1//! A scoped, structured logging and diagnostics system.
3//! # Overview
5//! `tracing` is a framework for instrumenting Rust programs to collect
6//! structured, event-based diagnostic information.
8//! In asynchronous systems like Tokio, interpreting traditional log messages can
9//! often be quite challenging. Since individual tasks are multiplexed on the same
10//! thread, associated events and log lines are intermixed making it difficult to
11//! trace the logic flow. `tracing` expands upon logging-style diagnostics by
12//! allowing libraries and applications to record structured events with additional
13//! information about *temporality* and *causality* — unlike a log message, a span
14//! in `tracing` has a beginning and end time, may be entered and exited by the
15//! flow of execution, and may exist within a nested tree of similar spans. In
16//! addition, `tracing` spans are *structured*, with the ability to record typed
17//! data as well as textual messages.
19//! The `tracing` crate provides the APIs necessary for instrumenting libraries
20//! and applications to emit trace data.
22//! *Compiler support: [requires `rustc` 1.63+][msrv]*
24//! [msrv]: #supported-rust-versions
25//! # Core Concepts
27//! The core of `tracing`'s API is composed of _spans_, _events_ and
28//! _subscribers_. We'll cover these in turn.
30//! ## Spans
32//! To record the flow of execution through a program, `tracing` introduces the
33//! concept of [spans]. Unlike a log line that represents a _moment in
34//! time_, a span represents a _period of time_ with a beginning and an end. When a
35//! program begins executing in a context or performing a unit of work, it
36//! _enters_ that context's span, and when it stops executing in that context,
37//! it _exits_ the span. The span in which a thread is currently executing is
38//! referred to as that thread's _current_ span.
40//! For example:
41//! ```
42//! use tracing::{span, Level};
43//! # fn main() {
44//! let span = span!(Level::TRACE, "my_span");
45//! // `enter` returns a RAII guard which, when dropped, exits the span. this
46//! // indicates that we are in the span for the current lexical scope.
47//! let _enter = span.enter();
48//! // perform some work in the context of `my_span`...
49//! # }
52//! The [`span` module][span]'s documentation provides further details on how to
53//! use spans.
55//! <div class="example-wrap" style="display:inline-block"><pre class="compile_fail" style="white-space:normal;font:inherit;">
57//! **Warning**: In asynchronous code that uses async/await syntax,
58//! `Span::enter` may produce incorrect traces if the returned drop
59//! guard is held across an await point. See
60//! [the method documentation][Span#in-asynchronous-code] for details.
62//! </pre></div>
64//! ## Events
66//! An [`Event`] represents a _moment_ in time. It signifies something that
67//! happened while a trace was being recorded. `Event`s are comparable to the log
68//! records emitted by unstructured logging code, but unlike a typical log line,
69//! an `Event` may occur within the context of a span.
71//! For example:
72//! ```
73//! use tracing::{event, span, Level};
75//! # fn main() {
76//! // records an event outside of any span context:
77//! event!(Level::INFO, "something happened");
79//! let span = span!(Level::INFO, "my_span");
80//! let _guard = span.enter();
82//! // records an event within "my_span".
83//! event!(Level::DEBUG, "something happened inside my_span");
84//! # }
87//! In general, events should be used to represent points in time _within_ a
88//! span — a request returned with a given status code, _n_ new items were
89//! taken from a queue, and so on.
91//! The [`Event` struct][`Event`] documentation provides further details on using
92//! events.
94//! ## Subscribers
96//! As `Span`s and `Event`s occur, they are recorded or aggregated by
97//! implementations of the [`Subscriber`] trait. `Subscriber`s are notified
98//! when an `Event` takes place and when a `Span` is entered or exited. These
99//! notifications are represented by the following `Subscriber` trait methods:
101//! + [`event`][Subscriber::event], called when an `Event` takes place,
102//! + [`enter`], called when execution enters a `Span`,
103//! + [`exit`], called when execution exits a `Span`
105//! In addition, subscribers may implement the [`enabled`] function to _filter_
106//! the notifications they receive based on [metadata] describing each `Span`
107//! or `Event`. If a call to `Subscriber::enabled` returns `false` for a given
108//! set of metadata, that `Subscriber` will *not* be notified about the
109//! corresponding `Span` or `Event`. For performance reasons, if no currently
110//! active subscribers express interest in a given set of metadata by returning
111//! `true`, then the corresponding `Span` or `Event` will never be constructed.
113//! # Usage
115//! First, add this to your `Cargo.toml`:
117//! ```toml
118//! [dependencies]
119//! tracing = "0.1"
120//! ```
122//! ## Recording Spans and Events
124//! Spans and events are recorded using macros.
126//! ### Spans
128//! The [`span!`] macro expands to a [`Span` struct][`Span`] which is used to
129//! record a span. The [`Span::enter`] method on that struct records that the
130//! span has been entered, and returns a [RAII] guard object, which will exit
131//! the span when dropped.
133//! For example:
135//! ```rust
136//! use tracing::{span, Level};
137//! # fn main() {
138//! // Construct a new span named "my span" with trace log level.
139//! let span = span!(Level::TRACE, "my span");
141//! // Enter the span, returning a guard object.
142//! let _enter = span.enter();
144//! // Any trace events that occur before the guard is dropped will occur
145//! // within the span.
147//! // Dropping the guard will exit the span.
