
1//! `Span` and `Event` key-value data.
3//! Spans and events may be annotated with key-value data, referred to as _fields_.
4//! These fields consist of a mapping from a key (corresponding to
5//! a `&str` but represented internally as an array index) to a [`Value`].
7//! # `Value`s and `Subscriber`s
9//! `Subscriber`s consume `Value`s as fields attached to [span]s or [`Event`]s.
10//! The set of field keys on a given span or event is defined on its [`Metadata`].
11//! When a span is created, it provides [`Attributes`] to the `Subscriber`'s
12//! [`new_span`] method, containing any fields whose values were provided when
13//! the span was created; and may call the `Subscriber`'s [`record`] method
14//! with additional [`Record`]s if values are added for more of its fields.
15//! Similarly, the [`Event`] type passed to the subscriber's [`event`] method
16//! will contain any fields attached to each event.
18//! `tracing` represents values as either one of a set of Rust primitives
19//! (`i64`, `u64`, `f64`, `bool`, and `&str`) or using a `fmt::Display` or
20//! `fmt::Debug` implementation. `Subscriber`s are provided these primitive
21//! value types as `dyn Value` trait objects.
23//! These trait objects can be formatted using `fmt::Debug`, but may also be
24//! recorded as typed data by calling the [`Value::record`] method on these
25//! trait objects with a _visitor_ implementing the [`Visit`] trait. This trait
26//! represents the behavior used to record values of various types. For example,
27//! an implementation of `Visit` might record integers by incrementing counters
28//! for their field names rather than printing them.
31//! # Using `valuable`
33//! `tracing`'s [`Value`] trait is intentionally minimalist: it supports only a small
34//! number of Rust primitives as typed values, and only permits recording
35//! user-defined types with their [`fmt::Debug`] or [`fmt::Display`]
36//! implementations. However, there are some cases where it may be useful to record
37//! nested values (such as arrays, `Vec`s, or `HashMap`s containing values), or
38//! user-defined `struct` and `enum` types without having to format them as
39//! unstructured text.
41//! To address `Value`'s limitations, `tracing` offers experimental support for
42//! the [`valuable`] crate, which provides object-safe inspection of structured
43//! values. User-defined types can implement the [`valuable::Valuable`] trait,
44//! and be recorded as a `tracing` field by calling their [`as_value`] method.
45//! If the [`Subscriber`] also supports the `valuable` crate, it can
46//! then visit those types fields as structured values using `valuable`.
48//! <pre class="ignore" style="white-space:normal;font:inherit;">
49//!     <strong>Note</strong>: <code>valuable</code> support is an
50//!     <a href = "../index.html#unstable-features">unstable feature</a>. See
51//!     the documentation on unstable features for details on how to enable it.
52//! </pre>
54//! For example:
55//! ```ignore
56//! // Derive `Valuable` for our types:
57//! use valuable::Valuable;
59//! #[derive(Clone, Debug, Valuable)]
60//! struct User {
61//!     name: String,
62//!     age: u32,
63//!     address: Address,
64//! }
66//! #[derive(Clone, Debug, Valuable)]
67//! struct Address {
68//!     country: String,
69//!     city: String,
70//!     street: String,
71//! }
73//! let user = User {
74//!     name: "Arwen Undomiel".to_string(),
75//!     age: 3000,
76//!     address: Address {
77//!         country: "Middle Earth".to_string(),
78//!         city: "Rivendell".to_string(),
79//!         street: "leafy lane".to_string(),
80//!     },
81//! };
83//! // Recording `user` as a `valuable::Value` will allow the `tracing` subscriber
84//! // to traverse its fields as a nested, typed structure:
85//! tracing::info!(current_user = user.as_value());
86//! ```
88//! Alternatively, the [`valuable()`] function may be used to convert a type
89//! implementing [`Valuable`] into a `tracing` field value.
91//! When the `valuable` feature is enabled, the [`Visit`] trait will include an
92//! optional [`record_value`] method. `Visit` implementations that wish to
93//! record `valuable` values can implement this method with custom behavior.
94//! If a visitor does not implement `record_value`, the [`valuable::Value`] will
95//! be forwarded to the visitor's [`record_debug`] method.
97//! [`fmt::Debug`]: std::fmt::Debug
98//! [`fmt::Display`]: std::fmt::Debug
99//! [`valuable`]:
100//! [`valuable::Valuable`]:
101//! [`as_value`]:
102//! [`valuable::Value`]:
103//! [`Subscriber`]: crate::Subscriber
104//! [`record_value`]: Visit::record_value
105//! [`record_debug`]: Visit::record_debug
106//! [span]: mod@crate::span
107//! [`Event`]: crate::event::Event
108//! [`Metadata`]: crate::Metadata
109//! [`Attributes`]: crate::span::Attributes
110//! [`Record`]: crate::span::Record
111//! [`new_span`]: crate::Subscriber::new_span
112//! [`record`]: crate::Subscriber::record
113//! [`event`]: crate::Subscriber::event
114pub use tracing_core::field::*;
116use crate::Metadata;
118/// Trait implemented to allow a type to be used as a field key.
120/// <pre class="ignore" style="white-space:normal;font:inherit;">
121/// <strong>Note</strong>: Although this is implemented for both the
122/// <a href="./struct.Field.html"><code>Field</code></a> type <em>and</em> any
123/// type that can be borrowed as an <code>&str</code>, only <code>Field</code>
124/// allows <em>O</em>(1) access.
125/// Indexing a field with a string results in an iterative search that performs
126/// string comparisons. Thus, if possible, once the key for a field is known, it
127/// should be used whenever possible.
128/// </pre>
129pub trait AsField: crate::sealed::Sealed {
130    /// Attempts to convert `&self` into a `Field` with the specified `metadata`.
131    ///
132    /// If `metadata` defines this field, then the field is returned. Otherwise,
133    /// this returns `None`.
134    fn as_field(&self, metadata: &Metadata<'_>) -> Option<Field>;
137// ===== impl AsField =====
139impl AsField for Field {
140    #[inline]
141    fn as_field(&self, metadata: &Metadata<'_>) -> Option<Field> {
142        if self.callsite() == metadata.callsite() {
143            Some(self.clone())
144        } else {
145            None
146        }
147    }
150impl<'a> AsField for &'a Field {
151    #[inline]
152    fn as_field(&self, metadata: &Metadata<'_>) -> Option<Field> {
153        if self.callsite() == metadata.callsite() {
154            Some((*self).clone())
155        } else {
156            None
157        }
158    }
161impl AsField for str {
162    #[inline]
163    fn as_field(&self, metadata: &Metadata<'_>) -> Option<Field> {
164        metadata.fields().field(&self)
165    }
168impl crate::sealed::Sealed for Field {}
169impl<'a> crate::sealed::Sealed for &'a Field {}
170impl crate::sealed::Sealed for str {}