Macro for_both

macro_rules! for_both {
    ($value:expr, $pattern:pat => $result:expr) => { ... };
Expand description

Evaluate the provided expression for both Either::Left and Either::Right.

This macro is useful in cases where both sides of Either can be interacted with in the same way even though the don’t share the same type.

Syntax: either::for_both!( expression , pattern => expression )


use either::Either;

fn length(owned_or_borrowed: Either<String, &'static str>) -> usize {
    either::for_both!(owned_or_borrowed, s => s.len())

fn main() {
    let borrowed = Either::Right("Hello world!");
    let owned = Either::Left("Hello world!".to_owned());

    assert_eq!(length(borrowed), 12);
    assert_eq!(length(owned), 12);