148//! # }
149//! ```
151//! The [`#[instrument]`][instrument] attribute provides an easy way to
152//! add `tracing` spans to functions. A function annotated with `#[instrument]`
153//! will create and enter a span with that function's name every time the
154//! function is called, with arguments to that function will be recorded as
155//! fields using `fmt::Debug`.
157//! For example:
158//! ```ignore
159//! # // this doctest is ignored because we don't have a way to say
160//! # // that it should only be run with cfg(feature = "attributes")
161//! use tracing::{Level, event, instrument};
163//! #[instrument]
164//! pub fn my_function(my_arg: usize) {
165//! // This event will be recorded inside a span named `my_function` with the
166//! // field `my_arg`.
167//! event!(Level::INFO, "inside my_function!");
168//! // ...
169//! }
170//! # fn main() {}
171//! ```
173//! For functions which don't have built-in tracing support and can't have
174//! the `#[instrument]` attribute applied (such as from an external crate),
175//! the [`Span` struct][`Span`] has a [`in_scope()` method][`in_scope`]
176//! which can be used to easily wrap synchronous code in a span.
178//! For example:
179//! ```rust
180//! use tracing::info_span;
182//! # fn doc() -> Result<(), ()> {
183//! # mod serde_json {
184//! # pub(crate) fn from_slice(buf: &[u8]) -> Result<(), ()> { Ok(()) }
185//! # }
186//! # let buf: [u8; 0] = [];
187//! let json = info_span!("json.parse").in_scope(|| serde_json::from_slice(&buf))?;
188//! # let _ = json; // suppress unused variable warning
189//! # Ok(())
190//! # }
191//! ```
193//! You can find more examples showing how to use this crate [here][examples].
195//! [RAII]:
196//! [examples]:
198//! ### Events
200//! [`Event`]s are recorded using the [`event!`] macro:
202//! ```rust
203//! # fn main() {
204//! use tracing::{event, Level};
205//! event!(Level::INFO, "something has happened!");
206//! # }
207//! ```
209//! ## Using the Macros
211//! The [`span!`] and [`event!`] macros as well as the `#[instrument]` attribute
212//! use fairly similar syntax, with some exceptions.
214//! ### Configuring Attributes
216//! Both macros require a [`Level`] specifying the verbosity of the span or
217//! event. Optionally, the, [target] and [parent span] may be overridden. If the
218//! target and parent span are not overridden, they will default to the
219//! module path where the macro was invoked and the current span (as determined
220//! by the subscriber), respectively.
222//! For example:
224//! ```
225//! # use tracing::{span, event, Level};
226//! # fn main() {
227//! span!(target: "app_spans", Level::TRACE, "my span");
228//! event!(target: "app_events", Level::INFO, "something has happened!");
229//! # }
230//! ```
231//! ```
232//! # use tracing::{span, event, Level};
233//! # fn main() {
234//! let span = span!(Level::TRACE, "my span");
235//! event!(parent: &span, Level::INFO, "something has happened!");
236//! # }
237//! ```
239//! The span macros also take a string literal after the level, to set the name
240//! of the span (as above). In the case of the event macros, the name of the event can
241//! be overridden (the default is `event file:line`) using the `name:` specifier.
243//! ```
244//! # use tracing::{span, event, Level};
245//! # fn main() {
246//! span!(Level::TRACE, "my span");
247//! event!(name: "some_info", Level::INFO, "something has happened!");
248//! # }
249//! ```
251//! ### Recording Fields
253//! Structured fields on spans and events are specified using the syntax
254//! `field_name = field_value`. Fields are separated by commas.
256//! ```
257//! # use tracing::{event, Level};
258//! # fn main() {
259//! // records an event with two fields:
260//! // - "answer", with the value 42
261//! // - "question", with the value "life, the universe and everything"
262//! event!(Level::INFO, answer = 42, question = "life, the universe, and everything");
263//! # }
264//! ```
266//! As shorthand, local variables may be used as field values without an
267//! assignment, similar to [struct initializers]. For example:
269//! ```
270//! # use tracing::{span, Level};
271//! # fn main() {
272//! let user = "ferris";
274//! span!(Level::TRACE, "login", user);
275//! // is equivalent to:
276//! span!(Level::TRACE, "login", user = user);
277//! # }
280//! Field names can include dots, but should not be terminated by them:
281//! ```
282//! # use tracing::{span, Level};
283//! # fn main() {
284//! let user = "ferris";
285//! let email = "";
286//! span!(Level::TRACE, "login", user, = email);
287//! # }
290//! Since field names can include dots, fields on local structs can be used
291//! using the local variable shorthand:
292//! ```
293//! # use tracing::{span, Level};
294//! # fn main() {
295//! # struct User {
296//! # name: &'static str,
297//! # email: &'static str,
298//! # }
299//! let user = User {
300//! name: "ferris",
301//! email: "",
302//! };
303//! // the span will have the fields ` = "ferris"` and
304//! // ` = ""`.
305//! span!(Level::TRACE, "login",,;
306//! # }
309//! Fields with names that are not Rust identifiers, or with names that are Rust reserved words,
310//! may be created using quoted string literals. However, this may not be used with the local
311//! variable shorthand.
