Module render_resource Copy item path Source binding_types encase resource_macros BindGroup Bind groups are responsible for binding render resources (e.g. buffers, textures, samplers)
to a TrackedRenderPass
This makes them accessible in the pipeline (shaders) as uniforms. BindGroupDescriptor Describes a group of bindings and the resources to be bound. BindGroupEntries Helper for constructing bindgroups. BindGroupEntry An element of a BindGroupDescriptor
, consisting of a bindable resource
and the slot to bind it to. BindGroupId BindGroupLayout BindGroupLayoutDescriptor Describes a BindGroupLayout
. BindGroupLayoutEntries BindGroupLayoutEntry Describes a single binding inside a bind group. BindGroupLayoutEntryBuilder Helper for constructing bind group layouts. BindGroupLayoutId BlendComponent Describes a blend component of a BlendState
. BlendState Describe the blend state of a render pipeline,
within ColorTargetState
. Buffer BufferAsyncError Error occurred when trying to async map a buffer. BufferBinding Describes the segment of a buffer to bind. BufferId BufferInitDescriptor Describes a Buffer when allocating. BufferSlice BufferUsages Different ways that you can use a buffer. BufferVec Like RawBufferVec
, but doesn’t require that the data type T
. CachedComputePipelineId Index of a cached compute pipeline in a PipelineCache
. CachedPipeline CachedRenderPipelineId Index of a cached render pipeline in a PipelineCache
. ColorTargetState Describes the color state of a render pipeline. ColorWrites Color write mask. Disabled color channels will not be written to. CommandEncoder Encodes a series of GPU operations. ComputePass In-progress recording of a compute pass. ComputePassDescriptor Describes the attachments of a compute pass. ComputePipeline A ComputePipeline
represents a compute pipeline and its single shader stage. ComputePipelineDescriptor Describes a compute pipeline. ComputePipelineId DefaultImageSampler A rendering resource for the default image sampler which is set during renderer
initialization. DepthBiasState Describes the biasing setting for the depth target. DepthStencilState Describes the depth/stencil state in a render pipeline. DispatchIndirectArgs Argument buffer layout for dispatch_indirect commands. DownlevelFlags Binary flags listing features that may or may not be present on downlevel adapters. DrawIndexedIndirectArgs Argument buffer layout for draw_indexed_indirect commands. DrawIndirectArgs Argument buffer layout for draw_indirect commands. DynamicBindGroupEntries DynamicBindGroupLayoutEntries DynamicStorageBuffer Stores data to be transferred to the GPU and made accessible to shaders as a dynamic storage buffer. DynamicUniformBuffer Stores data to be transferred to the GPU and made accessible to shaders as a dynamic uniform buffer. DynamicUniformBufferWriter A writer that can be used to directly write elements into the target buffer. Extent3d Extent of a texture related operation. FragmentState Describes the fragment process in a render pipeline. GpuArrayBufferIndex An index into a GpuArrayBuffer
for a given element. ImageCopyBufferBase View of a buffer which can be used to copy to/from a texture. ImageCopyTextureBase View of a texture which can be used to copy to/from a buffer/texture. ImageDataLayout Layout of a texture in a buffer’s memory. ImageSubresourceRange Subresource range within an image MultisampleState Describes the multi-sampling state of a render pipeline. Operations Pair of load and store operations for an attachment aspect. Origin3d Origin of a copy to/from a texture. PipelineCache Cache for render and compute pipelines. PipelineCompilationOptions Advanced options for use when a pipeline is compiled PipelineLayout Handle to a pipeline layout. PipelineLayoutDescriptor Describes a PipelineLayout
. PreparedBindGroup A prepared bind group returned as a result of AsBindGroup::as_bind_group
. PrimitiveState Describes the state of primitive assembly and rasterization in a render pipeline. PushConstantRange A range of push constant memory to pass to a shader stage. RawBufferVec A structure for storing raw bytes that have already been properly formatted
for use by the GPU. RawComputePipelineDescriptor Describes a compute pipeline. RawFragmentState Describes the fragment processing in a render pipeline. RawRenderPipelineDescriptor Describes a render (graphics) pipeline. RawVertexBufferLayout Describes how the vertex buffer is interpreted. RawVertexState Describes the vertex processing in a render pipeline. RenderPassColorAttachment Describes a color attachment to a RenderPass
. RenderPassDepthStencilAttachment Describes a depth/stencil attachment to a RenderPass
. RenderPassDescriptor Describes the attachments of a render pass. RenderPipeline A RenderPipeline
represents a graphics pipeline and its stages (shaders), bindings and vertex buffers. RenderPipelineDescriptor Describes a render (graphics) pipeline. RenderPipelineId Sampler A Sampler defines how a pipeline will sample from a TextureView
They define image filters (including anisotropy) and address (wrapping) modes, among other things. SamplerDescriptor Describes a Sampler
. SamplerId Shader A shader, as defined by its ShaderSource
and ShaderStage
