
1use std::{marker::PhantomData, sync::Arc, thread};
3use crate::context::DynContext;
4use crate::*;
6/// In-progress recording of a compute pass.
8/// It can be created with [`CommandEncoder::begin_compute_pass`].
10/// Corresponds to [WebGPU `GPUComputePassEncoder`](
11/// https://gpuweb.github.io/gpuweb/#compute-pass-encoder).
13pub struct ComputePass<'encoder> {
14    /// The inner data of the compute pass, separated out so it's easy to replace the lifetime with 'static if desired.
15    pub(crate) inner: ComputePassInner,
17    /// This lifetime is used to protect the [`CommandEncoder`] from being used
18    /// while the pass is alive.
19    pub(crate) encoder_guard: PhantomData<&'encoder ()>,
22impl<'encoder> ComputePass<'encoder> {
23    /// Drops the lifetime relationship to the parent command encoder, making usage of
24    /// the encoder while this pass is recorded a run-time error instead.
25    ///
26    /// Attention: As long as the compute pass has not been ended, any mutating operation on the parent
27    /// command encoder will cause a run-time error and invalidate it!
28    /// By default, the lifetime constraint prevents this, but it can be useful
29    /// to handle this at run time, such as when storing the pass and encoder in the same
30    /// data structure.
31    ///
32    /// This operation has no effect on pass recording.
33    /// It's a safe operation, since [`CommandEncoder`] is in a locked state as long as the pass is active
34    /// regardless of the lifetime constraint or its absence.
35    pub fn forget_lifetime(self) -> ComputePass<'static> {
36        ComputePass {
37            inner: self.inner,
38            encoder_guard: PhantomData,
39        }
40    }
42    /// Sets the active bind group for a given bind group index. The bind group layout
43    /// in the active pipeline when the `dispatch()` function is called must match the layout of this bind group.
44    ///
45    /// If the bind group have dynamic offsets, provide them in the binding order.
46    /// These offsets have to be aligned to [`Limits::min_uniform_buffer_offset_alignment`]
47    /// or [`Limits::min_storage_buffer_offset_alignment`] appropriately.
48    pub fn set_bind_group<'a>(
49        &mut self,
50        index: u32,
51        bind_group: impl Into<Option<&'a BindGroup>>,
52        offsets: &[DynamicOffset],
53    ) {
54        let bg = bind_group.into().map(|x| x.data.as_ref());
55        DynContext::compute_pass_set_bind_group(
56            &*self.inner.context,
57            self.inner.data.as_mut(),
58            index,
59            bg,
60            offsets,
61        );
62    }
64    /// Sets the active compute pipeline.
65    pub fn set_pipeline(&mut self, pipeline: &ComputePipeline) {
66        DynContext::compute_pass_set_pipeline(
67            &*self.inner.context,
68            self.inner.data.as_mut(),
69            pipeline.data.as_ref(),
70        );
71    }
73    /// Inserts debug marker.
74    pub fn insert_debug_marker(&mut self, label: &str) {
75        DynContext::compute_pass_insert_debug_marker(
76            &*self.inner.context,
77            self.inner.data.as_mut(),
78            label,
79        );
80    }
82    /// Start record commands and group it into debug marker group.
83    pub fn push_debug_group(&mut self, label: &str) {
84        DynContext::compute_pass_push_debug_group(
85            &*self.inner.context,
86            self.inner.data.as_mut(),
87            label,
88        );
89    }
91    /// Stops command recording and creates debug group.
92    pub fn pop_debug_group(&mut self) {
93        DynContext::compute_pass_pop_debug_group(&*self.inner.context, self.inner.data.as_mut());
94    }
96    /// Dispatches compute work operations.
97    ///
98    /// `x`, `y` and `z` denote the number of work groups to dispatch in each dimension.
99    pub fn dispatch_workgroups(&mut self, x: u32, y: u32, z: u32) {
100        DynContext::compute_pass_dispatch_workgroups(
101            &*self.inner.context,
102            self.inner.data.as_mut(),
103            x,
104            y,
105            z,
106        );
107    }
109    /// Dispatches compute work operations, based on the contents of the `indirect_buffer`.
110    ///
111    /// The structure expected in `indirect_buffer` must conform to [`DispatchIndirectArgs`](crate::util::DispatchIndirectArgs).
112    pub fn dispatch_workgroups_indirect(
113        &mut self,
114        indirect_buffer: &Buffer,
115        indirect_offset: BufferAddress,
116    ) {
117        DynContext::compute_pass_dispatch_workgroups_indirect(
118            &*self.inner.context,
119            self.inner.data.as_mut(),
120            indirect_buffer.data.as_ref(),
121            indirect_offset,
122        );
123    }
126/// [`Features::PUSH_CONSTANTS`] must be enabled on the device in order to call these functions.
