only.Expand description
The Curve
trait, providing a domain-agnostic description of curves.
At a high level, Curve
is a trait that abstracts away the implementation details of curves,
which comprise any kind of data parametrized by a single continuous variable. For example, that
variable could represent time, in which case a curve would represent a value that changes over
time, as in animation; on the other hand, it could represent something like displacement or
distance, as in graphs, gradients, and curves in space.
The trait itself has two fundamental components: a curve must have a domain, which is a nonempty
range of f32
values, and it must be able to be sampled on every one of those values, producing
output of some fixed type.
A primary goal of the trait is to allow interfaces to simply accept impl Curve<T>
as input
rather than requiring for input curves to be defined in data in any particular way. This is
supported by a number of interface methods which allow changing parametrizations, mapping output,
and rasterization.
§Analogy with Iterator
The Curve
API behaves, in many ways, like a continuous counterpart to Iterator
. The analogy
looks something like this with some of the common methods:
Iterators | Curves |
map | map |
skip /step_by | reparametrize |
enumerate | graph |
chain | chain |
zip | zip |
rev | reverse |
by_ref | by_ref |
Of course, there are very important differences, as well. For instance, the continuous nature of
curves means that many iterator methods make little sense in the context of curves, or at least
require numerical techniques. For example, the analogue of sum
would be an integral, approximated
by something like Riemann summation.
Furthermore, the two also differ greatly in their orientation to borrowing and mutation: iterators are mutated by being iterated, and by contrast, all curve methods are immutable. More information on the implications of this can be found below.
§Defining curves
Curves may be defined in a number of ways. The following are common:
- using functions;
- using sample interpolation;
- using splines;
- using easings.
Among these, the first is the most versatile1: the domain and the sampling output are just specified directly in the construction. For this reason, function curves are a reliable go-to for simple one-off constructions and procedural uses, where flexibility is desirable. For example:
// A sinusoid:
let sine_curve = FunctionCurve::new(Interval::EVERYWHERE, f32::sin);
// A sawtooth wave:
let sawtooth_curve = FunctionCurve::new(Interval::EVERYWHERE, |t| t % 1.0);
// A helix:
let helix_curve = FunctionCurve::new(Interval::EVERYWHERE, |theta| vec3(theta.sin(), theta, theta.cos()));
Sample-interpolated curves commonly arises in both rasterization and in animation, and this library has support for producing them in both fashions. See below for more information about rasterization. Here is what an explicit sample-interpolated curve might look like:
// A list of angles that we want to traverse:
let angles = [
// Make each angle into a rotation by that angle:
let rotations =|angle| Rot2::radians(angle));
// Interpolate these rotations with a `Rot2`-valued curve:
let rotation_curve = SampleAutoCurve::new(interval(0.0, 4.0).unwrap(), rotations).unwrap();
For more information on spline curves and easing curves, see their respective modules.
And, of course, you are also free to define curve types yourself, implementing the trait directly.
For custom sample-interpolated curves, the cores
submodule provides machinery to avoid having to
reimplement interpolation logic yourself. In many other cases, implementing the trait directly is
often quite straightforward:
struct ExponentialCurve {
exponent: f32,
impl Curve<f32> for ExponentialCurve {
fn domain(&self) -> Interval {
fn sample_unchecked(&self, t: f32) -> f32 {
f32::exp(self.exponent * t)
// All other trait methods can be inferred from these.
§Transforming curves
The API provides a few key ways of transforming one curve into another. These are often useful when
you would like to make use of an interface that requires a curve that bears some logical relationship
to one that you already have access to, but with different requirements or expectations. For example,
the output type of the curves may differ, or the domain may be expected to be different. The map
and reparametrize
methods can help address this.
As a simple example of the kind of thing that arises in practice, let’s imagine that we have a
that we want to use to describe the motion of some object over time, but the interface
for animation expects a Curve<Vec3>
, since the object will move in three dimensions:
// Our original curve, which may look something like this:
let ellipse_curve = FunctionCurve::new(
interval(0.0, TAU).unwrap(),
|t| vec2(t.cos(), t.sin() * 2.0)
// Use `map` to situate this in 3D as a Curve<Vec3>; in this case, it will be in the xy-plane:
let ellipse_motion_curve =|pos| pos.extend(0.0));
We might imagine further still that the interface expects the curve to have domain [0, 1]
. The
methods can address this:
// Change the domain to `[0, 1]` instead of `[0, TAU]`:
let final_curve = ellipse_motion_curve.reparametrize_linear(Interval::UNIT).unwrap();
Of course, there are many other ways of using these methods. In general, map
is used for transforming
the output and using it to drive something else, while reparametrize
preserves the curve’s shape but
changes the speed and direction in which it is traversed. For instance:
// A line segment curve connecting two points in the plane:
let start = vec2(-1.0, 1.0);
let end = vec2(1.0, 1.0);
let segment = FunctionCurve::new(Interval::UNIT, |t| start.lerp(end, t));
// Let's make a curve that goes back and forth along this line segment forever.
