1// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
2// Licensed under the MIT License.
4//! This crate defines a `StackFuture` wrapper around futures that stores the wrapped
5//! future in space provided by the caller. This can be used to emulate dyn async traits
6//! without requiring heap allocation.
8//! For more details, see the documentation on the [`StackFuture`] struct.
10// std is needed to run tests, but otherwise we don't need it.
11#![cfg_attr(not(test), no_std)]
14use core::fmt::Debug;
15use core::fmt::Display;
16use core::future::Future;
17use core::marker::PhantomData;
18use core::mem;
19use core::mem::MaybeUninit;
20use core::pin::Pin;
21use core::ptr;
22use core::task::Context;
23use core::task::Poll;
25#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
26extern crate alloc;
28#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
29use alloc::boxed::Box;
31/// A wrapper that stores a future in space allocated by the container
33/// Often this space comes from the calling function's stack, but it could just
34/// as well come from some other allocation.
36/// A `StackFuture` can be used to emulate async functions in dyn Trait objects.
37/// For example:
39/// ```
40/// # use stackfuture::*;
41/// trait PseudoAsyncTrait {
42/// fn do_something(&self) -> StackFuture<'_, (), { 512 }>;
43/// }
45/// impl PseudoAsyncTrait for i32 {
46/// fn do_something(&self) -> StackFuture<'_, (), { 512 }> {
47/// StackFuture::from(async {
48/// // function body goes here
49/// })
50/// }
51/// }
53/// async fn use_dyn_async_trait(x: &dyn PseudoAsyncTrait) {
54/// x.do_something().await;
55/// }
57/// async fn call_with_dyn_async_trait() {
58/// use_dyn_async_trait(&42).await;
59/// }
60/// ```
62/// This example defines `PseudoAsyncTrait` with a single method `do_something`.
63/// The `do_something` method can be called as if it were declared as
64/// `async fn do_something(&self)`. To implement `do_something`, the easiest thing
65/// to do is to wrap the body of the function in `StackFuture::from(async { ... })`,
66/// which creates an anonymous future for the body and stores it in a `StackFuture`.
68/// Because `StackFuture` does not know the size of the future it wraps, the maximum
69/// size of the future must be specified in the `STACK_SIZE` parameter. In the example
70/// here, we've used a stack size of 512, which is probably much larger than necessary
71/// but would accommodate many futures besides the simple one we've shown here.
73/// `StackFuture` ensures when wrapping a future that enough space is available, and
74/// it also respects any alignment requirements for the wrapped future. Note that the
75/// wrapped future's alignment must be less than or equal to that of the overall
76/// `StackFuture` struct.
77#[repr(C)] // Ensures the data first does not have any padding before it in the struct
78pub struct StackFuture<'a, T, const STACK_SIZE: usize> {
79 /// An array of bytes that is used to store the wrapped future.
80 data: [MaybeUninit<u8>; STACK_SIZE],
81 /// Since the type of `StackFuture` does not know the underlying future that it is wrapping,
82 /// we keep a manual vtable that serves pointers to Poll::poll and Drop::drop. These are
83 /// generated and filled in by `StackFuture::from`.
84 ///
85 /// This field stores a pointer to the poll function wrapper.
86 poll_fn: fn(this: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<T>,
87 /// Stores a pointer to the drop function wrapper
88 ///
89 /// See the documentation on `poll_fn` for more details.
90 drop_fn: fn(this: &mut Self),
91 /// StackFuture can be used similarly to a `dyn Future`. We keep a PhantomData
92 /// here so the type system knows this.
93 _phantom: PhantomData<dyn Future<Output = T> + Send + 'a>,
96impl<'a, T, const STACK_SIZE: usize> StackFuture<'a, T, { STACK_SIZE }> {
97 /// Creates a `StackFuture` from an existing future
98 ///
99 /// See the documentation on [`StackFuture`] for examples of how to use this.
100 ///
101 /// The size and alignment requirements are statically checked, so it is a compiler error
102 /// to use this with a future that does not fit within the [`StackFuture`]'s size and
103 /// alignment requirements.
