NM,
696        edge_match: &'c mut EM,
697        match_subgraph: bool,
698        stack: Vec<Frame<G0, G1>>,
699    }
701    impl<'a, 'b, 'c, G0, G1, NM, EM> GraphMatcher<'a, 'b, 'c, G0, G1, NM, EM>
702    where
703        G0: NodeCompactIndexable
704            + EdgeCount
705            + GetAdjacencyMatrix
706            + GraphProp
707            + IntoNeighborsDirected,
708        G1: NodeCompactIndexable
709            + EdgeCount
710            + GetAdjacencyMatrix
711            + GraphProp
712            + IntoNeighborsDirected,
713        NM: NodeMatcher<G0, G1>,
714        EM: EdgeMatcher<G0, G1>,
715    {
716        pub fn new(
717            g0: &'a G0,
718            g1: &'b G1,
719            node_match: &'c mut NM,
720            edge_match: &'c mut EM,
721            match_subgraph: bool,
722        ) -> Self {
723            let stack = vec![Frame::Outer];
724            Self {
725                st: (Vf2State::new(g0), Vf2State::new(g1)),
726                node_match,
727                edge_match,
728                match_subgraph,
729                stack,
730            }
731        }
732    }
734    impl<'a, 'b, 'c, G0, G1, NM, EM> Iterator for GraphMatcher<'a, 'b, 'c, G0, G1, NM, EM>
735    where
736        G0: NodeCompactIndexable
737            + EdgeCount
738            + GetAdjacencyMatrix
739            + GraphProp
740            + IntoNeighborsDirected,
741        G1: NodeCompactIndexable
742            + EdgeCount
743            + GetAdjacencyMatrix
744            + GraphProp
745            + IntoNeighborsDirected,
746        NM: NodeMatcher<G0, G1>,
747        EM: EdgeMatcher<G0, G1>,
748    {
749        type Item = Vec<usize>;
751        fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
752            isomorphisms(
753                &mut,
754                self.node_match,
755                self.edge_match,
756                self.match_subgraph,
757                &mut self.stack,
758            )
759        }
761        fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option<usize>) {
762            // To calculate the upper bound of results we use n! where n is the
763            // number of nodes in graph 1. n! values fit into a 64-bit usize up
764            // to n = 20, so we don't estimate an upper limit for n > 20.
765            let n =;
767            // We hardcode n! values into an array that accounts for architectures
768            // with smaller usizes to get our upper bound.
769            let upper_bounds: Vec<Option<usize>> = [
770                1u64,
771                1,
772                2,
773                6,
774                24,
775                120,
776                720,
777                5040,
778                40320,
779                362880,
780                3628800,
781                39916800,
782                479001600,
783                6227020800,
784                87178291200,
785                1307674368000,
786                20922789888000,
787                355687428096000,
788                6402373705728000,
789                121645100408832000,
790                2432902008176640000,
791            ]
792            .iter()
793            .map(|n| usize::try_from(*n).ok())
794            .collect();
796            if n > upper_bounds.len() {
797                return (0, None);
798            }
800            (0, upper_bounds[n])
801        }
802    }
805/// \[Generic\] Return `true` if the graphs `g0` and `g1` are isomorphic.
807/// Using the VF2 algorithm, only matching graph syntactically (graph
808/// structure).
810/// The graphs should not be multigraphs.
812/// **Reference**
814/// * Luigi P. Cordella, Pasquale Foggia, Carlo Sansone, Mario Vento;
815///   *A (Sub)Graph Isomorphism Algorithm for Matching Large Graphs*
816pub fn is_isomorphic<G0, G1>(g0: G0, g1: G1) -> bool
818    G0: NodeCompactIndexable + EdgeCount + GetAdjacencyMatrix + GraphProp + IntoNeighborsDirected,
819    G1: NodeCompactIndexable
820        + EdgeCount
821        + GetAdjacencyMatrix
822        + GraphProp<EdgeType = G0::EdgeType>
823        + IntoNeighborsDirected,
825    if g0.node_count() != g1.node_count() || g0.edge_count() != g1.edge_count() {
826        return false;
827    }
829    let mut st = (Vf2State::new(&g0), Vf2State::new(&g1));
830    self::matching::try_match(&mut st, &mut NoSemanticMatch, &mut NoSemanticMatch, false)
831        .unwrap_or(false)
834/// \[Generic\] Return `true` if the graphs `g0` and `g1` are isomorphic.
836/// Using the VF2 algorithm, examining both syntactic and semantic
837/// graph isomorphism (graph structure and matching node and edge weights).
839/// The graphs should not be multigraphs.
840pub fn is_isomorphic_matching<G0, G1, NM, EM>(
841    g0: G0,
842    g1: G1,
843    mut node_match: NM,
844    mut edge_match: EM,
845) -> bool
847    G0: NodeCompactIndexable
848        + EdgeCount
849        + DataMap
850        + GetAdjacencyMatrix
851        + GraphProp
852        + IntoEdgesDirected,
853    G1: NodeCompactIndexable
854        + EdgeCount
855        + DataMap
856        + GetAdjacencyMatrix
857        + GraphProp<EdgeType = G0::EdgeType>
858        + IntoEdgesDirected,
859    NM: FnMut(&G0::NodeWeight, &G1::NodeWeight) -> bool,
860    EM: FnMut(&G0::EdgeWeight, &G1::EdgeWeight) -> bool,
862    if g0.node_count() != g1.node_count() || g0.edge_count() != g1.edge_count() {
863        return false;
864    }
866    let mut st = (Vf2State::new(&g0), Vf2State::new(&g1));
867    self::matching::try_match(&mut st, &mut node_match, &mut edge_match, false).unwrap_or(false)
870/// \[Generic\] Return `true` if `g0` is isomorphic to a subgraph of `g1`.
