givens.rs1use num::{One, Zero};
4use simba::scalar::ComplexField;
6use crate::base::constraint::{DimEq, ShapeConstraint};
7use crate::base::dimension::{Dim, U2};
8use crate::base::storage::{Storage, StorageMut};
9use crate::base::{Matrix, Vector};
11#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
13pub struct GivensRotation<T: ComplexField> {
14 c: T::RealField,
15 s: T,
18impl<T: ComplexField> GivensRotation<T> {
20 pub fn identity() -> Self {
22 Self {
23 c: T::RealField::one(),
24 s: T::zero(),
25 }
26 }
28 pub fn new_unchecked(c: T::RealField, s: T) -> Self {
33 Self { c, s }
34 }
36 pub fn new(c: T, s: T) -> (Self, T) {
38 Self::try_new(c, s, T::RealField::zero())
39 .unwrap_or_else(|| (GivensRotation::identity(), T::zero()))
40 }
42 pub fn try_new(c: T, s: T, eps: T::RealField) -> Option<(Self, T)> {
44 let (mod0, sign0) = c.to_exp();
45 let denom = (mod0.clone() * mod0.clone() + s.clone().modulus_squared()).sqrt();
47 if denom > eps {
48 let norm = sign0.scale(denom.clone());
49 let c = mod0 / denom;
50 let s = s / norm.clone();
51 Some((Self { c, s }, norm))
52 } else {
53 None
54 }
55 }
57 pub fn cancel_y<S: Storage<T, U2>>(v: &Vector<T, U2, S>) -> Option<(Self, T)> {
62 if !v[1].is_zero() {
63 let (mod0, sign0) = v[0].clone().to_exp();
64 let denom = (mod0.clone() * mod0.clone() + v[1].clone().modulus_squared()).sqrt();
65 let c = mod0 / denom.clone();
66 let s = -v[1].clone() / sign0.clone().scale(denom.clone());
67 let r = sign0.scale(denom);
68 Some((Self { c, s }, r))
69 } else {
70 None
71 }
72 }
74 pub fn cancel_x<S: Storage<T, U2>>(v: &Vector<T, U2, S>) -> Option<(Self, T)> {
79 if !v[0].is_zero() {
80 let (mod1, sign1) = v[1].clone().to_exp();
81 let denom = (mod1.clone() * mod1.clone() + v[0].clone().modulus_squared()).sqrt();
82 let c = mod1 / denom.clone();
83 let s = (v[0].clone().conjugate() * sign1.clone()).unscale(denom.clone());
84 let r = sign1.scale(denom);
85 Some((Self { c, s }, r))
86 } else {
87 None
88 }
89 }
91 #[must_use]
93 pub fn c(&self) -> T::RealField {
94 self.c.clone()
95 }
97 #[must_use]
99 pub fn s(&self) -> T {
100 self.s.clone()
101 }
103 #[must_use = "This function does not mutate self."]
105 pub fn inverse(&self) -> Self {
106 Self {
107 c: self.c.clone(),
108 s: -self.s.clone(),
109 }
110 }
112 pub fn rotate<R2: Dim, C2: Dim, S2: StorageMut<T, R2, C2>>(
114 &self,
115 rhs: &mut Matrix<T, R2, C2, S2>,
116 ) where
117 ShapeConstraint: DimEq<R2, U2>,
118 {
119 assert_eq!(
120 rhs.nrows(),
121 2,
122 "Unit complex rotation: the input matrix must have exactly two rows."
123 );
124 let s = self.s.clone();
125 let c = self.c.clone();
127 for j in 0..rhs.ncols() {
128 unsafe {
129 let a = rhs.get_unchecked((0, j)).clone();
130 let b = rhs.get_unchecked((1, j)).clone();
132 *rhs.get_unchecked_mut((0, j)) =
133 a.clone().scale(c.clone()) - s.clone().conjugate() * b.clone();
134 *rhs.get_unchecked_mut((1, j)) = s.clone() * a + b.scale(c.clone());
135 }
136 }
137 }
139 pub fn rotate_rows<R2: Dim, C2: Dim, S2: StorageMut<T, R2, C2>>(
141 &self,
142 lhs: &mut Matrix<T, R2, C2, S2>,
143 ) where
144 ShapeConstraint: DimEq<C2, U2>,
145 {
146 assert_eq!(
147 lhs.ncols(),
148 2,
149 "Unit complex rotation: the input matrix must have exactly two columns."
150 );
151 let s = self.s.clone();
152 let c = self.c.clone();
154 for j in 0..lhs.nrows() {
156 unsafe {
157 let a = lhs.get_unchecked((j, 0)).clone();
158 let b = lhs.get_unchecked((j, 1)).clone();
160 *lhs.get_unchecked_mut((j, 0)) = a.clone().scale(c.clone()) + s.clone() * b.clone();
161 *lhs.get_unchecked_mut((j, 1)) = -s.clone().conjugate() * a + b.scale(c.clone());
162 }
163 }
164 }