
1use crate::{
2    util::align_to, Buffer, BufferAddress, BufferDescriptor, BufferSize, BufferUsages,
3    BufferViewMut, CommandEncoder, Device, MapMode,
5use std::fmt;
6use std::sync::{mpsc, Arc};
8struct Chunk {
9    buffer: Arc<Buffer>,
10    size: BufferAddress,
11    offset: BufferAddress,
14/// `Sync` wrapper that works by providing only exclusive access.
16/// See https://doc.rust-lang.org/nightly/std/sync/struct.Exclusive.html
17struct Exclusive<T>(T);
19unsafe impl<T> Sync for Exclusive<T> {}
21impl<T> Exclusive<T> {
22    fn new(value: T) -> Self {
23        Self(value)
24    }
26    fn get_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T {
27        &mut self.0
28    }
31/// Efficiently performs many buffer writes by sharing and reusing temporary buffers.
33/// Internally it uses a ring-buffer of staging buffers that are sub-allocated.
34/// It has an advantage over [`Queue::write_buffer()`] in a way that it returns a mutable slice,
35/// which you can fill to avoid an extra data copy.
37/// Using a staging belt is slightly complicated, and generally goes as follows:
38/// 1. Write to buffers that need writing to using [`StagingBelt::write_buffer()`].
39/// 2. Call [`StagingBelt::finish()`].
40/// 3. Submit all command encoders that were used in step 1.
41/// 4. Call [`StagingBelt::recall()`].
43/// [`Queue::write_buffer()`]: crate::Queue::write_buffer
44pub struct StagingBelt {
45    chunk_size: BufferAddress,
46    /// Chunks into which we are accumulating data to be transferred.
47    active_chunks: Vec<Chunk>,
48    /// Chunks that have scheduled transfers already; they are unmapped and some
49    /// command encoder has one or more `copy_buffer_to_buffer` commands with them
50    /// as source.
51    closed_chunks: Vec<Chunk>,
52    /// Chunks that are back from the GPU and ready to be mapped for write and put
53    /// into `active_chunks`.
54    free_chunks: Vec<Chunk>,
55    /// When closed chunks are mapped again, the map callback sends them here.
56    sender: Exclusive<mpsc::Sender<Chunk>>,
57    /// Free chunks are received here to be put on `self.free_chunks`.
58    receiver: Exclusive<mpsc::Receiver<Chunk>>,
61impl StagingBelt {
62    /// Create a new staging belt.
63    ///
64    /// The `chunk_size` is the unit of internal buffer allocation; writes will be
65    /// sub-allocated within each chunk. Therefore, for optimal use of memory, the
66    /// chunk size should be:
67    ///
68    /// * larger than the largest single [`StagingBelt::write_buffer()`] operation;
69    /// * 1-4 times less than the total amount of data uploaded per submission
70    ///   (per [`StagingBelt::finish()`]); and
71    /// * bigger is better, within these bounds.
72    pub fn new(chunk_size: BufferAddress) -> Self {
73        let (sender, receiver) = std::sync::mpsc::channel();
74        StagingBelt {
75            chunk_size,
76            active_chunks: Vec::new(),
77            closed_chunks: Vec::new(),
78            free_chunks: Vec::new(),
79            sender: Exclusive::new(sender),
80            receiver: Exclusive::new(receiver),
81        }
82    }
84    /// Allocate the staging belt slice of `size` to be uploaded into the `target` buffer
85    /// at the specified offset.
86    ///
87    /// The upload will be placed into the provided command encoder. This encoder
88    /// must be submitted after [`StagingBelt::finish()`] is called and before
89    /// [`StagingBelt::recall()`] is called.
90    ///
91    /// If the `size` is greater than the size of any free internal buffer, a new buffer
92    /// will be allocated for it. Therefore, the `chunk_size` passed to [`StagingBelt::new()`]
93    /// should ideally be larger than every such size.
94    pub fn write_buffer(
95        &mut self,
96        encoder: &mut CommandEncoder,
97        target: &Buffer,
98        offset: BufferAddress,
99        size: BufferSize,
100        device: &Device,
101    ) -> BufferViewMut<'_> {
102        let mut chunk = if let Some(index) = self
103            .active_chunks
104            .iter()
105            .position(|chunk| chunk.offset + size.get() <= chunk.size)
106        {
107            self.active_chunks.swap_remove(index)
108        } else {
109            self.receive_chunks(); // ensure self.free_chunks is up to date
111            if let Some(index) = self
112                .free_chunks
113                .iter()
114                .position(|chunk| size.get() <= chunk.size)
115            {
116                self.free_chunks.swap_remove(index)
117            } else {
118                let size = self.chunk_size.max(size.get());
119                Chunk {
120                    #[allow(clippy::arc_with_non_send_sync)] // False positive on emscripten
121                    buffer: Arc::new(device.create_buffer(&BufferDescriptor {
122                        label: Some("(wgpu internal) StagingBelt staging buffer"),
123                        size,
124                        usage: BufferUsages::MAP_WRITE | BufferUsages::COPY_SRC,
125                        mapped_at_creation: true,
126                    })),
127                    size,
128                    offset: 0,
129                }
130            }
131        };
133        encoder.copy_buffer_to_buffer(&chunk.buffer, chunk.offset, target, offset, size.get());
134        let old_offset = chunk.offset;
135        chunk.offset = align_to(chunk.offset + size.get(), crate::MAP_ALIGNMENT);
137        self.active_chunks.push(chunk);
138        self.active_chunks
139            .last()
140            .unwrap()
141            .buffer
142            .slice(old_offset..old_offset + size.get())
143            .get_mapped_range_mut()
144    }
146    /// Prepare currently mapped buffers for use in a submission.
147    ///
148    /// This must be called before the command encoder(s) provided to
149    /// [`StagingBelt::write_buffer()`] are submitted.
150    ///
151    /// At this point, all the partially used staging buffers are closed (cannot be used for
152    /// further writes) until after [`StagingBelt::recall()`] is called *and* the GPU is done
153    /// copying the data from them.
154    pub fn finish(&mut self) {
155        for chunk in self.active_chunks.drain(..) {
156            chunk.buffer.unmap();
157            self.closed_chunks.push(chunk);
158        }
159    }
161    /// Recall all of the closed buffers back to be reused.
162    ///
163    /// This must only be called after the command encoder(s) provided to
164    /// [`StagingBelt::write_buffer()`] are submitted. Additional calls are harmless.
165    /// Not calling this as soon as possible may result in increased buffer memory usage.
166    pub fn recall(&mut self) {
167        self.receive_chunks();
169        for chunk in self.closed_chunks.drain(..) {
170            let sender = self.sender.get_mut().clone();
171            chunk
172                .buffer
173                .clone()
174                .slice(..)
175                .map_async(MapMode::Write, move |_| {
176                    let _ = sender.send(chunk);
177                });
178        }
179    }
181    /// Move all chunks that the GPU is done with (and are now mapped again)
182    /// from `self.receiver` to `self.free_chunks`.
183    fn receive_chunks(&mut self) {
184        while let Ok(mut chunk) = self.receiver.get_mut().try_recv() {
185            chunk.offset = 0;
186            self.free_chunks.push(chunk);
187        }
188    }
191impl fmt::Debug for StagingBelt {
192    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
193        f.debug_struct("StagingBelt")
194            .field("chunk_size", &self.chunk_size)
195            .field("active_chunks", &self.active_chunks.len())
196            .field("closed_chunks", &self.closed_chunks.len())
197            .field("free_chunks", &self.free_chunks.len())
198            .finish_non_exhaustive()
199    }