104 ///
105 /// The following example illustrates a compile error for a future that is too large.
106 /// ```compile_fail
107 /// # use stackfuture::StackFuture;
108 /// // Fails because the future contains a large array and is therefore too big to fit in
109 /// // a 16-byte `StackFuture`.
110 /// let f = StackFuture::<_, { 16 }>::from(async {
111 /// let x = [0u8; 4096];
112 /// async {}.await;
113 /// println!("{}", x.len());
114 /// });
115 /// # #[cfg(miri)] break rust; // FIXME: miri doesn't detect this breakage for some reason...
116 /// ```
117 ///
118 /// The example below illustrates a compiler error for a future whose alignment is too large.
119 /// ```compile_fail
120 /// # use stackfuture::StackFuture;
121 ///
122 /// #[derive(Debug)]
123 /// #[repr(align(256))]
124 /// struct BigAlignment(usize);
125 ///
126 /// // Fails because the future contains a large array and is therefore too big to fit in
127 /// // a 16-byte `StackFuture`.
128 /// let f = StackFuture::<_, { 16 }>::from(async {
129 /// let x = BigAlignment(42);
130 /// async {}.await;
131 /// println!("{x:?}");
132 /// });
133 /// # #[cfg(miri)] break rust; // FIXME: miri doesn't detect this breakage for some reason...
134 /// ```
135 pub fn from<F>(future: F) -> Self
136 where
137 F: Future<Output = T> + Send + 'a, // the bounds here should match those in the _phantom field
138 {
139 // Ideally we would provide this as:
140 //
141 // impl<'a, F, const STACK_SIZE: usize> From<F> for StackFuture<'a, F::Output, { STACK_SIZE }>
142 // where
143 // F: Future + Send + 'a
144 //
145 // However, libcore provides a blanket `impl<T> From<T> for T`, and since `StackFuture: Future`,
146 // both impls end up being applicable to do `From<StackFuture> for StackFuture`.
148 // Statically assert that `F` meets all the size and alignment requirements
149 #[allow(clippy::let_unit_value)]
150 let _ = AssertFits::<F, STACK_SIZE>::ASSERT;
152 Self::try_from(future).unwrap()
153 }
155 /// Attempts to create a `StackFuture` from an existing future
156 ///
157 /// If the `StackFuture` is not large enough to hold `future`, this function returns an
158 /// `Err` with the argument `future` returned to you.
159 ///
160 /// Panics
161 ///
162 /// If we cannot satisfy the alignment requirements for `F`, this function will panic.
163 pub fn try_from<F>(future: F) -> Result<Self, IntoStackFutureError<F>>
164 where
165 F: Future<Output = T> + Send + 'a, // the bounds here should match those in the _phantom field
166 {
167 if Self::has_space_for_val(&future) && Self::has_alignment_for_val(&future) {
168 let mut result = StackFuture {
169 data: [MaybeUninit::uninit(); STACK_SIZE],
170 poll_fn: Self::poll_inner::<F>,
171 drop_fn: Self::drop_inner::<F>,
172 _phantom: PhantomData,
173 };
175 // Ensure is at the beginning of the struct so we don't need to do
176 // alignment adjustments.
177 assert_eq!( as usize, &result as *const _ as usize);
179 // SAFETY: result.as_mut_ptr returns a pointer into, which is an
180 // uninitialized array of bytes. result.as_mut_ptr ensures the returned pointer
181 // is correctly aligned, and the if expression we are in ensures the buffer is
182 // large enough.
183 //
184 // Because `future` is bound by `'a` and `StackFuture` is also bound by `'a`,
185 // we can be sure anything that `future` closes over will also outlive `result`.
186 unsafe { result.as_mut_ptr::<F>().write(future) };
188 Ok(result)
189 } else {
190 Err(IntoStackFutureError::new::<Self>(future))
191 }
192 }
194 /// Creates a StackFuture from the given future, boxing if necessary
195 ///
196 /// This version will succeed even if the future is larger than `STACK_SIZE`. If the future
197 /// is too large, `from_or_box` will allocate a `Box` on the heap and store the resulting
198 /// boxed future in the `StackFuture`.