312//! ```
313//! # use tracing::{span, Level};
314//! # fn main() {
315//! // records an event with fields whose names are not Rust identifiers
316//! // - "guid:x-request-id", containing a `:`, with the value "abcdef"
317//! // - "type", which is a reserved word, with the value "request"
318//! span!(Level::TRACE, "api", "guid:x-request-id" = "abcdef", "type" = "request");
319//! # }
322//! Constant expressions can also be used as field names. Constants
323//! must be enclosed in curly braces (`{}`) to indicate that the *value*
324//! of the constant is to be used as the field name, rather than the
325//! constant's name. For example:
326//! ```
327//! # use tracing::{span, Level};
328//! # fn main() {
329//! const RESOURCE_NAME: &str = "foo";
330//! // this span will have the field `foo = "some_id"`
331//! span!(Level::TRACE, "get", { RESOURCE_NAME } = "some_id");
332//! # }
335//! The `?` sigil is shorthand that specifies a field should be recorded using
336//! its [`fmt::Debug`] implementation:
337//! ```
338//! # use tracing::{event, Level};
339//! # fn main() {
340//! #[derive(Debug)]
341//! struct MyStruct {
342//! field: &'static str,
343//! }
345//! let my_struct = MyStruct {
346//! field: "Hello world!"
347//! };
349//! // `my_struct` will be recorded using its `fmt::Debug` implementation.
350//! event!(Level::TRACE, greeting = ?my_struct);
351//! // is equivalent to:
352//! event!(Level::TRACE, greeting = tracing::field::debug(&my_struct));
353//! # }
354//! ```
356//! The `%` sigil operates similarly, but indicates that the value should be
357//! recorded using its [`fmt::Display`] implementation:
358//! ```
359//! # use tracing::{event, Level};
360//! # fn main() {
361//! # #[derive(Debug)]
362//! # struct MyStruct {
363//! # field: &'static str,
364//! # }
365//! #
366//! # let my_struct = MyStruct {
367//! # field: "Hello world!"
368//! # };
369//! // `my_struct.field` will be recorded using its `fmt::Display` implementation.
370//! event!(Level::TRACE, greeting = %my_struct.field);
371//! // is equivalent to:
372//! event!(Level::TRACE, greeting = tracing::field::display(&my_struct.field));
373//! # }
374//! ```
376//! The `%` and `?` sigils may also be used with local variable shorthand:
378//! ```
379//! # use tracing::{event, Level};
380//! # fn main() {
381//! # #[derive(Debug)]
382//! # struct MyStruct {
383//! # field: &'static str,
384//! # }
385//! #
386//! # let my_struct = MyStruct {
387//! # field: "Hello world!"
388//! # };
389//! // `my_struct.field` will be recorded using its `fmt::Display` implementation.
390//! event!(Level::TRACE, %my_struct.field);
391//! # }
392//! ```
394//! Additionally, a span may declare fields with the special value [`Empty`],
395//! which indicates that that the value for that field does not currently exist
396//! but may be recorded later. For example:
398//! ```
399//! use tracing::{trace_span, field};
401//! // Create a span with two fields: `greeting`, with the value "hello world", and
402//! // `parting`, without a value.
403//! let span = trace_span!("my_span", greeting = "hello world", parting = field::Empty);
405//! // ...
407//! // Now, record a value for parting as well.
408//! span.record("parting", &"goodbye world!");
409//! ```
411//! Finally, events may also include human-readable messages, in the form of a
412//! [format string][fmt] and (optional) arguments, **after** the event's
413//! key-value fields. If a format string and arguments are provided,
414//! they will implicitly create a new field named `message` whose value is the
415//! provided set of format arguments.
417//! For example:
419//! ```
420//! # use tracing::{event, Level};
421//! # fn main() {
422//! let question = "the ultimate question of life, the universe, and everything";
423//! let answer = 42;
424//! // records an event with the following fields:
425//! // - `question.answer` with the value 42,
426//! // - `question.tricky` with the value `true`,
427//! // - "message", with the value "the answer to the ultimate question of life, the
428//! // universe, and everything is 42."
429//! event!(
430//! Level::DEBUG,
431//! question.answer = answer,
432//! question.tricky = true,
433//! "the answer to {} is {}.", question, answer
434//! );
435//! # }
436//! ```
438//! Specifying a formatted message in this manner does not allocate by default.
440//! [struct initializers]:
441//! [target]: Metadata::target
442//! [parent span]: span::Attributes::parent
443//! [determined contextually]: span::Attributes::is_contextual
444//! [`fmt::Debug`]: std::fmt::Debug
445//! [`fmt::Display`]: std::fmt::Display
446//! [fmt]: std::fmt#usage
447//! [`Empty`]: field::Empty
449//! ### Shorthand Macros
451//! `tracing` also offers a number of macros with preset verbosity levels.
452//! The [`trace!`], [`debug!`], [`info!`], [`warn!`], and [`error!`] behave
453//! similarly to the [`event!`] macro, but with the [`Level`] argument already
454//! specified, while the corresponding [`trace_span!`], [`debug_span!`],
455//! [`info_span!`], [`warn_span!`], and [`error_span!`] macros are the same,
456//! but for the [`span!`] macro.
458//! These are intended both as a shorthand, and for compatibility with the [`log`]
459//! crate (see the next section).
461//! [`span!`]: span!
462//! [`event!`]: event!
463//! [`trace!`]: trace!
464//! [`debug!`]: debug!
465//! [`info!`]: info!
466//! [`warn!`]: warn!
467//! [`error!`]: error!
468//! [`trace_span!`]: trace_span!
469//! [`debug_span!`]: debug_span!
470//! [`info_span!`]: info_span!
471//! [`warn_span!`]: warn_span!
472//! [`error_span!`]: error_span!