127impl<'encoder> ComputePass<'encoder> {
128    /// Set push constant data for subsequent dispatch calls.
129    ///
130    /// Write the bytes in `data` at offset `offset` within push constant
131    /// storage.  Both `offset` and the length of `data` must be
132    /// multiples of [`PUSH_CONSTANT_ALIGNMENT`], which is always 4.
133    ///
134    /// For example, if `offset` is `4` and `data` is eight bytes long, this
135    /// call will write `data` to bytes `4..12` of push constant storage.
136    pub fn set_push_constants(&mut self, offset: u32, data: &[u8]) {
137        DynContext::compute_pass_set_push_constants(
138            &*self.inner.context,
139            self.inner.data.as_mut(),
140            offset,
141            data,
142        );
143    }
146/// [`Features::TIMESTAMP_QUERY_INSIDE_PASSES`] must be enabled on the device in order to call these functions.
147impl<'encoder> ComputePass<'encoder> {
148    /// Issue a timestamp command at this point in the queue. The timestamp will be written to the specified query set, at the specified index.
149    ///
150    /// Must be multiplied by [`Queue::get_timestamp_period`] to get
151    /// the value in nanoseconds. Absolute values have no meaning,
152    /// but timestamps can be subtracted to get the time it takes
153    /// for a string of operations to complete.
154    pub fn write_timestamp(&mut self, query_set: &QuerySet, query_index: u32) {
155        DynContext::compute_pass_write_timestamp(
156            &*self.inner.context,
157            self.inner.data.as_mut(),
158            query_set.data.as_ref(),
159            query_index,
160        )
161    }
164/// [`Features::PIPELINE_STATISTICS_QUERY`] must be enabled on the device in order to call these functions.
165impl<'encoder> ComputePass<'encoder> {
166    /// Start a pipeline statistics query on this compute pass. It can be ended with
167    /// `end_pipeline_statistics_query`. Pipeline statistics queries may not be nested.
168    pub fn begin_pipeline_statistics_query(&mut self, query_set: &QuerySet, query_index: u32) {
169        DynContext::compute_pass_begin_pipeline_statistics_query(
170            &*self.inner.context,
171            self.inner.data.as_mut(),
172            query_set.data.as_ref(),
173            query_index,
174        );
175    }
177    /// End the pipeline statistics query on this compute pass. It can be started with
178    /// `begin_pipeline_statistics_query`. Pipeline statistics queries may not be nested.
179    pub fn end_pipeline_statistics_query(&mut self) {
180        DynContext::compute_pass_end_pipeline_statistics_query(
181            &*self.inner.context,
182            self.inner.data.as_mut(),
183        );
184    }
188pub(crate) struct ComputePassInner {
189    pub(crate) data: Box<Data>,
190    pub(crate) context: Arc<C>,
193impl Drop for ComputePassInner {
194    fn drop(&mut self) {
195        if !thread::panicking() {
196            self.context.compute_pass_end(self.data.as_mut());
197        }
198    }
201/// Describes the timestamp writes of a compute pass.
203/// For use with [`ComputePassDescriptor`].
204/// At least one of `beginning_of_pass_write_index` and `end_of_pass_write_index` must be `Some`.
206/// Corresponds to [WebGPU `GPUComputePassTimestampWrites`](
207/// https://gpuweb.github.io/gpuweb/#dictdef-gpucomputepasstimestampwrites).
208#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
209pub struct ComputePassTimestampWrites<'a> {
210    /// The query set to write to.
211    pub query_set: &'a QuerySet,
212    /// The index of the query set at which a start timestamp of this pass is written, if any.
213    pub beginning_of_pass_write_index: Option<u32>,
214    /// The index of the query set at which an end timestamp of this pass is written, if any.
215    pub end_of_pass_write_index: Option<u32>,
218static_assertions::assert_impl_all!(ComputePassTimestampWrites<'_>: Send, Sync);
220/// Describes the attachments of a compute pass.
222/// For use with [`CommandEncoder::begin_compute_pass`].
224/// Corresponds to [WebGPU `GPUComputePassDescriptor`](
225/// https://gpuweb.github.io/gpuweb/#dictdef-gpucomputepassdescriptor).
226#[derive(Clone, Default, Debug)]
227pub struct ComputePassDescriptor<'a> {
228    /// Debug label of the compute pass. This will show up in graphics debuggers for easy identification.
229    pub label: Label<'a>,
230    /// Defines which timestamp values will be written for this pass, and where to write them to.
231    ///
232    /// Requires [`Features::TIMESTAMP_QUERY`] to be enabled.
233    pub timestamp_writes: Option<ComputePassTimestampWrites<'a>>,
236static_assertions::assert_impl_all!(ComputePassDescriptor<'_>: Send, Sync);