872/// Using the VF2 algorithm, only matching graph syntactically (graph
873/// structure).
875/// The graphs should not be multigraphs.
877/// # Subgraph isomorphism
879/// (adapted from [`networkx` documentation](
881/// Graph theory literature can be ambiguous about the meaning of the above statement,
882/// and we seek to clarify it now.
884/// In the VF2 literature, a mapping **M** is said to be a *graph-subgraph isomorphism*
885/// iff **M** is an isomorphism between **G2** and a subgraph of **G1**. Thus, to say
886/// that **G1** and **G2** are graph-subgraph isomorphic is to say that a subgraph of
887/// **G1** is isomorphic to **G2**.
889/// Other literature uses the phrase ‘subgraph isomorphic’ as in
890/// ‘**G1** does not have a subgraph isomorphic to **G2**’. Another use is as an in adverb
891/// for isomorphic. Thus, to say that **G1** and **G2** are subgraph isomorphic is to say
892/// that a subgraph of **G1** is isomorphic to **G2**.
894/// Finally, the term ‘subgraph’ can have multiple meanings. In this context,
895/// ‘subgraph’ always means a ‘node-induced subgraph’. Edge-induced subgraph
896/// isomorphisms are not directly supported. For subgraphs which are not
897/// induced, the term ‘monomorphism’ is preferred over ‘isomorphism’.
899/// **Reference**
901/// * Luigi P. Cordella, Pasquale Foggia, Carlo Sansone, Mario Vento;
902///   *A (Sub)Graph Isomorphism Algorithm for Matching Large Graphs*
903pub fn is_isomorphic_subgraph<G0, G1>(g0: G0, g1: G1) -> bool
905    G0: NodeCompactIndexable + EdgeCount + GetAdjacencyMatrix + GraphProp + IntoNeighborsDirected,
906    G1: NodeCompactIndexable
907        + EdgeCount
908        + GetAdjacencyMatrix
909        + GraphProp<EdgeType = G0::EdgeType>
910        + IntoNeighborsDirected,
912    if g0.node_count() > g1.node_count() || g0.edge_count() > g1.edge_count() {
913        return false;
914    }
916    let mut st = (Vf2State::new(&g0), Vf2State::new(&g1));
917    self::matching::try_match(&mut st, &mut NoSemanticMatch, &mut NoSemanticMatch, true)
918        .unwrap_or(false)
921/// \[Generic\] Return `true` if `g0` is isomorphic to a subgraph of `g1`.
923/// Using the VF2 algorithm, examining both syntactic and semantic
924/// graph isomorphism (graph structure and matching node and edge weights).
926/// The graphs should not be multigraphs.
927pub fn is_isomorphic_subgraph_matching<G0, G1, NM, EM>(
928    g0: G0,
929    g1: G1,
930    mut node_match: NM,
931    mut edge_match: EM,
932) -> bool
934    G0: NodeCompactIndexable
935        + EdgeCount
936        + DataMap
937        + GetAdjacencyMatrix
938        + GraphProp
939        + IntoEdgesDirected,
940    G1: NodeCompactIndexable
941        + EdgeCount
942        + DataMap
943        + GetAdjacencyMatrix
944        + GraphProp<EdgeType = G0::EdgeType>
945        + IntoEdgesDirected,
946    NM: FnMut(&G0::NodeWeight, &G1::NodeWeight) -> bool,
947    EM: FnMut(&G0::EdgeWeight, &G1::EdgeWeight) -> bool,
949    if g0.node_count() > g1.node_count() || g0.edge_count() > g1.edge_count() {
950        return false;
951    }
953    let mut st = (Vf2State::new(&g0), Vf2State::new(&g1));
954    self::matching::try_match(&mut st, &mut node_match, &mut edge_match, true).unwrap_or(false)
957/// Using the VF2 algorithm, examine both syntactic and semantic graph
958/// isomorphism (graph structure and matching node and edge weights) and,
959/// if `g0` is isomorphic to a subgraph of `g1`, return the mappings between
960/// them.
962/// The graphs should not be multigraphs.
963pub fn subgraph_isomorphisms_iter<'a, G0, G1, NM, EM>(
964    g0: &'a G0,
965    g1: &'a G1,
966    node_match: &'a mut NM,
967    edge_match: &'a mut EM,
968) -> Option<impl Iterator<Item = Vec<usize>> + 'a>
970    G0: 'a
971        + NodeCompactIndexable
972        + EdgeCount
973        + DataMap
974        + GetAdjacencyMatrix
975        + GraphProp
976        + IntoEdgesDirected,
977    G1: 'a
978        + NodeCompactIndexable
979        + EdgeCount
980        + DataMap
981        + GetAdjacencyMatrix
982        + GraphProp<EdgeType = G0::EdgeType>
983        + IntoEdgesDirected,
984    NM: 'a + FnMut(&G0::NodeWeight, &G1::NodeWeight) -> bool,
985    EM: 'a + FnMut(&G0::EdgeWeight, &G1::EdgeWeight) -> bool,
987    if g0.node_count() > g1.node_count() || g0.edge_count() > g1.edge_count() {
988        return None;
989    }
991    Some(self::matching::GraphMatcher::new(
992        g0, g1, node_match, edge_match, true,
993    ))