199 ///
200 /// The same thing also happens if the wrapped future's alignment is larger than StackFuture's
201 /// alignment.
202 ///
203 /// This function requires the "alloc" crate feature.
204 #[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
205 pub fn from_or_box<F>(future: F) -> Self
206 where
207 F: Future<Output = T> + Send + 'a, // the bounds here should match those in the _phantom field
208 {
209 Self::try_from(future).unwrap_or_else(|err| Self::from(Box::pin(err.into_inner())))
210 }
212 /// A wrapper around the inner future's poll function, which we store in the poll_fn field
213 /// of this struct.
214 fn poll_inner<F: Future>(self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<F::Output> {
215 self.as_pin_mut_ref::<F>().poll(cx)
216 }
218 /// A wrapper around the inner future's drop function, which we store in the drop_fn field
219 /// of this struct.
220 fn drop_inner<F>(&mut self) {
221 // SAFETY: *this.as_mut_ptr() was previously written as type F
222 unsafe { ptr::drop_in_place(self.as_mut_ptr::<F>()) }
223 }
225 /// Returns a pointer into that meets the alignment requirements for type `F`
226 ///
227 /// Before writing to the returned pointer, the caller must ensure that is large
228 /// enough to hold F and any required padding.
229 fn as_mut_ptr<F>(&mut self) -> *mut F {
230 assert!(Self::has_space_for::<F>());
231 // SAFETY: Self is laid out so that the space for the future comes at offset 0.
232 // This is checked by an assertion in Self::from. Thus it's safe to cast a pointer
233 // to Self into a pointer to the wrapped future.
234 unsafe { mem::transmute(self) }
235 }
237 /// Returns a pinned mutable reference to a type F stored in
238 fn as_pin_mut_ref<F>(self: Pin<&mut Self>) -> Pin<&mut F> {
239 // SAFETY: `StackFuture` is only created by `StackFuture::from`, which
240 // writes an `F` to `self.as_mut_ptr(), so it's okay to cast the `*mut F`
241 // to an `&mut F` with the same lifetime as `self`.
242 //
243 // For pinning, since self is already pinned, we know the wrapped future
244 // is also pinned.
245 //
246 // This function is only doing pointer arithmetic and casts, so we aren't moving
247 // any pinned data.
248 unsafe { self.map_unchecked_mut(|this| &mut *this.as_mut_ptr()) }
249 }
251 /// Computes how much space is required to store a value of type `F`
252 const fn required_space<F>() -> usize {
253 mem::size_of::<F>()
254 }
256 /// Determines whether this `StackFuture` can hold a value of type `F`
257 pub const fn has_space_for<F>() -> bool {
258 Self::required_space::<F>() <= STACK_SIZE
259 }
261 /// Determines whether this `StackFuture` can hold the referenced value
262 pub const fn has_space_for_val<F>(_: &F) -> bool {
263 Self::has_space_for::<F>()
264 }
266 /// Determines whether this `StackFuture`'s alignment is compatible with the
267 /// type `F`.
268 pub const fn has_alignment_for<F>() -> bool {
269 mem::align_of::<F>() <= mem::align_of::<Self>()
270 }
272 /// Determines whether this `StackFuture`'s alignment is compatible with the
273 /// referenced value.
274 pub const fn has_alignment_for_val<F>(_: &F) -> bool {
275 Self::has_alignment_for::<F>()
276 }
279impl<'a, T, const STACK_SIZE: usize> Future for StackFuture<'a, T, { STACK_SIZE }> {
280 type Output = T;
282 fn poll(self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Self::Output> {
283 // SAFETY: This is doing pin projection. We unpin self so we can
284 // access self.poll_fn, and then re-pin self to pass it into poll_in.
285 // The part of the struct that needs to be pinned is data, since it
286 // contains a potentially self-referential future object, but since we
287 // do not touch that while self is unpinned and we do not move self
288 // while unpinned we are okay.