474//! ### For `log` Users
476//! Users of the [`log`] crate should note that `tracing` exposes a set of
477//! macros for creating `Event`s (`trace!`, `debug!`, `info!`, `warn!`, and
478//! `error!`) which may be invoked with the same syntax as the similarly-named
479//! macros from the `log` crate. Often, the process of converting a project to
480//! use `tracing` can begin with a simple drop-in replacement.
482//! Let's consider the `log` crate's yak-shaving example:
484//! ```rust,ignore
485//! use std::{error::Error, io};
486//! use tracing::{debug, error, info, span, warn, Level};
488//! // the `#[tracing::instrument]` attribute creates and enters a span
489//! // every time the instrumented function is called. The span is named after the
490//! // the function or method. Parameters passed to the function are recorded as fields.
491//! #[tracing::instrument]
492//! pub fn shave(yak: usize) -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error + 'static>> {
493//! // this creates an event at the DEBUG level with two fields:
494//! // - `excitement`, with the key "excitement" and the value "yay!"
495//! // - `message`, with the key "message" and the value "hello! I'm gonna shave a yak."
496//! //
497//! // unlike other fields, `message`'s shorthand initialization is just the string itself.
498//! debug!(excitement = "yay!", "hello! I'm gonna shave a yak.");
499//! if yak == 3 {
500//! warn!("could not locate yak!");
501//! // note that this is intended to demonstrate `tracing`'s features, not idiomatic
502//! // error handling! in a library or application, you should consider returning
503//! // a dedicated `YakError`. libraries like snafu or thiserror make this easy.
504//! return Err(io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::Other, "shaving yak failed!").into());
505//! } else {
506//! debug!("yak shaved successfully");
507//! }
508//! Ok(())
509//! }
511//! pub fn shave_all(yaks: usize) -> usize {
512//! // Constructs a new span named "shaving_yaks" at the TRACE level,
513//! // and a field whose key is "yaks". This is equivalent to writing:
514//! //
515//! // let span = span!(Level::TRACE, "shaving_yaks", yaks = yaks);
516//! //
517//! // local variables (`yaks`) can be used as field values
518//! // without an assignment, similar to struct initializers.
519//! let _span = span!(Level::TRACE, "shaving_yaks", yaks).entered();
521//! info!("shaving yaks");
523//! let mut yaks_shaved = 0;
524//! for yak in 1..=yaks {
525//! let res = shave(yak);
526//! debug!(yak, shaved = res.is_ok());
528//! if let Err(ref error) = res {
529//! // Like spans, events can also use the field initialization shorthand.
530//! // In this instance, `yak` is the field being initalized.
531//! error!(yak, error = error.as_ref(), "failed to shave yak!");
532//! } else {
533//! yaks_shaved += 1;
534//! }
535//! debug!(yaks_shaved);
536//! }
538//! yaks_shaved
539//! }
540//! ```
542//! ## In libraries
544//! Libraries should link only to the `tracing` crate, and use the provided
545//! macros to record whatever information will be useful to downstream
546//! consumers.
548//! ## In executables
550//! In order to record trace events, executables have to use a `Subscriber`
551//! implementation compatible with `tracing`. A `Subscriber` implements a
552//! way of collecting trace data, such as by logging it to standard output.
554//! This library does not contain any `Subscriber` implementations; these are
555//! provided by [other crates](#related-crates).
557//! The simplest way to use a subscriber is to call the [`set_global_default`]
558//! function:
560//! ```
561//! extern crate tracing;
562//! # pub struct FooSubscriber;
563//! # use tracing::{span::{Id, Attributes, Record}, Metadata};
564//! # impl tracing::Subscriber for FooSubscriber {
565//! # fn new_span(&self, _: &Attributes) -> Id { Id::from_u64(0) }
566//! # fn record(&self, _: &Id, _: &Record) {}
567//! # fn event(&self, _: &tracing::Event) {}
568//! # fn record_follows_from(&self, _: &Id, _: &Id) {}
569//! # fn enabled(&self, _: &Metadata) -> bool { false }
570//! # fn enter(&self, _: &Id) {}
571//! # fn exit(&self, _: &Id) {}
572//! # }
573//! # impl FooSubscriber {
574//! # fn new() -> Self { FooSubscriber }
575//! # }
576//! # fn main() {
578//! let my_subscriber = FooSubscriber::new();
579//! tracing::subscriber::set_global_default(my_subscriber)
580//! .expect("setting tracing default failed");
581//! # }
582//! ```
584//! <pre class="compile_fail" style="white-space:normal;font:inherit;">
585//! <strong>Warning</strong>: In general, libraries should <em>not</em> call
586//! <code>set_global_default()</code>! Doing so will cause conflicts when
587//! executables that depend on the library try to set the default later.
588//! </pre>
590//! This subscriber will be used as the default in all threads for the
591//! remainder of the duration of the program, similar to setting the logger
592//! in the `log` crate.
594//! In addition, the default subscriber can be set through using the
595//! [`with_default`] function. This follows the `tokio` pattern of using
596//! closures to represent executing code in a context that is exited at the end
597//! of the closure. For example:
599//! ```rust
600//! # pub struct FooSubscriber;
601//! # use tracing::{span::{Id, Attributes, Record}, Metadata};
602//! # impl tracing::Subscriber for FooSubscriber {
603//! # fn new_span(&self, _: &Attributes) -> Id { Id::from_u64(0) }
604//! # fn record(&self, _: &Id, _: &Record) {}
605//! # fn event(&self, _: &tracing::Event) {}
606//! # fn record_follows_from(&self, _: &Id, _: &Id) {}
607//! # fn enabled(&self, _: &Metadata) -> bool { false }
608//! # fn enter(&self, _: &Id) {}
609//! # fn exit(&self, _: &Id) {}
610//! # }
611//! # impl FooSubscriber {
612//! # fn new() -> Self { FooSubscriber }
613//! # }
614//! # fn main() {
616//! let my_subscriber = FooSubscriber::new();
617//! # #[cfg(feature = "std")]
618//! tracing::subscriber::with_default(my_subscriber, || {
619//! // Any trace events generated in this closure or by functions it calls
620//! // will be collected by `my_subscriber`.
