Macro embedded_asset

macro_rules! embedded_asset {
    ($app: ident, $path: expr) => { ... };
    ($app: ident, $source_path: expr, $path: expr) => { ... };
Expand description

Creates a new embedded asset by embedding the bytes of the given path into the current binary and registering those bytes with the embedded AssetSource.

This accepts the current App as the first parameter and a path &str (relative to the current file) as the second.

By default this will generate an AssetPath using the following rules:

  1. Search for the first $crate_name/src/ in the path and trim to the path past that point.
  2. Re-add the current $crate_name to the front of the path

For example, consider the following file structure in the theoretical bevy_rock crate, which provides a Bevy Plugin that renders fancy rocks for scenes.

├── src
│   ├── render
│   │   ├── rock.wgsl
│   │   └──
│   └──
└── Cargo.toml

rock.wgsl is a WGSL shader asset that the bevy_rock plugin author wants to bundle with their crate. They invoke the following in bevy_rock/src/render/

embedded_asset!(app, "rock.wgsl")

rock.wgsl can now be loaded by the AssetServer with the following path:

let shader = asset_server.load::<Shader>("embedded://bevy_rock/render/rock.wgsl");

Some things to note in the path:

  1. The non-default embedded:// AssetSource
  2. src is trimmed from the path

The default behavior also works for cargo workspaces. Pretend the bevy_rock crate now exists in a larger workspace in $SOME_WORKSPACE/crates/bevy_rock. The asset path would remain the same, because embedded_asset searches for the first instance of bevy_rock/src in the path.

For most “standard crate structures” the default works just fine. But for some niche cases (such as cargo examples), the src path will not be present. You can override this behavior by adding it as the second argument to embedded_asset:

embedded_asset!(app, "/examples/rock_stuff/", "rock.wgsl")

When there are three arguments, the second argument will replace the default /src/ value. Note that these two are equivalent:

embedded_asset!(app, "rock.wgsl") embedded_asset!(app, "/src/", "rock.wgsl")

This macro uses the include_bytes macro internally and will not reallocate the bytes. Generally the AssetPath generated will be predictable, but if your asset isn’t available for some reason, you can use the embedded_path macro to debug.

Hot-reloading embedded assets is supported. Just enable the embedded_watcher cargo feature.