
1use std::ops::{Div, DivAssign, Mul, MulAssign};
3use simba::scalar::{ClosedAddAssign, ClosedSubAssign};
5use crate::base::constraint::{SameNumberOfColumns, SameNumberOfRows, ShapeConstraint};
6use crate::base::dimension::U1;
7use crate::base::{Const, Scalar};
9use crate::geometry::{Point, Translation};
11// Translation × Translation
12add_sub_impl!(Mul, mul, ClosedAddAssign;
13    (Const<D>, U1), (Const<D>, U1) -> (Const<D>, U1)
14    const D; for; where;
15    self: &'a Translation<T, D>, right: &'b Translation<T, D>, Output = Translation<T, D>;
16    #[allow(clippy::suspicious_arithmetic_impl)] { Translation::from(&self.vector + &right.vector) };
17    'a, 'b);
19add_sub_impl!(Mul, mul, ClosedAddAssign;
20    (Const<D>, U1), (Const<D>, U1) -> (Const<D>, U1)
21    const D; for; where;
22    self: &'a Translation<T, D>, right: Translation<T, D>, Output = Translation<T, D>;
23    #[allow(clippy::suspicious_arithmetic_impl)] { Translation::from(&self.vector + right.vector) };
24    'a);
26add_sub_impl!(Mul, mul, ClosedAddAssign;
27    (Const<D>, U1), (Const<D>, U1) -> (Const<D>, U1)
28    const D; for; where;
29    self: Translation<T, D>, right: &'b Translation<T, D>, Output = Translation<T, D>;
30    #[allow(clippy::suspicious_arithmetic_impl)] { Translation::from(self.vector + &right.vector) };
31    'b);
33add_sub_impl!(Mul, mul, ClosedAddAssign;
34    (Const<D>, U1), (Const<D>, U1) -> (Const<D>, U1)
35    const D; for; where;
36    self: Translation<T, D>, right: Translation<T, D>, Output = Translation<T, D>;
37    #[allow(clippy::suspicious_arithmetic_impl)] { Translation::from(self.vector + right.vector) }; );
39// Translation ÷ Translation
40// TODO: instead of calling inverse explicitly, could we just add a `mul_tr` or `mul_inv` method?
41add_sub_impl!(Div, div, ClosedSubAssign;
42    (Const<D>, U1), (Const<D>, U1) -> (Const<D>, U1)
43    const D; for; where;
44    self: &'a Translation<T, D>, right: &'b Translation<T, D>, Output = Translation<T, D>;
45    #[allow(clippy::suspicious_arithmetic_impl)] { Translation::from(&self.vector - &right.vector) };
46    'a, 'b);
48add_sub_impl!(Div, div, ClosedSubAssign;
49    (Const<D>, U1), (Const<D>, U1) -> (Const<D>, U1)
50    const D; for; where;
51    self: &'a Translation<T, D>, right: Translation<T, D>, Output = Translation<T, D>;
52    #[allow(clippy::suspicious_arithmetic_impl)] { Translation::from(&self.vector - right.vector) };
53    'a);
55add_sub_impl!(Div, div, ClosedSubAssign;
56    (Const<D>, U1), (Const<D>, U1) -> (Const<D>, U1)
57    const D; for; where;
58    self: Translation<T, D>, right: &'b Translation<T, D>, Output = Translation<T, D>;
59    #[allow(clippy::suspicious_arithmetic_impl)] { Translation::from(self.vector - &right.vector) };
60    'b);
62add_sub_impl!(Div, div, ClosedSubAssign;
63    (Const<D>, U1), (Const<D>, U1) -> (Const<D>, U1)
64    const D; for; where;
65    self: Translation<T, D>, right: Translation<T, D>, Output = Translation<T, D>;
66    #[allow(clippy::suspicious_arithmetic_impl)] { Translation::from(self.vector - right.vector) }; );
68// Translation × Point
69// TODO: we don't handle properly non-zero origins here. Do we want this to be the intended
70// behavior?
71add_sub_impl!(Mul, mul, ClosedAddAssign;
72    (Const<D>, U1), (Const<D>, U1) -> (Const<D>, U1)
73    const D; for; where;
74    self: &'a Translation<T, D>, right: &'b Point<T, D>, Output = Point<T, D>;
75    #[allow(clippy::suspicious_arithmetic_impl)] { right + &self.vector };
76    'a, 'b);
78add_sub_impl!(Mul, mul, ClosedAddAssign;
79    (Const<D>, U1), (Const<D>, U1) -> (Const<D>, U1)
80    const D; for; where;
81    self: &'a Translation<T, D>, right: Point<T, D>, Output = Point<T, D>;
82    #[allow(clippy::suspicious_arithmetic_impl)] { right + &self.vector };
83    'a);
85add_sub_impl!(Mul, mul, ClosedAddAssign;
86    (Const<D>, U1), (Const<D>, U1) -> (Const<D>, U1)
87    const D; for; where;
88    self: Translation<T, D>, right: &'b Point<T, D>, Output = Point<T, D>;
89    #[allow(clippy::suspicious_arithmetic_impl)] { right + self.vector };
90    'b);
92add_sub_impl!(Mul, mul, ClosedAddAssign;
93    (Const<D>, U1), (Const<D>, U1) -> (Const<D>, U1)
94    const D; for; where;
95    self: Translation<T, D>, right: Point<T, D>, Output = Point<T, D>;
96    #[allow(clippy::suspicious_arithmetic_impl)] { right + self.vector }; );
98// Translation *= Translation
99add_sub_assign_impl!(MulAssign, mul_assign, ClosedAddAssign;
100    const D;
101    self: Translation<T, D>, right: &'b Translation<T, D>;
102    #[allow(clippy::suspicious_op_assign_impl)] { self.vector += &right.vector };
103    'b);
105add_sub_assign_impl!(MulAssign, mul_assign, ClosedAddAssign;
106    const D;
107    self: Translation<T, D>, right: Translation<T, D>;
108    #[allow(clippy::suspicious_op_assign_impl)] { self.vector += right.vector }; );
110add_sub_assign_impl!(DivAssign, div_assign, ClosedSubAssign;
111    const D;
112    self: Translation<T, D>, right: &'b Translation<T, D>;
113    #[allow(clippy::suspicious_op_assign_impl)] { self.vector -= &right.vector };
114    'b);
116add_sub_assign_impl!(DivAssign, div_assign, ClosedSubAssign;
117    const D;
118    self: Translation<T, D>, right: Translation<T, D>;
119    #[allow(clippy::suspicious_op_assign_impl)] { self.vector -= right.vector }; );