621//! })
622//! # }
623//! ```
625//! This approach allows trace data to be collected by multiple subscribers
626//! within different contexts in the program. Note that the override only applies to the
627//! currently executing thread; other threads will not see the change from with_default.
629//! Any trace events generated outside the context of a subscriber will not be collected.
631//! Once a subscriber has been set, instrumentation points may be added to the
632//! executable using the `tracing` crate's macros.
634//! ## `log` Compatibility
636//! The [`log`] crate provides a simple, lightweight logging facade for Rust.
637//! While `tracing` builds upon `log`'s foundation with richer structured
638//! diagnostic data, `log`'s simplicity and ubiquity make it the "lowest common
639//! denominator" for text-based logging in Rust — a vast majority of Rust
640//! libraries and applications either emit or consume `log` records. Therefore,
641//! `tracing` provides multiple forms of interoperability with `log`: `tracing`
642//! instrumentation can emit `log` records, and a compatibility layer enables
643//! `tracing` [`Subscriber`]s to consume `log` records as `tracing` [`Event`]s.
645//! ### Emitting `log` Records
647//! This crate provides two feature flags, "log" and "log-always", which will
648//! cause [spans] and [events] to emit `log` records. When the "log" feature is
649//! enabled, if no `tracing` `Subscriber` is active, invoking an event macro or
650//! creating a span with fields will emit a `log` record. This is intended
651//! primarily for use in libraries which wish to emit diagnostics that can be
652//! consumed by applications using `tracing` *or* `log`, without paying the
653//! additional overhead of emitting both forms of diagnostics when `tracing` is
654//! in use.
656//! Enabling the "log-always" feature will cause `log` records to be emitted
657//! even if a `tracing` `Subscriber` _is_ set. This is intended to be used in
658//! applications where a `log` `Logger` is being used to record a textual log,
659//! and `tracing` is used only to record other forms of diagnostics (such as
660//! metrics, profiling, or distributed tracing data). Unlike the "log" feature,
661//! libraries generally should **not** enable the "log-always" feature, as doing
662//! so will prevent applications from being able to opt out of the `log` records.
664//! See [here][flags] for more details on this crate's feature flags.
666//! The generated `log` records' messages will be a string representation of the
667//! span or event's fields, and all additional information recorded by `log`
668//! (target, verbosity level, module path, file, and line number) will also be
669//! populated. Additionally, `log` records are also generated when spans are
670//! entered, exited, and closed. Since these additional span lifecycle logs have
671//! the potential to be very verbose, and don't include additional fields, they
672//! will always be emitted at the `Trace` level, rather than inheriting the
673//! level of the span that generated them. Furthermore, they are are categorized
674//! under a separate `log` target, "tracing::span" (and its sub-target,
675//! "tracing::span::active", for the logs on entering and exiting a span), which
676//! may be enabled or disabled separately from other `log` records emitted by
677//! `tracing`.
679//! ### Consuming `log` Records
681//! The [`tracing-log`] crate provides a compatibility layer which
682//! allows a `tracing` [`Subscriber`] to consume `log` records as though they
683//! were `tracing` [events]. This allows applications using `tracing` to record
684//! the logs emitted by dependencies using `log` as events within the context of
685//! the application's trace tree. See [that crate's documentation][log-tracer]
686//! for details.
688//! [log-tracer]:
690//! ## Related Crates
692//! In addition to `tracing` and `tracing-core`, the [`tokio-rs/tracing`] repository
693//! contains several additional crates designed to be used with the `tracing` ecosystem.
694//! This includes a collection of `Subscriber` implementations, as well as utility
695//! and adapter crates to assist in writing `Subscriber`s and instrumenting
696//! applications.
698//! In particular, the following crates are likely to be of interest:
700//! - [`tracing-futures`] provides a compatibility layer with the `futures`
701//! crate, allowing spans to be attached to `Future`s, `Stream`s, and `Executor`s.
702//! - [`tracing-subscriber`] provides `Subscriber` implementations and
703//! utilities for working with `Subscriber`s. This includes a [`FmtSubscriber`]
704//! `FmtSubscriber` for logging formatted trace data to stdout, with similar
705//! filtering and formatting to the [`env_logger`] crate.
706//! - [`tracing-log`] provides a compatibility layer with the [`log`] crate,
707//! allowing log messages to be recorded as `tracing` `Event`s within the
708//! trace tree. This is useful when a project using `tracing` have
709//! dependencies which use `log`. Note that if you're using
710//! `tracing-subscriber`'s `FmtSubscriber`, you don't need to depend on
711//! `tracing-log` directly.
712//! - [`tracing-appender`] provides utilities for outputting tracing data,
713//! including a file appender and non blocking writer.
715//! Additionally, there are also several third-party crates which are not
716//! maintained by the `tokio` project. These include:
718//! - [`tracing-timing`] implements inter-event timing metrics on top of `tracing`.
719//! It provides a subscriber that records the time elapsed between pairs of
720//! `tracing` events and generates histograms.
