Attribute Macro reflect_remote

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Generates a wrapper type that can be used to “derive Reflect” for remote types.

This works by wrapping the remote type in a generated wrapper that has the #[repr(transparent)] attribute. This allows the two types to be safely transmuted back-and-forth.

§Defining the Wrapper

Before defining the wrapper type, please note that it is required that all fields of the remote type are public. The generated code will, at times, need to access or mutate them, and we do not currently have a way to assign getters/setters to each field (but this may change in the future).

The wrapper definition should match the remote type 1-to-1. This includes the naming and ordering of the fields and variants.

Generics and lifetimes do not need to have the same names, however, they do need to follow the same order. Additionally, whether generics are inlined or placed in a where clause should not matter.

Lastly, all macros and doc-comments should be placed below this attribute. If they are placed above, they will not be properly passed to the generated wrapper type.


Given a remote type, RemoteType:

struct RemoteType<T>
  T: Default + Clone,
  pub foo: T,
  pub bar: usize

We would define our wrapper type as such:

use external_crate::RemoteType;

pub struct WrapperType<T: Default + Clone> {
  pub foo: T,
  pub bar: usize

Apart from all the reflection trait implementations, this generates something like the following:

use external_crate::RemoteType;

pub struct Wrapper<T: Default + Clone>(RemoteType<T>);

§Usage as a Field

You can tell Reflect to use a remote type’s wrapper internally on fields of a struct or enum. This allows the real type to be used as usual while Reflect handles everything internally. To do this, add the #[reflect(remote = path::to::MyType)] attribute to your field:

struct SomeStruct {
  #[reflect(remote = RemoteTypeWrapper)]
  data: RemoteType


When using the #[reflect(remote = path::to::MyType)] field attribute, be sure you are defining the correct wrapper type. Internally, this field will be unsafely transmuted, and is only sound if using a wrapper generated for the remote type. This also means keeping your wrapper definitions up-to-date with the remote types.