This is an “unprocessed” shader. It can contain preprocessor directives. ShaderId ShaderLoader ShaderModule Handle to a compiled shader module. ShaderModuleDescriptor Descriptor for use with Device::create_shader_module
. ShaderStages Describes the shader stages that a binding will be visible from. SpecializedComputePipelines SpecializedMeshPipelines SpecializedRenderPipelines StencilFaceState Describes stencil state in a render pipeline. StencilState State of the stencil operation (fixed-pipeline stage). StorageBuffer Stores data to be transferred to the GPU and made accessible to shaders as a storage buffer. SurfaceTexture Texture A GPU-accessible texture. TextureId TextureUsages Different ways that you can use a texture. TextureView Describes a Texture
with its associated metadata required by a pipeline or BindGroup
. TextureViewDescriptor Describes a TextureView
. TextureViewId UniformBuffer Stores data to be transferred to the GPU and made accessible to shaders as a uniform buffer. UninitBufferVec Like a BufferVec
, but only reserves space on the GPU for elements
instead of initializing them CPU-side. UnpreparedBindGroup a map containing OwnedBindingResource
s, keyed by the target binding index VertexAttribute Vertex inputs (attributes) to shaders. VertexBufferLayout Describes how the vertex buffer is interpreted. VertexState WgpuAdapterInfo Information about an adapter. WgpuFeatures Features that are not guaranteed to be supported. WgpuLimits Represents the sets of limits an adapter/device supports. AddressMode How edges should be handled in texture addressing. AsBindGroupError An error that occurs during AsBindGroup::as_bind_group
calls. AstcBlock ASTC block dimensions AstcChannel ASTC RGBA channel BindingResource Resource that can be bound to a pipeline. BindingType Specific type of a binding. BlendFactor Alpha blend factor. BlendOperation Alpha blend operation. BufferBindingType Specific type of a buffer binding. CachedPipelineState State of a cached pipeline inserted into a PipelineCache
. CompareFunction Comparison function used for depth and stencil operations. Face Face of a vertex. FilterMode Texel mixing mode when sampling between texels. FrontFace Vertex winding order which classifies the “front” face of a triangle. GpuArrayBuffer Stores an array of elements to be transferred to the GPU and made accessible to shaders as a read-only array. IndexFormat Format of indices used with pipeline. LoadOp Operation to perform to the output attachment at the start of a render pass. MapMode Type of buffer mapping. OwnedBindingResource An owned binding resource of any type (ex: a Buffer
, TextureView
, etc).
This is used by types like PreparedBindGroup
to hold a single list of all
render resources used by bindings. Pipeline A pipeline defining the data layout and shader logic for a specific GPU task. PipelineCacheError Type of error returned by a PipelineCache
when the creation of a GPU pipeline object failed. PipelineDescriptor A descriptor for a Pipeline
. PolygonMode Type of drawing mode for polygons PrimitiveTopology Primitive type the input mesh is composed of. SamplerBindingType Specific type of a sampler binding. ShaderDefVal ShaderImport ShaderLoaderError ShaderRef A reference to a shader asset. ShaderReflectError ShaderSource Source of a shader module. ShaderStage Stage of the programmable pipeline. Source SpecializedMeshPipelineError StencilOperation Operation to perform on the stencil value. StorageTextureAccess Specific type of a sample in a texture binding. StoreOp Operation to perform to the output attachment at the end of a render pass. TextureAspect Kind of data the texture holds. TextureDataOrder Order in which TextureData is laid out in memory. TextureDimension Dimensionality of a texture. TextureFormat Underlying texture data format. TextureSampleType Specific type of a sample in a texture binding. TextureViewDimension Dimensions of a particular texture view. VertexFormat Vertex Format for a VertexAttribute
(input). VertexStepMode Whether a vertex buffer is indexed by vertex or by instance. COPY_BUFFER_ALIGNMENT Buffer to buffer copy as well as buffer clear offsets and sizes must be aligned to this number. AsBindGroup Converts a value to a BindGroup
with a given BindGroupLayout
, which can then be used in Bevy shaders.
This trait can be derived (and generally should be). Read on for details and examples. AsBindGroupShaderType Converts a value to a ShaderType
for use in a bind group. GpuArrayBufferable Trait for types able to go in a GpuArrayBuffer
. IntoBindGroupLayoutEntryBuilder IntoBindGroupLayoutEntryBuilderArray IntoBinding IntoBindingArray IntoIndexedBindGroupLayoutEntryBuilderArray IntoIndexedBindingArray ShaderSize Trait implemented for all WGSL fixed-footprint types ShaderType Base trait for all WGSL host-shareable types SpecializedComputePipeline SpecializedMeshPipeline SpecializedRenderPipeline BufferAddress Integral type used for buffer offsets. BufferDescriptor Describes a Buffer
. BufferSize Integral type used for buffer slice sizes. CommandEncoderDescriptor Describes a CommandEncoder
. ImageCopyBuffer View of a buffer which can be used to copy to/from a texture. ImageCopyTexture View of a texture which can be used to copy to/from a buffer/texture. Maintain Passed to Device::poll
to control how and if it should block. TextureDescriptor Describes a Texture
. VertexLayoutCache AsBindGroup ShaderType