721//! - [`tracing-opentelemetry`] provides a subscriber for emitting traces to
722//! [OpenTelemetry]-compatible distributed tracing systems.
723//! - [`tracing-honeycomb`] Provides a layer that reports traces spanning multiple machines to []. Backed by [`tracing-distributed`].
724//! - [`tracing-distributed`] Provides a generic implementation of a layer that reports traces spanning multiple machines to some backend.
725//! - [`tracing-actix-web`] provides `tracing` integration for the `actix-web` web framework.
726//! - [`tracing-actix`] provides `tracing` integration for the `actix` actor
727//! framework.
728//! - [`axum-insights`] provides `tracing` integration and Application insights export for the `axum` web framework.
729//! - [`tracing-gelf`] implements a subscriber for exporting traces in Greylog
730//! GELF format.
731//! - [`tracing-coz`] provides integration with the [coz] causal profiler
732//! (Linux-only).
733//! - [`tracing-bunyan-formatter`] provides a layer implementation that reports events and spans
734//! in [bunyan] format, enriched with timing information.
735//! - [`tracing-wasm`] provides a `Subscriber`/`Layer` implementation that reports
736//! events and spans via browser `console.log` and [User Timing API (`window.performance`)].
737//! - [`tracing-web`] provides a layer implementation of level-aware logging of events
738//! to web browsers' `console.*` and span events to the [User Timing API (`window.performance`)].
739//! - [`tide-tracing`] provides a [tide] middleware to trace all incoming requests and responses.
740//! - [`test-log`] takes care of initializing `tracing` for tests, based on
741//! environment variables with an `env_logger` compatible syntax.
742//! - [`tracing-unwrap`] provides convenience methods to report failed unwraps
743//! on `Result` or `Option` types to a `Subscriber`.
744//! - [`diesel-tracing`] provides integration with [`diesel`] database connections.
745//! - [`tracing-tracy`] provides a way to collect [Tracy] profiles in instrumented
746//! applications.
747//! - [`tracing-elastic-apm`] provides a layer for reporting traces to [Elastic APM].
748//! - [`tracing-etw`] provides a layer for emitting Windows [ETW] events.
749//! - [`tracing-fluent-assertions`] provides a fluent assertions-style testing
750//! framework for validating the behavior of `tracing` spans.
751//! - [`sentry-tracing`] provides a layer for reporting events and traces to [Sentry].
752//! - [`tracing-forest`] provides a subscriber that preserves contextual coherence by
753//! grouping together logs from the same spans during writing.
754//! - [`tracing-loki`] provides a layer for shipping logs to [Grafana Loki].
755//! - [`tracing-logfmt`] provides a layer that formats events and spans into the logfmt format.
756//! - [`reqwest-tracing`] provides a middleware to trace [`reqwest`] HTTP requests.
757//! - [`tracing-cloudwatch`] provides a layer that sends events to AWS CloudWatch Logs.
758//! - [`clippy-tracing`] provides a tool to add, remove and check for `tracing::instrument`.
759//! - [`json-subscriber`] provides a subscriber for emitting JSON logs. The output can be customized much more than with [`tracing-subscriber`]'s JSON output.
761//! If you're the maintainer of a `tracing` ecosystem crate not listed above,
762//! please let us know! We'd love to add your project to the list!
764//! [`tracing-opentelemetry`]:
765//! [OpenTelemetry]:
766//! [`tracing-honeycomb`]:
767//! [`tracing-distributed`]:
768//! []:
769//! [`tracing-actix-web`]:
770//! [`tracing-actix`]:
771//! [`axum-insights`]:
772//! [`tracing-gelf`]:
773//! [`tracing-coz`]:
774//! [coz]:
775//! [`tracing-bunyan-formatter`]:
776//! [bunyan]:
777//! [`tracing-wasm`]:
778//! [`tracing-web`]:
779//! [User Timing API (`window.performance`)]:
780//! [`tide-tracing`]:
781//! [tide]:
782//! [`test-log`]:
783//! [`tracing-unwrap`]:
784//! [`diesel`]:
785//! [`diesel-tracing`]:
786//! [`tracing-tracy`]:
787//! [Tracy]:
788//! [`tracing-elastic-apm`]:
789//! [Elastic APM]:
790//! [`tracing-etw`]:
791//! [ETW]:
792//! [`tracing-fluent-assertions`]:
793//! [`sentry-tracing`]:
794//! [Sentry]:
795//! [`tracing-forest`]:
796//! [`tracing-loki`]:
797//! [Grafana Loki]:
798//! [`tracing-logfmt`]:
799//! [`reqwest-tracing`]:
800//! [`reqwest`]:
801//! [`tracing-cloudwatch`]:
802//! [`clippy-tracing`]:
803//! [`json-subscriber`]:
805//! <pre class="ignore" style="white-space:normal;font:inherit;">
806//! <strong>Note</strong>: Some of these ecosystem crates are currently
807//! unreleased and/or in earlier stages of development. They may be less stable
808//! than <code>tracing</code> and <code>tracing-core</code>.
809//! </pre>
811//! ## Crate Feature Flags
813//! The following crate [feature flags] are available:
815//! * A set of features controlling the [static verbosity level].
816//! * `log`: causes trace instrumentation points to emit [`log`] records as well
817//! as trace events, if a default `tracing` subscriber has not been set. This
818//! is intended for use in libraries whose users may be using either `tracing`
819//! or `log`.