289 unsafe {
290 let this = self.get_unchecked_mut();
291 (this.poll_fn)(Pin::new_unchecked(this), cx)
292 }
293 }
296impl<'a, T, const STACK_SIZE: usize> Drop for StackFuture<'a, T, { STACK_SIZE }> {
297 fn drop(&mut self) {
298 (self.drop_fn)(self);
299 }
302struct AssertFits<F, const STACK_SIZE: usize>(PhantomData<F>);
304impl<F, const STACK_SIZE: usize> AssertFits<F, STACK_SIZE> {
305 const ASSERT: () = {
306 if !StackFuture::<F, STACK_SIZE>::has_space_for::<F>() {
307 panic!("F is too large");
308 }
310 if !StackFuture::<F, STACK_SIZE>::has_alignment_for::<F>() {
311 panic!("F has incompatible alignment");
312 }
313 };
316/// Captures information about why a future could not be converted into a [`StackFuture`]
318/// It also contains the original future so that callers can still run the future in error
319/// recovery paths, such as by boxing the future instead of wrapping it in [`StackFuture`].
320pub struct IntoStackFutureError<F> {
321 /// The size of the StackFuture we tried to convert the future into
322 maximum_size: usize,
323 /// The StackFuture's alignment
324 maximum_alignment: usize,
325 /// The future that was attempted to be wrapped
326 future: F,
329impl<F> IntoStackFutureError<F> {
330 fn new<Target>(future: F) -> Self {
331 Self {
332 maximum_size: mem::size_of::<Target>(),
333 maximum_alignment: mem::align_of::<Target>(),
334 future,
335 }
336 }
338 /// Returns true if the target [`StackFuture`] was too small to hold the given future.
339 pub fn insufficient_space(&self) -> bool {
340 self.maximum_size < mem::size_of_val(&self.future)
341 }
343 /// Returns true if the target [`StackFuture`]'s alignment was too small to accommodate the given future.
344 pub fn alignment_too_small(&self) -> bool {
345 self.maximum_alignment < mem::align_of_val(&self.future)
346 }
348 /// Returns the alignment of the wrapped future.
349 pub fn required_alignment(&self) -> usize {
350 mem::align_of_val(&self.future)
351 }
353 /// Returns the size of the wrapped future.
354 pub fn required_space(&self) -> usize {
355 mem::size_of_val(&self.future)
356 }
358 /// Returns the alignment of the target [`StackFuture`], which is also the maximum alignment
359 /// that can be wrapped.
360 pub const fn available_alignment(&self) -> usize {
361 self.maximum_alignment
362 }
364 /// Returns the amount of space that was available in the target [`StackFuture`].
365 pub const fn available_space(&self) -> usize {
366 self.maximum_size
367 }
369 /// Returns the underlying future that caused this error
370 ///
371 /// Can be used to try again, either by directly awaiting the future, wrapping it in a `Box`,
372 /// or some other method.
373 fn into_inner(self) -> F {
374 self.future
375 }
378impl<F> Display for IntoStackFutureError<F> {
379 fn fmt(&self, f: &mut core::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> core::fmt::Result {
380 match (self.alignment_too_small(), self.insufficient_space()) {
381 (true, true) => write!(f,
382 "cannot create StackFuture, required size is {}, available space is {}; required alignment is {} but maximum alignment is {}",
383 self.required_space(),
384 self.available_space(),
385 self.required_alignment(),
386 self.available_alignment()
387 ),
388 (true, false) => write!(f,
389 "cannot create StackFuture, required alignment is {} but maximum alignment is {}",
390 self.required_alignment(),
391 self.available_alignment()
392 ),
393 (false, true) => write!(f,
394 "cannot create StackFuture, required size is {}, available space is {}",
395 self.required_space(),
396 self.available_space()
397 ),
398 // If we have space and alignment, then `try_from` would have succeeded
399 (false, false) => unreachable!(),
400 }
401 }
404impl<F> Debug for IntoStackFutureError<F> {
405 fn fmt(&self, f: &mut core::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> core::fmt::Result {
406 f.debug_struct("IntoStackFutureError")
407 .field("maximum_size", &self.maximum_size)
408 .field("maximum_alignment", &self.maximum_alignment)
409 .field("future", &core::any::type_name::<F>())
410 .finish()
411 }
415mod tests;