// Start by stretching the line segment in parameter space so that it travels along its length
// from `-1` to `1` instead of `0` to `1`:
let stretched_segment = segment.reparametrize_linear(interval(-1.0, 1.0).unwrap()).unwrap();
// Now, the *output* of `f32::sin` in `[-1, 1]` corresponds to the *input* interval of
// `stretched_segment`; the sinusoid output is mapped to the input parameter and controls how
// far along the segment we are:
let back_and_forth_curve = stretched_segment.reparametrize(Interval::EVERYWHERE, f32::sin);
§Combining curves
Curves become more expressive when used together. For example, maybe you want to combine two curves end-to-end:
// A line segment connecting `(-1, 0)` to `(0, 0)`:
let line_curve = FunctionCurve::new(
|t| vec2(-1.0, 0.0).lerp(vec2(0.0, 0.0), t)
// A half-circle curve starting at `(0, 0)`:
let half_circle_curve = FunctionCurve::new(
interval(0.0, PI).unwrap(),
|t| vec2(t.cos() * -1.0 + 1.0, t.sin())
// A curve that traverses `line_curve` and then `half_circle_curve` over the interval
// from `0` to `PI + 1`:
let combined_curve = line_curve.chain(half_circle_curve).unwrap();
Or, instead, maybe you want to combine two curves the other way, producing a single curve that combines their output in a tuple:
// Some entity's position in 2D:
let position_curve = FunctionCurve::new(Interval::UNIT, |t| vec2(t.cos(), t.sin()));
// The same entity's orientation, described as a rotation. (In this case it will be spinning.)
let orientation_curve = FunctionCurve::new(Interval::UNIT, |t| Rot2::radians(5.0 * t));
// Both in one curve with `(Vec2, Rot2)` output:
let position_and_orientation =;
See the documentation on chain
and zip
for more details on how these methods work.
§Resampling and rasterization
Sometimes, for reasons of portability, performance, or otherwise, it can be useful to ensure that
curves of various provenance all actually share the same concrete type. This is the purpose of the
family of functions: they allow a curve to be replaced by an approximate version of
itself defined by interpolation over samples from the original curve.
In effect, this allows very different curves to be rasterized and treated uniformly. For example:
// A curve that is not easily transported because it relies on evaluating a function:
let interesting_curve = FunctionCurve::new(Interval::UNIT, |t| vec2(t * 3.0, t.exp()));
// A rasterized form of the preceding curve which is just a `SampleAutoCurve`. Inside, this
// just stores an `Interval` along with a buffer of sample data, so it's easy to serialize
// and deserialize:
let resampled_curve = interesting_curve.resample_auto(100).unwrap();
// The rasterized form can be seamlessly used as a curve itself:
let some_value = resampled_curve.sample(0.5).unwrap();
§Ownership and borrowing
It can be easy to get tripped up by how curves specifically interact with Rust’s ownership semantics.
First of all, it’s worth noting that the API never uses &mut self
— every method either takes
ownership of the original curve or uses a shared reference.
Because of the methods that take ownership, it is useful to be aware of the following:
- If
is a curve, then&curve
is also a curve with the same output. For convenience,&curve
can be written ascurve.by_ref()
for use in method chaining. - However,
cannot outlivecurve
. In general, it is not'static
In other words, &curve
can be used to perform temporary operations without consuming curve
example, to effectively pass curve
into an API which expects an impl Curve<T>
), but it cannot
be used in situations where persistence is necessary (e.g. when the curve itself must be stored
for later use).
Here is a demonstration:
//`my_curve` is obtained somehow. It is a `Curve<(f32, f32)>`.
let my_curve = some_magic_constructor();
// Now, we want to sample a mapped version of `my_curve`.
// let samples: Vec<f32> =|(x, y)| y).samples(50).unwrap().collect();
// ^ This would work, but it would also invalidate `my_curve`, since `map` takes ownership.
// Instead, we pass a borrowed version of `my_curve` to `map`. It lives long enough that we
// can extract samples:
let samples: Vec<f32> = my_curve.by_ref().map(|(x, y)| y).samples(50).unwrap().collect();
// This way, we retain the ability to use `my_curve` later:
let new_curve =|(x,y)| x + y);
In fact, universal as well, in some sense: if
is any curve, thenFunctionCurve::new (curve.domain(), |t| curve.sample_unchecked(t))
is an equivalent function curve. ↩
pub use interval::interval;
pub use interval::Interval;
pub use adaptors::*;
pub use easing::*;
pub use sample_curves::*;
- adaptors
- Adaptors used by the Curve API for transforming and combining curves together.
- cores
- Core data structures to be used internally in Curve implementations, encapsulating storage and access patterns for reuse.
- easing
- Module containing different easing functions to control the transition between two values and
struct to make use of them. - interval
- The
type for nonempty intervals used by theCurve
trait. - iterable
- Iterable curves, which sample in the form of an iterator in order to support
-like output whose length cannot be known statically. - sample_
curves - Sample-interpolated curves constructed using the
- Chain
Error - An error indicating that an end-to-end composition couldn’t be performed because of malformed inputs.
- Linear
Reparam Error - An error indicating that a linear reparametrization couldn’t be performed because of malformed inputs.
- Ping
Pong Error - An error indicating that a ping ponging of a curve couldn’t be performed because of malformed inputs.
- Repeat
Error - An error indicating that a repetition of a curve couldn’t be performed because of malformed inputs.
- Resampling
Error - An error indicating that a resampling operation could not be performed because of malformed inputs.
- Reverse
Error - An error indicating that a reversion of a curve couldn’t be performed because of malformed inputs.
- Curve
- A trait for a type that can represent values of type
parametrized over a fixed interval.