820//! * `log-always`: Emit `log` records from all `tracing` spans and events, even
821//! if a `tracing` subscriber has been set. This should be set only by
822//! applications which intend to collect traces and logs separately; if an
823//! adapter is used to convert `log` records into `tracing` events, this will
824//! cause duplicate events to occur.
825//! * `attributes`: Includes support for the `#[instrument]` attribute.
826//! This is on by default, but does bring in the `syn` crate as a dependency,
827//! which may add to the compile time of crates that do not already use it.
828//! * `std`: Depend on the Rust standard library (enabled by default).
830//! `no_std` users may disable this feature with `default-features = false`:
832//! ```toml
833//! [dependencies]
834//! tracing = { version = "0.1.38", default-features = false }
835//! ```
837//! <pre class="ignore" style="white-space:normal;font:inherit;">
838//! <strong>Note</strong>: <code>tracing</code>'s <code>no_std</code> support
839//! requires <code>liballoc</code>.
840//! </pre>
842//! ### Unstable Features
844//! These feature flags enable **unstable** features. The public API may break in 0.1.x
845//! releases. To enable these features, the `--cfg tracing_unstable` must be passed to
846//! `rustc` when compiling.
848//! The following unstable feature flags are currently available:
850//! * `valuable`: Enables support for recording [field values] using the
851//! [`valuable`] crate.
853//! #### Enabling Unstable Features
855//! The easiest way to set the `tracing_unstable` cfg is to use the `RUSTFLAGS`
856//! env variable when running `cargo` commands:
858//! ```shell
859//! RUSTFLAGS="--cfg tracing_unstable" cargo build
860//! ```
861//! Alternatively, the following can be added to the `.cargo/config` file in a
862//! project to automatically enable the cfg flag for that project:
864//! ```toml
865//! [build]
866//! rustflags = ["--cfg", "tracing_unstable"]
867//! ```
869//! [feature flags]:
870//! [field values]: crate::field
871//! [`valuable`]:
873//! ## Supported Rust Versions
875//! Tracing is built against the latest stable release. The minimum supported
876//! version is 1.63. The current Tracing version is not guaranteed to build on
877//! Rust versions earlier than the minimum supported version.
879//! Tracing follows the same compiler support policies as the rest of the Tokio
880//! project. The current stable Rust compiler and the three most recent minor
881//! versions before it will always be supported. For example, if the current
882//! stable compiler version is 1.69, the minimum supported version will not be
883//! increased past 1.66, three minor versions prior. Increasing the minimum
884//! supported compiler version is not considered a semver breaking change as
885//! long as doing so complies with this policy.
887//! [`log`]:
888//! [span]: mod@span
889//! [spans]: mod@span
890//! [`Span`]: span::Span
891//! [`in_scope`]: span::Span::in_scope
892//! [event]: Event
893//! [events]: Event
894//! [`Subscriber`]: subscriber::Subscriber
895//! [Subscriber::event]: subscriber::Subscriber::event
896//! [`enter`]: subscriber::Subscriber::enter
897//! [`exit`]: subscriber::Subscriber::exit
898//! [`enabled`]: subscriber::Subscriber::enabled
899//! [metadata]: Metadata
900//! [`field::display`]: field::display
901//! [`field::debug`]: field::debug
902//! [`set_global_default`]: subscriber::set_global_default
903//! [`with_default`]: subscriber::with_default
904//! [`tokio-rs/tracing`]:
905//! [`tracing-futures`]:
906//! [`tracing-subscriber`]:
907//! [`tracing-log`]:
908//! [`tracing-timing`]:
909//! [`tracing-appender`]:
910//! [`env_logger`]:
911//! [`FmtSubscriber`]:
912//! [static verbosity level]: level_filters#compile-time-filters
913//! [instrument]:
914//! [flags]: #crate-feature-flags
915#![cfg_attr(not(feature = "std"), no_std)]
916#![cfg_attr(docsrs, feature(doc_cfg), deny(rustdoc::broken_intra_doc_links))]
918 html_logo_url = "",
919 issue_tracker_base_url = ""
922 missing_debug_implementations,
923 missing_docs,
924 rust_2018_idioms,
925 unreachable_pub,
926 bad_style,
927 dead_code,
928 improper_ctypes,
929 non_shorthand_field_patterns,
930 no_mangle_generic_items,
931 overflowing_literals,
932 path_statements,
933 patterns_in_fns_without_body,
934 private_interfaces,
935 private_bounds,
936 unconditional_recursion,
937 unused,
938 unused_allocation,
939 unused_comparisons,
940 unused_parens,
941 while_true
944#[cfg(not(feature = "std"))]
945extern crate alloc;
947// Somehow this `use` statement is necessary for us to re-export the `core`
948// macros on Rust 1.26.0. I'm not sure how this makes it work, but it does.
951use tracing_core::*;
954pub use self::instrument::Instrument;
955pub use self::{dispatcher::Dispatch, event::Event, field::Value, subscriber::Subscriber};
958pub use self::span::Id;
961pub use tracing_core::{
962 callsite::{self, Callsite},
963 metadata,
965pub use tracing_core::{event, Level, Metadata};
968pub use self::span::Span;
969#[cfg(feature = "attributes")]
970#[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(feature = "attributes")))]
972pub use tracing_attributes::instrument;
975mod macros;
977pub mod dispatcher;
978pub mod field;
979/// Attach a span to a `std::future::Future`.
980pub mod instrument;
981pub mod level_filters;
982pub mod span;
983pub(crate) mod stdlib;
984pub mod subscriber;
987pub mod __macro_support {
988 pub use crate::callsite::Callsite;
989 use crate::{subscriber::Interest, Metadata};
990 // Re-export the `core` functions that are used in macros. This allows
991 // a crate to be named `core` and avoid name clashes.
992 // See here:
993 pub use core::{concat, file, format_args, iter::Iterator, line, option::Option};
995 /// Callsite implementation used by macro-generated code.
996 ///
997 /// /!\ WARNING: This is *not* a stable API! /!\
998 /// This type, and all code contained in the `__macro_support` module, is
999 /// a *private* API of `tracing`. It is exposed publicly because it is used
1000 /// by the `tracing` macros, but it is not part of the stable versioned API.
1001 /// Breaking changes to this module may occur in small-numbered versions
1002 /// without warning.
1003 pub use tracing_core::callsite::DefaultCallsite as MacroCallsite;
1005 /// /!\ WARNING: This is *not* a stable API! /!\
1006 /// This function, and all code contained in the `__macro_support` module, is
1007 /// a *private* API of `tracing`. It is exposed publicly because it is used
1008 /// by the `tracing` macros, but it is not part of the stable versioned API.
1009 /// Breaking changes to this module may occur in small-numbered versions
1010 /// without warning.
1011 pub fn __is_enabled(meta: &Metadata<'static>, interest: Interest) -> bool {
1012 interest.is_always() || crate::dispatcher::get_default(|default| default.enabled(meta))
1013 }
1015 /// /!\ WARNING: This is *not* a stable API! /!\
1016 /// This function, and all code contained in the `__macro_support` module, is
1017 /// a *private* API of `tracing`. It is exposed publicly because it is used
1018 /// by the `tracing` macros, but it is not part of the stable versioned API.
1019 /// Breaking changes to this module may occur in small-numbered versions
1020 /// without warning.
1021 #[inline]
1022 #[cfg(feature = "log")]
1023 pub fn __disabled_span(meta: &'static Metadata<'static>) -> crate::Span {
1024 crate::Span::new_disabled(meta)
1025 }
1027 /// /!\ WARNING: This is *not* a stable API! /!\
1028 /// This function, and all code contained in the `__macro_support` module, is
1029 /// a *private* API of `tracing`. It is exposed publicly because it is used
1030 /// by the `tracing` macros, but it is not part of the stable versioned API.
1031 /// Breaking changes to this module may occur in small-numbered versions
1032 /// without warning.
1033 #[inline]
1034 #[cfg(not(feature = "log"))]
1035 pub fn __disabled_span(_: &'static Metadata<'static>) -> crate::Span {
1036 crate::Span::none()
1037 }
1039 /// /!\ WARNING: This is *not* a stable API! /!\
1040 /// This function, and all code contained in the `__macro_support` module, is
1041 /// a *private* API of `tracing`. It is exposed publicly because it is used
1042 /// by the `tracing` macros, but it is not part of the stable versioned API.
1043 /// Breaking changes to this module may occur in small-numbered versions
1044 /// without warning.
1045 #[cfg(feature = "log")]
1046 pub fn __tracing_log(
1047 meta: &Metadata<'static>,
1048 logger: &'static dyn log::Log,
1049 log_meta: log::Metadata<'_>,
1050 values: &tracing_core::field::ValueSet<'_>,
1051 ) {
1052 logger.log(
1053 &crate::log::Record::builder()
1054 .file(meta.file())
1055 .module_path(meta.module_path())
1056 .line(meta.line())
1057 .metadata(log_meta)
1058 .args(format_args!(
1059 "{}",
1060 crate::log::LogValueSet {
1061 values,
1062 is_first: true
1063 }
1064 ))
1065 .build(),
1066 );
1067 }
1070#[cfg(feature = "log")]
1072pub mod log {
1073 use core::fmt;
1074 pub use log::*;
1075 use tracing_core::field::{Field, ValueSet, Visit};
1077 /// Utility to format [`ValueSet`]s for logging.
1078 pub(crate) struct LogValueSet<'a> {
1079 pub(crate) values: &'a ValueSet<'a>,
1080 pub(crate) is_first: bool,
1081 }
1083 impl<'a> fmt::Display for LogValueSet<'a> {
1084 #[inline]
1085 fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
1086 struct LogVisitor<'a, 'b> {
1087 f: &'a mut fmt::Formatter<'b>,
1088 is_first: bool,
1089 result: fmt::Result,
1090 }
1092 impl Visit for LogVisitor<'_, '_> {
1093 fn record_debug(&mut self, field: &Field, value: &dyn fmt::Debug) {
1094 let res = if self.is_first {
1095 self.is_first = false;
1096 if == "message" {
1097 write!(self.f, "{:?}", value)
1098 } else {
1099 write!(self.f, "{}={:?}",, value)
1100 }
1101 } else {
1102 write!(self.f, " {}={:?}",, value)
1103 };
1104 if let Err(err) = res {
1105 self.result = self.result.and(Err(err));
1106 }
1107 }
1109 fn record_str(&mut self, field: &Field, value: &str) {
1110 if == "message" {
1111 self.record_debug(field, &format_args!("{}", value))
1112 } else {
1113 self.record_debug(field, &value)
1114 }
1115 }
1116 }
1118 let mut visit = LogVisitor {
1119 f,
1120 is_first: self.is_first,
1121 result: Ok(()),
1122 };
1123 self.values.record(&mut visit);
1124 visit.result
1125 }
1126 }
1129mod sealed {
1130 pub trait Sealed {}